So how was your day?


The Belle of the Ball
Today is a very sad day. Today they get rid of my Dad's home. The place where all his hopes and dreams were, where he was the happiest and where I will always remember him being. :(

It's always hard when that happens. i cried so hard when Mom sold the family home after Dad died. You have my sympathy.


Well Known GateFan
Today is a very sad day. Today they get rid of my Dad's home. The place where all his hopes and dreams were, where he was the happiest and where I will always remember him being. :(

who are "they" and why are "they" "getting rid of" it?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Today is a very sad day. Today they get rid of my Dad's home. The place where all his hopes and dreams were, where he was the happiest and where I will always remember him being. :(

*HUG* Remember that your memories can NEVER be taken away from you.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Today is a very sad day. Today they get rid of my Dad's home. The place where all his hopes and dreams were, where he was the happiest and where I will always remember him being. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. I second the virtual hugs.

Is it being torn down or sold? If the first you at least can see it from the outside.


Thanks to all for your thoughts and hugs.

It is a rental.
I hired the "they" from Got Junk" to clean out everything that could not be found a home. Which is sad to me itself.
As soon as they give me the go ahead I will call the landlord and tell him he can let his new tenant move in next week.

I don't ever want to see it again after today.


Sinister Swede
Fireworks on stage!
Seems like you've gotten over your drinking too. :)
Congratulations by the way. ;)

Well, yeah I had already gotten over it on saturday and was back onto drinking some more later that day, since it was my other brother's birthday.
I would pass on the congratulations, but I feel that I would get lots of weird looks when I say: "Oh by the way, this guy online who I'm friends with even though I don't know his real name or who he is in real life, passes on his congratulations." :P

Though here's some pictures from the wedding. The happy couple had made some kind of deal with some tourist/lifesyle blog/newsite, so all of these photos are online already.

Skärmavbild 2011-06-28 kl. 21.09.49.png
The bride, with the groom in the background.

Skärmavbild 2011-06-28 kl. 21.10.05.png
The groom, bride, and bestman.

Skärmavbild 2011-06-28 kl. 21.10.30.png
The bride being walked down the aisle by her father

Skärmavbild 2011-06-28 kl. 21.10.47.png
The bride and groom happliy married, just as the party is about to start.

Today I did nothing major, just went to work and then I came home to relax. I did make a new sig which took a total of 13 minutes (10 minutes looking for a decent Scrubs screencap featuring Dr. Cox, and 3 minutes actually making the damn thing!), but otherwise I've done nothing productive this evening.


Still stuck at the office.
Note to self, do not stay away for more than two days straight unliess I bring enough work home, I feel like I will never get out of here.

Good thing no rewatches today. :icon_e_wink: I would never make it in time.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, yeah I had already gotten over it on saturday and was back onto drinking some more later that day, since it was my other brother's birthday.
I would pass on the congratulations, but I feel that I would get lots of weird looks when I say: "Oh by the way, this guy online who I'm friends with even though I don't know his real name or who he is in real life, passes on his congratulations." :P

Though here's some pictures from the wedding. The happy couple had made some kind of deal with some tourist/lifesyle blog/newsite, so all of these photos are online already.

View attachment 4624
The bride, with the groom in the background.

View attachment 4625
The groom, bride, and bestman.

View attachment 4626
The bride being walked down the aisle by her father

View attachment 4627
The bride and groom happliy married, just as the party is about to start.

Today I did nothing major, just went to work and then I came home to relax. I did make a new sig which took a total of 13 minutes (10 minutes looking for a decent Scrubs screencap featuring Dr. Cox, and 3 minutes actually making the damn thing!), but otherwise I've done nothing productive this evening.

Awww....the bride is BEAMING with happiness. :) You can see that "love glow" on the bride and groom. CONGRATULATIONS, YOUNG COUPLE!


GateFans Noob
Let's not bring "The Beeb" into this please. :D

As for dealing with foul-mouthed teenage brats I have to say I miss the days where you could crack someone in the mouth for talkin' smack and it wouldn't be considered "assault". We baby our young "adults" far too much and because of that their social development is retarded (in the truest definition of the word "retarded", not as the slang definition). There was a time where youth was taught social manners, one way or the other. Now we protect them from the consequences of what comes out of their mouths. This is bad for everyone.

You can't smack um because the braces cost a fortune.


Well, yeah I had already gotten over it on saturday and was back onto drinking some more later that day, since it was my other brother's birthday.
I would pass on the congratulations, but I feel that I would get lots of weird looks when I say: "Oh by the way, this guy online who I'm friends with even though I don't know his real name or who he is in real life, passes on his congratulations." :P

The look on their face would be worth it. :) You can tell them the Overmind sends his regards as well. :D

Though here's some pictures from the wedding. The happy couple had made some kind of deal with some tourist/lifesyle blog/newsite, so all of these photos are online already.

View attachment 4624
The bride, with the groom in the background.

The groom looks very sharp in this picture.

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
32 °C (90°F) and a beautiful sunny day. Summer has finally returned to otherwise rainy Central Europe... :joy:


32 °C (90°F) and a beautiful sunny day. Summer has finally returned to otherwise rainy Central Europe... :joy:

Rainy central Europe???
I don't think we've had a year this dry so far in a long time.
Sure there were a few rainstorms but those were very much needed for all the thirsty plants.
Anyway. Fine day here too.
Didn't go to bed last night.
Stayed up and watched some movies.
Then went to the gym in the early afternoon.
First a little swimming, then rowing and walking.
After that I felt I deserved a little sunbathing.
Went home, fiddled a little with the laptop and dvdplayer and made dinner.
Life is good. :)


The Belle of the Ball
Rainy central Europe???
I don't think we've had a year this dry so far in a long time.
Sure there were a few rainstorms but those were very much needed for all the thirsty plants.
Anyway. Fine day here too.
Didn't go to bed last night.
Stayed up and watched some movies.
Then went to the gym in the early afternoon.
First a little swimming, then rowing and walking.
After that I felt I deserved a little sunbathing.
Went home, fiddled a little with the laptop and dvdplayer and made dinner.
Life is good. :)

so no job to attend?

I nearly drove off the road today when i heard Casey anthony got away with killing her baby! we need IQ tests for jurors! :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so no job to attend?

I nearly drove off the road today when i heard Casey anthony got away with killing her baby! we need IQ tests for jurors! :P

Ill bet his name is Riley!


Council Member
The main story here in the UK is the phone hacking cases by the News of the World tabloid newspaper, victims usually were celebs, politicians and sportsmen. Even though everybody here knows that phone hacking is illegal but instead, News of the World journalists hired private investigators to access voicemails of their victims, the latest victim - Milly Dowler who was murdered, had her voicemail hacked, it's claimed potential evidence was deleted just to make room to intercept more voicemails and gave rise to the illusion/hope that she was still alive as voicemails were being deleted on her phone at the time; but in actual fact she was dead and the 2 girls that were murdered in the case known as, "Soham Murders", where their families' phones were hacked, then also that 7/7 families' phones were hacked too - the chief editor of the newspaper at the time Rebekah Brooks, who now is Chief Ex of UK Ops for Rupert Murdoch's Empire was the one who logic-would-dictate sanctioned for these hacks (as it's something that would be discussed between the editor, the journalist and the private investigator) and yet, giving an award winning performance stating how "It's inconceivable [she] knew of Milly Dowler phone hacking."

So there is supposedly an anti-Murdoch demo outside Westminster today at 1PM and an active Twitter campaign to encourage advertisers to pull out of NOWT, and that seems to be doing very well atm with likes of Ford, npower, Halifax, T-Mobile and Orange pulling out. Targeting NOWT where it hurts, their wallets.


The Belle of the Ball
If i seem crankier than usual I now have a summer cold! coughing up nasty stuff and can't talk (laryngitis!) and we are supposed to have record heat this week! :ori:


Well Known GateFan
If i seem crankier than usual I now have a summer cold! coughing up nasty stuff and can't talk (laryngitis!) and we are supposed to have record heat this week! :ori:

Vitamin D.