So how was your day?



Isn't insurance required by law in Massachusetts right now?

That's what the national plan is based off of Romneycare.

We have that here for anyone over the age of 30, but I don't think our premiums are as high as whay you folks seem to pay. private insurance for the 5 of us is around 180 a month IIRC.

Here add a zero to the end and that may be close. 1,800 a month or more depending the area in which you live.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
We have that here for anyone over the age of 30, but I don't think our premiums are as high as whay you folks seem to pay. private insurance for the 5 of us is around 180 a month IIRC.

Your healthcare is partially subsidized by the government, isn't it?

In Canada, it's free to all permanent residents.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Obamacare is the first step to decouple health care and employment. The eventual goal is to get to a single payer system.


Your healthcare is partially subsidized by the government, isn't it?

In Canada, it's free to all permanent residents.

Only medicare (part of social security after retirement or disability) medicaid (for the poor) are partially subsidized, all the rest are on their own to buy insurance or forgo it if you can't afford insurance.


Well Known GateFan
Your healthcare is partially subsidized by the government, isn't it?
Yup, we don't pay for things like emergency rooms or childbirth or stuff like that. Some doctors still "bulk bill" as well, so seeing your local GP can be free as well.

In Canada, it's free to all permanent residents.
I don't think we have the population to sustain a totally free system without jacking up taxation even more unfortunately.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yup, we don't pay for things like emergency rooms or childbirth or stuff like that. Some doctors still "bulk bill" as well, so seeing your local GP can be free as well.

I don't think we have the population to sustain a totally free system without jacking up taxation even more unfortunately.

Neither does Canada. 37 million people last I checked and the top tier tax bracket in some provinces hits close to 52%. But healthcare is NOT where most of the money gets wasted. That actually ends up in stupid projects, bloated budgets and corruption.


Well Known GateFan


Objects may be closer than they appear


The Belle of the Ball
I think the actual law is 2,000 pages or so but that sums it up nicely. :beckett_new049:

don't forget those taxes that are in it- the tanning bed tax (a tax on whites! cause only whites use tanning beds) excise tax on charity hospitals, tax on INNOVATOR drug companies, tax increase on "black liquor" biofuel, the tax on medical equipment manufacturers, and the tax on new homes being purchased- how many of these will cause an end to innovation or do not involve "healthcare"? waaay too many-- there was a lot of pork in thsoe 2000 pages-- and of course federal and congressional employees (and elected/appointed officals) are exempted from Obamacare! :sneakiness:

Pookie, those "damn trial lawyers" are what made it so that companies are responsible for the damage their faulty products cause innocent consumers.

I hope you never have a situation where you have to file a personal injury injury or wrongful death case. I really hope you never do.

I'm the very proud daughter of a Trial Lawyer. He was part of the series of events that led pharmaceutical companies being responsible for shoddy production values that resulted in people being personally disabled by something that was given as something to "help" them.

I'm a law student you know! :teyla_wave:I have problems with the frivolous lawsuits that are driven by the desire for trial lawyers to do "class action suits" know the kind hun, where each of the 200 victims get $3 and the lawyers pocket millions? think of former Senator John Edwards...those were the types of lawsuits he loooved before he joined the senate. Not saying lawyers don't have their places, but you must admit the country is awash in frivolous lawsuits!

That's what the national plan is based off of Romneycare.

Here add a zero to the end and that may be close. 1,800 a month or more depending the area in which you live.

the Biggest difference with Romneycare and Obamacare is about 1925 pages! Romneycare was only 75 pages-- no pork! and well the diference between states rights and federal over-reach!
Insurance is much less for us- around 60/month for the family.

Obamacare is the first step to decouple health care and employment. The eventual goal is to get to a single payer system.

the eventual goal is for the federal gov't to take over 1/7th of the us economy! and do it worse and with waaaay more corruption (look at medicare/medicaid fraud levels) than the private sector!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
[...] Insurance is much less for us- around 60/month for the family. [...]

See, this is where I have an issue with the anti-fed sentiment regarding healthcare. Why can't the $60/month health insurance be made available to everyone across the US? Each state isn't an independent, sovereign territory yet many have these anti-fed sentiments when it comes to sharing the good stuff. It's ok for Massachusetts to make health insurance mandatory and for Indiana to make health insurance easily accessible, so, why the demonizing of the fed healthcare plan?


Well Known GateFan
See, this is where I have an issue with the anti-fed sentiment regarding healthcare. Why can't the $60/month health insurance be made available to everyone across the US? Each state isn't an independent, sovereign territory yet many have these anti-fed sentiments when it comes to sharing the good stuff. It's ok for Massachusetts to make health insurance mandatory and for Indiana to make health insurance easily accessible, so, why the demonizing of the fed healthcare plan?

It smells of socialism?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
[/B]It smells of socialism?

You're right. In that case, they should be consistent. Down with all forms of taxation! Taxation is socialism because it is used to fund social programs and social resources!


Objects may be closer than they appear
You're right. In that case, they should be consistent. Down with all forms of taxation! Taxation is socialism because it is used to fund social programs and social resources!

Don't be so negative bro - if I had all of my tax money back I could hire my own cop, fireman, and paramedic.

Peace and rainbows be with you of course.



Well Known GateFan
It's crazy really, well at least to my POV I should say.


Objects may be closer than they appear

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Don't be so negative bro - if I had all of my tax money back I could hire my own cop, fireman, and paramedic.

Peace and rainbows be with you of course.


You're so right. My bad.

Let's all say hi to the Tax Fairy, boys and girls! :)


He brings us all those goodies that adults love, like tax audits, to make sure mommies and daddies pay their fair share to support the poor senior citizens who are currently serving in Congress and the Senate with things like free healthcare and tax-free living expense allowances! :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The US mindset sometimes actually dude.

It's not just your POV, it's fact. Most Americans are too easily brainwashed by politicians. This clip from Family Guy is much closer to reality than you'd think:



Well Known GateFan
It's not just your POV, it's fact. Most Americans are too easily brainwashed by politicians. This clip from Family Guy is much closer to reality than you'd think:


Actually, no, it isn't.
Thats pretty much what I think unfortunately, and it sucks because *most* of the people I meet online from the US are far FAR smarter than that, yet the overall perception remains. I probably wouldn't be bothered if it were Canada, or New Zealand or Here, but the thought of so much power being in the hands of the US quite frankly worries me sometimes :S