So how was your day?


Council Member & Author
Idiotboy finally arrived at about 6:45pm my time.

He put the packages down in front of the door and proceeded to walk away. Nevermind that there was in the nieghborhood of 400 dollars worth of stuff sitting out there on the ground.



Council Member & Author
Ironic, isn't it, as he didn't leave a package yesterday for my daughter (it was in the pile he left in front of the door today).

So yesterday, he needed to either hand it to a real person or get a signature, so he left a note saying he would reattempt delivery today.

Then, today comes around, and those criteria no longer apply.

It must be opposite day today, and someone neglected to tell me.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Anyway good night good denizens of Gatefans i am off to hit the sac as 18h is just a little to long to be awake and me brain is all mushy and i cant think straight...


Anyway good night good denizens of Gatefans i am off to hit the sac as 18h is just a little to long to be awake and me brain is all mushy and i cant think straight...

So do I see it correctly that you came out of bed at about 9PM last night?


Sinister Swede
dude TRUST me the swedish ones are just as bad if not worse... just a bunch of crappy dramas and the never ending crime dramas and terrible attmpts at comedy often with a romantic angle :facepalm:

Well to be fair, Snabba Cash and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (and its sequels) are pretty good movies. Also, Göta Kanal is a classic. I'm talking 'bout the original, not the sequel. Granted it's extremely cheesy, but that's the reason why it's so enjoyable. It has that "so bad it's good" quality. :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
Well to be fair, Snabba Cash and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (and its sequels) are pretty good movies. Also, Göta Kanal is a classic. I'm talking 'bout the original, not the sequel. Granted it's extremely cheesy, but that's the reason why it's so enjoyable. It has that "so bad it's good" quality. :D

i dont like snabba cash or dragon tattoo but i am partial to göta kanal (the original) as i loved it as a kid :) ("nu har dom skitit i det blå skåpet")
and i do admit that some swedish movies are watchable but the majority is beck style crime movies and änglagård styel dramas :facepalm:


oh trust me yu have some catching up to do ;)
i woke up around 9pm today so i pushed it an hour :P so in a week or so ill be back to "normal" waking hours again :)

Normal waking hours being 4AM?