So how was your day?


The Belle of the Ball
Canada has an army? Haha, kidding. Weird, wonder why they switched.

Glad your daughter's safe Rac.

thanks mzzz. I agree tropi...the young royals have made monarchy cool again. :)


Well Known GateFan
haha, I always the royals were symbols of unification because people can't unite under something on their own, have to be duped into it through superficialities. They seem like good people, doing a lot of charity work using their fame. Not Diana but a step in the right direction.


Council Member
Next on the agenda, I hope the Royal Canadian Air Force will revert back its rank titles to that of the traditional British/Commonwealth one. Currently they use the Army one i.e. the USAF ranking system. It might work for the USAF but the Commonwealth way is more classier IMO.


Well Known GateFan
you are just a "Imperial capitalist" aren't you tropi old son :P
We need music when you log in, this works I think:


Council Member
Ha ha! :D I love it - For our Emperor... I mean Queen! The Commonwealth Military Force, we can take over the world (again). MWUAHAHAHAHAHA! :P


Well Known GateFan
Next on the agenda, I hope the Royal Canadian Air Force will revert back its rank titles to that of the traditional British/Commonwealth one. Currently they use the Army one i.e. the USAF ranking system. It might work for the USAF but the Commonwealth way is more classier IMO.

and then what? Powdered wigs and redcoats? :D


Sinister Swede


The Belle of the Ball
Well I'm out of here...going to spend part of my birthday (the 24th anniversary of my 25th birthday for the nosy!) in bookstores. Borders is closing...:( going to see what deals I can find! :P Have a great day everyone! :D:D


Council Member
and then what? Powdered wigs and redcoats? :D
That could work. ;)

Well I'm out of here...going to spend part of my birthday (the 24th anniversary of my 25th birthday for the nosy!) in bookstores. Borders is closing...:( going to see what deals I can find! :P Have a great day everyone! :D:D
Have fun B'Day girl! :D

Regarding Borders, is just the Borders in your area that is closing, or nationwide?


That could work. ;)

Have fun B'Day girl! :D

Regarding Borders, is just the Borders in your area that is closing, or nationwide?

They are closing here too. I love on the east coast. I think that the Kindle and Barnes and Noble's Nook, killed them.


Well it would be a shame if it's nationwide, both Borders and Barnes & Nobles are cool bookstores IMO.

I agree, I liked Borders a bit better. At least the one near me had a more beatniky type of vibe to it.
People would be sprawled all over the back area just hanging out and reading books.
The coffee shop would be filled with more. Barnes and Noble is more just a store. :(


It is a loss indeed. I did not just go there to buy some books, you went there and hung out. Browsed the books, drank some decaf, read some was like a mini adventure.


The Belle of the Ball
yep, they couldn't compete with the Nook or Kindle it seems. I have visited two in the past few weeks...snookie was happy she found a stargate atlantis book she had been looking for cheap, and i stared at tons of cookbooks...I have too many as it is though :P. I did find a "treasure" though - An asimov short story collection called Azezal...about a small demon in a guy's pocket. :P looks to be funny!


Sinister Swede
Today I went down to Sundsvall, which is a medium sized city an hour from where I live, and I finally got my old cell phone sold (I bought a Blackberry Torch while I was in the States). Then I went to the big shopping centre Birsta City, right next to IKEA (boo! hiss!), and a fun thing happened when a couple who was walking by, noticed that I had a Mariners jersey on. Turns out that they were expats from Friday Harbor (which I actually visited!) who had moved to Sundsvall a few years ago, so then we went on to have a nice conversation about why they moved, what they thought about Sweden, etc.
Heh. It's a small world.