THE EXPANSE --it's premise, plot and socio-political implications

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Funny thing is I almost turned this show off when Julie Mao does that stupid so typical sjw girl scream at the start . Thankfully it was never repeated .
Best Sci-Fi show ever made and I am watching the series for the fourth time or is it the fifth lol . I never get tired of it

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Funny thing is I almost turned this show off when Julie Mao does that stupid so typical sjw girl scream at the start . Thankfully it was never repeated .
Best Sci-Fi show ever made and I am watching the series for the fourth time or is it the fifth lol . I never get tired of it

Would Social Justice Warriors be acceptable in polite company, if they were to collectively choose to express their anger in a manner different from screaming? I do not think so. Social Justice Warrior style of screaming is their least annoying characteristic.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

That was an awesome vid! I saw a sign in one of those scenes which had the phrase: Its Perfect on it. Even Star Trek was never perfect. Stargate was never perfect, and NuBSG was far from perfect. The claim that The Expanse is true. It really is perfect. There has been nothing like it ever aired on TV or seen on the big screen.


Well Known GateFan
So like I said before I am watching it for the fifth time or so and guess who I see in one of the scene's .
Season1:E8 25:40 mins

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