So how was your day?



Just woke up.
Feeling a little better today.
Hope this trend will keep up. :)


Well Known GateFan
Today is the day of Rapture and so does this mean that I won't have the Jehova Witnesses knocking at my door every frigggin week !!! Will Tammy Fay and Jimmy be off the news and airwaves ? Will there be no more all night preachers on Tv ! Will traffic be less aggravating . Will gas be cheaper due to less drivers .
Will the world finally stop fighting ?


Well Known GateFan
Just woke up.
Feeling a little better today.
Hope this trend will keep up. :)

I can get down in the dumps so quickly also Stones ! Tough sometimes to cheer me up . But then I think of that lovely diddy from The Life Of Brian . ( Always Look On The Bright Side ) and I start to smile :)


I can get down in the dumps so quickly also Stones ! Tough sometimes to cheer me up . But then I think of that lovely diddy from The Life Of Brian . ( Always Look On The Bright Side ) and I start to smile :)

I'm not depressed I'm just a little sick. ;)
Life of Brian rules though!


Today is the day of Rapture and so does this mean that I won't have the Jehova Witnesses knocking at my door every frigggin week !!! Will Tammy Fay and Jimmy be off the news and airwaves ? Will there be no more all night preachers on Tv ! Will traffic be less aggravating . Will gas be cheaper due to less drivers .
Will the world finally stop fighting ?

My Mother, although not a Jehova one of those people. I can't wait for this day to be over. I am very concerned for her.


My Mother, although not a Jehova one of those people. I can't wait for this day to be over. I am very concerned for her.

It'll all turn out right, I'm sure.
Looks like today you're gonna write your 2000st post which would make you a 4 star general if you hadn't altered your description. :)


It'll all turn out right, I'm sure.
Looks like today you're gonna write your 2000st post which would make you a 4 star general if you hadn't altered your description. :)

Yes, ironcially. It is a beautiful day out this morning.

LOL. Your right, I'm such a little jabber jaw. :biggrin:


The Belle of the Ball
If you refrigerate the onions prior to chopping them (get them good and cold) that will help to reduce the tear inducing smell a great deal.

It wasn't the smell it was the literal juices from the onions...and I rinsed them well first! :( allergy season isn't fun at all! :P

as to meats....I biuy mine at quality and best prices...well except for the "game" meats.....I have friends who hunt and they keep my freezer happy with some venison and wild turkey! :D


It wasn't the smell it was the literal juices from the onions...and I rinsed them well first! :( allergy season isn't fun at all! :P

as to meats....I biuy mine at quality and best prices...well except for the "game" meats.....I have friends who hunt and they keep my freezer happy with some venison and wild turkey! :D

How's your sister doing? It is past 600pm in Isreal. When do they think it is supposed to be? I can't see how it is US time, since we did not exist back then. My mother is dead quiet.


The Belle of the Ball
How's your sister doing? It is past 600pm in Isreal. When do they think it is supposed to be? I can't see how it is US time, since we did not exist back then. My mother is dead quiet.

She hasn't spoken to me in a week because I laughed at her...oh yeah and quoted the bible...No man knows the hour...Matt. 24:36. i am such a heretic to use the bible against her :facepalm: but then again it has always driven her nuts that I (being LDS) actually can quote the bible! :rolleyes: keep a close eye on your mom, my nieces have promised not to leave their mom alone today...this smacks too much of Jonestown to me! :(


She hasn't spoken to me in a week because I laughed at her...oh yeah and quoted the bible...No man knows the hour...Matt. 24:36. i am such a heretic to use the bible against her :facepalm: but then again it has always driven her nuts that I (being LDS) actually can quote the bible! :rolleyes: keep a close eye on your mom, my nieces have promised not to leave their mom alone today...this smacks too much of Jonestown to me! :(

She's safe with Me. I have tried to take her to Church, but she refused to go.


Council Member
Well rapture didn't occur -- the world didn't end.

Harold Camping predicted that judgement day occurs at 21 May 2011 @ 18:00 local time; sweeping to occur at every country on the planet, across the 24 time zones at exactly 18:00. And oh look, it's 18:11 here at GMT+1. My bit of the world is still here. Harold Camping and his followers owe us all a beer.

So to double check, looking out the window -

No big Satan looking down at me
No big God either
No fireballs
No asteroids/meteoroids
No flooding
No earthquakes
No skeletons coming up from the ground
No demonic creatures of the dead crawling about
No fiery red sky
No blast wave
No nuclear explosion

All clear here! :tealc_new049:


I'm wondering if there've already been any reports on mass suicides but I was afraid that subject might be too touchy.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well rapture didn't occur -- the world didn't end.

Harold Camping predicted that judgement day occurs at 21 May 2011 @ 18:00 local time; sweeping to occur at every country on the planet, across the 24 time zones at exactly 18:00. And oh look, it's 18:11 here at GMT+1. My bit of the world is still here. Harold Camping and his followers owe us all a beer.

That's because you're all sinners. Only the pure get raptured. I guess South Florida will also be status quo come tomorrow.


Objects may be closer than they appear
6 o'clock and all's well

Well, here on the US east coast 6 PM came and went without incident.

Maybe this rapture thing is only going to hit the left coast. :facepalm:


You say that in jest, I assume. It's hardly something that required any sort of debunking. :icon_lol:

Yes and No, in my house. Just glad it is done. She is now saying, "It's just all in God's hands." and seems quite content to be here with me. So, yeah it was a bunch of bunk, but No it needed to be debunked for my Mom.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I was hoping to get a little light show or something. What a rip off! :P