So how was your day?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Thats pretty piss poor I gotta say :(

That's what happens when 3/4 of your government is made up of senior citizens set in "their" ways.


Well Known GateFan
That's what happens when 3/4 of your government is made up of senior citizens set in "their" ways.
Methinks you need a shotgun and a conveniant barn then.
However, have changes *always* been instituted by lawsuits, or is it more "recent" development? (recent as in last 25 years)


Council Member & Author
Product liability law only came about in the last sixty or so years. Before that, product manufacturers and distributors just about literally got away with murder.

For example:

Pajamas used to catch fire very easily and it wasn't until several children were seriously injured or killed before the law was changed to require that children's pajamas be flame retardant.


The Belle of the Ball
Free sister to anyone who needs one!

anyone want a sister? I have one I am giving away! She's sixty and an expert whiner. She has three adult kids, four grandchildren and a lazy husband. She is guaranteed to make your life miserable any chance she gets. She is free to a bad home. any takers? how about you ape? :icon_e_wink:


Well Known GateFan
Thanks for the offer but I'm full-up on whiny relatives at the moment (in laws, not blood relatives thank God!).


So many people don't even know that they can sue when something like this happens. They just roll over and take it (I'm not saying that about your mother, GB, I'm talking about others). The only way change happens is when you put your foot down and have a Howard Beale moment.

Yes,especially for the bullshit standard operating procedures. These are greed driven patient killers.


Council Member & Author
Yes,especially for the bullshit standard operating procedures. These are greed driven patient killers.
You have to be VERY careful when signing hospital admission paperwork. It's now S.O.P for them to put in language (in the very fine print) that limits or even eliminates your ability to sue should they screw something up.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You have to be VERY careful when signing hospital admission paperwork. It's now S.O.P for them to put in language (in the very fine print) that limits or even eliminates your ability to sue should they screw something up.

Does that really protect them from malpractice? I've seen judges throw out no-liability clauses in corporate contracts where serious damage was caused by neglect.


The Belle of the Ball
Does that really protect them from malpractice? I've seen judges throw out no-liability clauses in corporate contracts where serious damage was caused by neglect.

a lot depends on the liablilty laws in each state. (ok that was one thing that really REALLY pissed me off about Obmamacare- no tort reform- damn trial lawyers!) Indiana has had serious tort reform- you have to PROVE neglience or incompetence (by preponderance of the evidence- civil trial standards) to get a payout over a certain amount ( @$250 K for losing a limb) - then the doctor, nurse, facility can also get hit with criminal charges. No one is going to get a million dollars because your appendectomy scar is too big! :McKayrolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
Can someone explain the whole "idea" of obamacare to me?
Just the idea, not the nuts and bolts.


Objects may be closer than they appear


Council Member & Author
a lot depends on the liablilty laws in each state. (ok that was one thing that really REALLY pissed me off about Obmamacare- no tort reform- damn trial lawyers!) Indiana has had serious tort reform- you have to PROVE neglience or incompetence (by preponderance of the evidence- civil trial standards) to get a payout over a certain amount ( @$250 K for losing a limb) - then the doctor, nurse, facility can also get hit with criminal charges. No one is going to get a million dollars because your appendectomy scar is too big! :McKayrolleyes:
Pookie, those "damn trial lawyers" are what made it so that companies are responsible for the damage their faulty products cause innocent consumers.

I hope you never have a situation where you have to file a personal injury injury or wrongful death case. I really hope you never do.

I'm the very proud daughter of a Trial Lawyer. He was part of the series of events that led pharmaceutical companies being responsible for shoddy production values that resulted in people being personally disabled by something that was given as something to "help" them.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The page count on this law when it was a bill does not really count in that it was not written in usual legal form, triple space and over size font added to the page count.

What? Are you saying you have a problem with the way I write? Hmmmmmmmmmm??


Thats a little too simple :lol:
What happens to hospitals for example.

It's called Socialized medicine while Insurance company's are still the main source not government for payment to Hospitals and doctors. The part most people abject to is the individual mandate (every one must buy Insurance).

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's called Socialized medicine while Insurance company's are still the main source not government for payment to Hospitals and doctors. The part most people abject to is the individual mandate (every one must buy Insurance).

Isn't insurance required by law in Massachusetts right now?


Well Known GateFan
It's called Socialized medicine while Insurance company's are still the main source not government for payment to Hospitals and doctors. The part most people abject to is the individual mandate (every one must buy Insurance).

We have that here for anyone over the age of 30, but I don't think our premiums are as high as whay you folks seem to pay. private insurance for the 5 of us is around 180 a month IIRC.