OMNI's Art Thread

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Damn! If I looked like that I'd probably be able to cut to the front of every line without a peep from anyone. :icon_lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
How long does it take you to draw and render a scene like the Iron Man one?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Ohhhh! I like! I like a lot!
:) hopefully i win this time 0.o

How long does it take you to draw and render a scene like the Iron Man one?

How long? hard to say ive never timed myself but ive been fiddling with the Iron man scene on and off all day today but roughly 4h (including rendertime tho 6h total)

so its a fair bit of work in these things :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
:) hopefully i win this time 0.o

How long? hard to say ive never timed myself but ive been fiddling with the Iron man scene on and off all day today but roughly 4h (including rendertime tho 6h total)

so its a fair bit of work in these things :)

So, it would be a lot of work putting together a few frames for a story, for example. :(


My avatar speaks for itself.
So, it would be a lot of work putting together a few frames for a story, for example. :(
indeed animating it would be the most time consuming however if i decided to do a comic book i could in a relativly decent amount of time given i have a clear story to follow..

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
indeed animating it would be the most time consuming however if i decided to do a comic book i could in a relativly decent amount of time given i have a clear story to follow..

A comic book is just what I was thinking when I first saw your Iron Man above.


Well Known GateFan
indeed animating it would be the most time consuming however if i decided to do a comic book i could in a relativly decent amount of time given i have a clear story to follow..

A friend of mine is working on his first comic book i.e. "graphic novel" right now. He's big into comics, even managed a comic book store for like 10 years. Now he's trying his hand at doing his own thing. It's pretty cool really as it's easier (in some respects) to get a comic published, or one can always self-publish.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
A friend of mine is working on his first comic book i.e. "graphic novel" right now. He's big into comics, even managed a comic book store for like 10 years. Now he's trying his hand at doing his own thing. It's pretty cool really as it's easier (in some respects) to get a comic published, or one can always self-publish.

The bigger problem of self-publishing is probably the distribution. Like any industry, it's almost a cartel.


Well Known GateFan
The bigger problem of self-publishing is probably the distribution. Like any industry, it's almost a cartel.

Yeah, there's a lot of legwork to get the local joints to sell your stuff and very little payoff unless, at some point, you can get someone to notice you who can get you a mass market gig.


My avatar speaks for itself.
A friend of mine is working on his first comic book i.e. "graphic novel" right now. He's big into comics, even managed a comic book store for like 10 years. Now he's trying his hand at doing his own thing. It's pretty cool really as it's easier (in some respects) to get a comic published, or one can always self-publish.

good for him :)

The bigger problem of self-publishing is probably the distribution. Like any industry, it's almost a cartel.

Yeah, there's a lot of legwork to get the local joints to sell your stuff and very little payoff unless, at some point, you can get someone to notice you who can get you a mass market gig.
Exposure exposure exposure.


My avatar speaks for itself.

My submission for the september RA on foundation3D​
ooy i had almost forgot about this one...
well currently (as of 5 minutes ago)this pic is in first place but as there is still some time left on the vote that may change still tho its nice to lead for a while ;)

also a worthy note is that the techniques i used to bring this image together is sort of what i would be doing if i manage to land the job ive applied for (one of em) ie a "photo technician" in a photo studio here in my town which im desperatly hoping to get... it involves using photoshop and indesign to tweak and play with images the photographers in the studio have shot.. its not 3D/CGI per say but its as close as ill get here in my hometown and id def be happy doing that for i donno the next 10 years :) (it dont pay bad at all either..) anyhoo keep your fingers crossed that i get it as i am keeping both my toes my finger my ears and my tounge crossed that i do..


My avatar speaks for itself.
ok so it seems like i eneded up in second place as even tho the poll for this comp hasnt ended yet the person running the contest has already announced the winner :WTF: i wont be entering anymore of those as its clear that it isnt being riun in a FAIR efficient way and hence its a rigged contest.


ok so it seems like i eneded up in second place as even tho the poll for this comp hasnt ended yet the person running the contest has already announced the winner :WTF: i wont be entering anymore of those as its clear that it isnt being riun in a FAIR efficient way and hence its a rigged contest.

That's just f***ing BS. How can anyone win before a contest is over?
Is that guy leading by a lot of points?


Well Known GateFan
ok so it seems like i eneded up in second place as even tho the poll for this comp hasnt ended yet the person running the contest has already announced the winner :WTF: i wont be entering anymore of those as its clear that it isnt being riun in a FAIR efficient way and hence its a rigged contest.

You should have slept with the judges. ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
That's just f***ing BS. How can anyone win before a contest is over?
Is that guy leading by a lot of points?
yep BS and i donno man people who have no F***ING clue as to what they are doing maybe?... :facepalm:
and nope just a vote or 2..

but F**k it i wont be entering in the future.