So how was your day?


Council Member
It's been raining here all day long, but it sounds relaxing as the water ran into the drainage system and birds chirping away like crazy. Thank god, it isn't winter here yet or else I would be a bit moody - I have a habit of suffering winter blues also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) in winter. but anyway, decided to do some sig making. After much trial and error to capture summer spirit, free love and careless but fun youth, I came up with this. I kinda like it, it's different. :)


Reminds me of Santa Monica Pier.


The Belle of the Ball
It's been raining here all day long, but it sounds relaxing as the water ran into the drainage system and birds chirping away like crazy. Thank god, it isn't winter here yet or else I would be a bit moody - I have a habit of suffering winter blues also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) in winter. but anyway, decided to do some sig making. After much trial and error to capture summer spirit, free love and careless but fun youth, I came up with this. I kinda like it, it's different. :) Reminds me of Santa Monica Pier.

I have the same problem...I cried the entire first winter we lived in Indiana...92 days of sunshine a year...we had moved from utah which has around 275+ :P we built our home with plenty of windows and the back has a southern exposure so we get more sun than our dark little apts did.

Not sure how much I'll be here over the next few days- I have contracted a nasty stomach bug...not fun at all! I am seeing waaaay too much of my master bath these days. :P


Council Member
I have the same problem...I cried the entire first winter we lived in Indiana...92 days of sunshine a year...we had moved from utah which has around 275+ :P we built our home with plenty of windows and the back has a southern exposure so we get more sun than our dark little apts did.

Not sure how much I'll be here over the next few days- I have contracted a nasty stomach bug...not fun at all! I am seeing waaaay too much of my master bath these days. :P
Our Cali friends here have no idea how good they have it over there, lol.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's been raining here all day long, but it sounds relaxing as the water ran into the drainage system and birds chirping away like crazy. Thank god, it isn't winter here yet or else I would be a bit moody - I have a habit of suffering winter blues also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) in winter. but anyway, decided to do some sig making. After much trial and error to capture summer spirit, free love and careless but fun youth, I came up with this. I kinda like it, it's different. :)


Reminds me of Santa Monica Pier.

I like it! I suppose the tagline has a secret meaning....:icon_e_wink:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Our Cali friends here have no idea how good they have it over there, lol.

Well, its sunny and beautiful today here in Cali today. :)


Council Member
Well, its sunny and beautiful today here in Cali today. :)
Well, you're lucky. When I was living in LA, I only witness 5 minutes of rain once - it was awesome. I recall asking an ex-colleague if LA ever got monsoons or earthquakes or thunderstorms, she just looked at me and laughed. I took that as a no.

Here sadly, 85% of the year, it's always grey and raining. I imagine that's what Seattle is like.


Council Member
They get earthquakes, don't they? Well maybe tremors.
Well since then yeah, LA got minute tremors in the last couple of years. It's all leading up to the big one in San Francisco I say! But when I was living there, it was pretty much unheard of (I think) and I never got to experience one, would have been fun.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well since then yeah, LA got minute tremors in the last couple of years. It's all leading up to the big one in San Francisco I say! But when I was living there, it was pretty much unheard of (I think) and I never got to experience one, would have been fun.

In 50 years, I have only experienced two serious quakes which caused major damage and killed people. But the occasional tremors do happen often. Californian natives (this includes people who have been here for more than 15-20 years) just ignore them for the most part. But hurricanes? Tornadoes? Nope...we have had them both in California history, but not in my lifetime. However, we do occasionally see waterspouts over the ocean, they never come onshore as tornadoes.


Council Member
Well I never got to experience any of that, just plain ol' sun, sand and Cali culture - vanity (which I enjoyed), Whole Foods (interesting store), sunsets over "The Hills", gorgeous men (I still remember you, British Airways Captain), cheap shopping (from my perspective), the Cuisine, the celebrities, it's so nice. :D

Right now, I could do with lying on a Cali Beach, looking at hunky guys strolling along, or flexing their muscles or playing basketball... *sigh*

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well I never got to experience any of that, just plain ol' sun, sand and Cali culture - vanity (which I enjoyed), Whole Foods (interesting store), sunsets over "The Hills", gorgeous men (I still remember you, British Airways Captain), cheap shopping (from my perspective), the Cuisine, the celebrities, it's so nice. :D

Right now, I could do with lying on a Cali Beach, looking at hunky guys strolling along, or flexing their muscles or playing basketball... *sigh*

There are also gorgeous women, bikinis, all-girl vollyball games (bouncy bouncy :)), and cops that dont hassle people "just because".


Council Member
Your cops are a good looking bunch, sure they had a rep of being a bit brutal shall we say but, they are strapping and charming, got to speak to a couple of them up close, one for out of curiosity and the other for my ex trying to ram his car into some guy's car; thankfully, I was merely a witness to my ex's delusion and the cop was very handsome and understanding.

Do they routinely rip their shirts since they're packing alot in a shirt a size too small?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Your cops are a good looking bunch, sure they had a rep of being a bit brutal shall we say but, they are strapping and charming, got to speak to a couple of them up close, one for out of curiosity and the other for my ex trying to ram his car into some guy's car; thankfully, I was merely a witness to my ex's delusion and the cop was very handsome and understanding.

Do they routinely rip their shirts since they're packing alot in a shirt a size too small?

LOL! I guess you are right about lots of that. LA cops seem to be chosen partly because of their looks. They all look like magazine models :) And now they get to drive those spiffy new Charger police cruisers with the LED lightbar on least my local police:


Some of those guys on the police department look like they should be in the movies instead of in police cars. :)


Compiling lots of financials to give to a Bank that next week they will pretty much decide whether to call in a main loan and close the doors....sigh.

Outside playing with Dogs extra playful today and very happy to give doggie 'kisses" (licks)
Little Man, my favorite Kitty that usually never wants to cuddle anymore has been sitting with me for hours.
It is like they just know.

Hours of picking up fur, molting season, brushing and running them back and forth to vet appts and taking care of all their needs is totally worth it when it comes to days like these.

God, I love animals.


Council Member
Compiling lots of financials to give to a Bank that next week they will pretty much decide whether to call in a main loan and close the doors....sigh.

Outside playing with Dogs extra playful today and very happy to give doggie 'kisses" (licks)
Little Man, my favorite Kitty that usually never wants to cuddle anymore has been sitting with me for hours.
It is like they just know.

Hours of picking up fur, molting season, brushing and running them back and forth to vet appts and taking care of all their needs is totally worth it when it comes to days like these.

God, I love animals.
Good luck, fingers crossed u will get it!


Good luck, fingers crossed u will get it!

Thanks, but it is not a matter of getting it, it is a mater of them deciding whether or not to give me a chance to to try to compete against Goliath. I have a large loan that will be paid off in November, I have to convince them to wait till them.


Sinister Swede
24 hr party where the sun never sets (til winter of course). That sounds cool.

24 hour partying is fun up there for a while but then you just get sick of the perpetual sunlight. Like Omni said, it really does get mentally challenging and towards the end you probably won't know if the time is six in the morning or six in the evening.

Thankfully, I live further south so I don't have to deal with the midnight sun on a regular basis, though it doesn't exactly get dark here either. Not darker than this anyway.