So how was your day?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Haven't you learned yet that America is all about "in your face"? How else do you conquer the world under the guise of benevolence? :)
of course i have ;) im just pissy about it wrecking my regular tv viewing scheduale, i alos have a hard time believing a majorti of swedes give a damn ten years later and to dedicate a whole day to stuff all of uss already know just screams ratings fiasco imo.


Well Known GateFan
I expect the heavy coverage here in America but I'm a bit surprised it's inundating Europe. Personally I don't care for the coverage each year, mostly because it was so horrific that I won't ever forget it and don't want to relive it. Being the 10 year anniversary they are really pumping it this year. It started 2 weeks ago if you can believe it. Not to be unpatriotic but this stuff is just too depressing to dwell on for so many days at a time.

Since it was a news story there is tons of free footage that these channels can cobble together to make shows, so I doubt it's being done out of sympathy but rather as a means to generate profits. As for airing this stuff in Europe though, well, I don't know what their motivation is. Sure it's noteworthy but does a person in say Holland *cough cough* really want to watch wall to wall coverage of 9/11 ?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
of course i have ;) im just pissy about it wrecking my regular tv viewing scheduale, i alos have a hard time believing a majorti of swedes give a damn ten years later and to dedicate a whole day to stuff all of uss already know just screams ratings fiasco imo.

I've noticed that, even around here, most people are sympathetic to the event but they don't seem to obsess over it. It happened, it was a tragedy, but they're hardly sitting at home watching a 24 hr marathon about it and the only time anyone even mentions the event is when September rolls around. The media makes a much bigger deal out of it than people do.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I expect the heavy coverage here in America but I'm a bit surprised it's inundating Europe. Personally I don't care for the coverage each year, mostly because it was so horrific that I won't ever forget it and don't want to relive it. Being the 10 year anniversary they are really pumping it this year. It started 2 weeks ago if you can believe it. Not to be unpatriotic but this stuff is just too depressing to dwell on for so many days at a time.

Since it was a news story there is tons of free footage that these channels can cobble together to make shows, so I doubt it's being done out of sympathy but rather as a means to generate profits. As for airing this stuff in Europe though, well, I don't know what their motivation is. Sure it's noteworthy but does a person in say Holland *cough cough* really want to watch wall to wall coverage of 9/11 ?

bolded i agree completly with!

and yes it aint being done out of sympathy it is indeed being done for ratings and profit so they can milk it for every penny its worth and im having a hard time wrapping my head around a full day/week long fature/discussion about it in swe and europe in general... also they are just reusing old footage and re interviewing people we read/watched interviews with before... i dont get why they are tyong to milk this aniversery so heavily...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I expect the heavy coverage here in America but I'm a bit surprised it's inundating Europe. Personally I don't care for the coverage each year, mostly because it was so horrific that I won't ever forget it and don't want to relive it. Being the 10 year anniversary they are really pumping it this year. It started 2 weeks ago if you can believe it. Not to be unpatriotic but this stuff is just too depressing to dwell on for so many days at a time.

Since it was a news story there is tons of free footage that these channels can cobble together to make shows, so I doubt it's being done out of sympathy but rather as a means to generate profits. As for airing this stuff in Europe though, well, I don't know what their motivation is. Sure it's noteworthy but does a person in say Holland *cough cough* really want to watch wall to wall coverage of 9/11 ?

That's one of the big problems here. If you complain about not wanting to relive that tragedy every year with endless discussions and marathon TV specials, you're deemed unpatriotic. America has an obsession with fear mongering and to keep reliving tragedies and never quite letting go. It's not healthy.


The media whores will do anything to get ratings. It is a travesty to the people that died and their families to have to go through this every year. I would not want it if my loved one had been in it. Let them mourn in peace and move the frak on.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I've noticed that, even around here, most people are sympathetic to the event but they don't seem to obsess over it. It happened, it was a tragedy, but they're hardly sitting at home watching a 24 hr marathon about it and the only time anyone even mentions the event is when September rolls around. The media makes a much bigger deal out of it than people do.
too true in regards to EVERYTHING!
bird flu swine flu etc etc anything to scare people and overhype it..


My avatar speaks for itself.
That's one of the big problems here. If you complain about not wanting to relive that tragedy every year with endless discussions and marathon TV specials, you're deemed unpatriotic. America has an obsession with fear mongering and to keep reliving tragedies and never quite letting go. It's not healthy.
oh we have a similar problem here in regards to imigration ie if you coplain about it and the failed intigration of all these imigrants flooding into our country you are imediatly deemed a RACIST and a NAZI and as such you end up ridiculed hated and not listened to EVEN tho you raise valid points that people should be concerned about... :facepalm:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The media whores will do anything to get ratings. It is a travesty to the people that died and their families to have to go through this every year. I would not want it if my loved one had been in it. Let them mourn in peace and move the frak on.



Well Known GateFan
People fear some rare things because media reinforcement but don't fear things that they have a greater chance of. lol, we fear potential kidnapping more than car accidents even though the chances of a car accident is far more likely. Or some other stupid little thing that happens to a minute group of individuals.



Well Known GateFan
You don't mean Stephen King's Insomnia do you? Horrible book. King at his absolute "hack-est".

There are many meaning to that particular post Shaved, untangle them all.................. :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
oh we have a similar problem here in regards to imigration ie if you coplain about it and the failed intigration of all these imigrants flooding into our country you are imediatly deemed a RACIST and a NAZI and as such you end up ridiculed hated and not listened to EVEN tho you raise valid points that people should be concerned about... :facepalm:

Sometimes, I wonder if such reactions are truly sincere or if they're only beating up on complainers just because it seems to be the socially acceptable thing to do.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Sometimes, I wonder if such reactions are truly sincere or if they're only beating up on complainers just because it seems to be the socially acceptable thing to do.
that would get my vote.. tyranny of the retarded majority you know..


True dat but we lead the pack. Haven't heard? America is always #1 no matter what the category.

This is all true, but I still love my country and all the men and women that serve in it. Both the Military and the Firefighters/Police. ;)