So how was your day?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Actually, no, it isn't.
Thats pretty much what I think unfortunately, and it sucks because *most* of the people I meet online from the US are far FAR smarter than that, yet the overall perception remains. I probably wouldn't be bothered if it were Canada, or New Zealand or Here, but the thought of so much power being in the hands of the US quite frankly worries me sometimes :S

Dude, "most" of the people you meat online are not from a fairly diverse and evenly distributed demographic nor are they representative of the average majority. It couldn't even be considered a fair polling. Maybe you've met, what, few hundred people online? 1000 people? 2000 maybe? The US has 312m people. If you watch some of the local rallies, you'll hear politicians talking out the side of their mouths and people will cheer on. I have heard politicians blurt out complete nonsense and people will cheer. Once they get a crowd going they can pretty much say anything at that point.

This is a country where, if a good number of students don't do well within the educational standards, the state will fix the problem by lowering the standards or redefining what qualifies as a passing grade or take up some other stupid measure instead of updating the curriculum or replacing bad teachers:


The Belle of the Ball
NOT a big government fan at all!

See, this is where I have an issue with the anti-fed sentiment regarding healthcare. Why can't the $60/month health insurance be made available to everyone across the US? Each state isn't an independent, sovereign territory yet many have these anti-fed sentiments when it comes to sharing the good stuff. It's ok for Massachusetts to make health insurance mandatory and for Indiana to make health insurance easily accessible, so, why the demonizing of the fed healthcare plan?

because sweetie there is NOTHING the federal gov't does better than private industry -- one the feds get their hands on something it get so friggen screwed up. My insurance is low because hubby works for a LARGE company that gives excellent bennies. ;) although it has gone up three times in the past three years-- our deductable has more than doubled in that time as well! :(

[/B]It smells of socialism?

see above-- there is NOTHING the feds do better - private schools are better than public ones, our private roads (known locally as toll roads) are better maintained (well outside of Indiana-- our governor wisely did NOT allow the fees for leasing our toll road to go into the general budget - limited it only to road construction/repair...Indiana has some great road now. :) ), most things that are run by private entities are simply run better, more efficnetly , and with less corruption than the federal govt would. can you tell i am a small government person?

Dude, "most" of the people you meat online are not from a fairly diverse and evenly distributed demographic nor are they representative of the average majority. It couldn't even be considered a fair polling. Maybe you've met, what, few hundred people online? 1000 people? 2000 maybe? The US has 312m people. If you watch some of the local rallies, you'll hear politicians talking out the side of their mouths and people will cheer on. I have heard politicians blurt out complete nonsense and people will cheer. Once they get a crowd going they can pretty much say anything at that point.

This is a country where, if a good number of students don't do well within the educational standards, the state will fix the problem by lowering the standards or redefining what qualifies as a passing grade or take up some other stupid measure instead of updating the curriculum or replacing bad teachers:

I agree with Bluce about the education system in the states...with so much federal input it has only gotten worse and worse. (and I haven't even begun to start on the teacher's unions!)

as to the rallies-- you know bluce at some rallies some of the audience is getting PAID to gin up enthusiasm. Many other types of protestors are getting paid as well-- remember the occupy protestors.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
because sweetie thee is NOTHING the federal gov't does better than private industry -- one the feds get their hands on something it get so friggen screwed up. My insurance is low because hubby works for a LARGE company that gives excellent bennies. ;) although it has gone up three times in the past three years-- our deductable has more than doubled in that time as well! :(

see above-- there is NOTHING the feds do better - private schools are better than public ones, our private roads (known locally as toll roads) are better maintained (well outside of Indiana-- our governor wisely did NOT allow the fees for leasing our toll road to go into the general budget - limited it only to road construction/repair...Indiana has some great road now. :) ), most things that are run by private entities are simply run better, more efficnetly , and with less corruption than the federal govt would. can you tell i am a small government person?

I agree with Bluce abgout the education system in the states...with so much federal input it has only gotten worse and worse. (and I haven't even begun to start on the teacher's unions!)

as to the rallies-- you know bluce at some rallies some of the audience is getting PAID to gin up enthusiasm. Many other types of protestors are getting paid as well-- remember the occupy protestors.

I know and what does that tell you about the average intelligence when the rest just follow along clapping and cheering without knowing what the heck they're cheering about? :D


The Belle of the Ball
I know and what does that tell you about the average intelligence when the rest just follow along clapping and cheering without knowing what the heck they're cheering about? :D

It's like passing a law BEFORE you read it!! it's called "groupthink" and it's very dangerous to innovation AND common sense!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's like passing a law BEFORE you read it!! it's called "groupthink" and it's very dangerous to innovation AND common sense!

So is the American patent system, which allows patents on software algorithms and "business methods", creating patent whores and stifling innovation, but that's a topic for another day. :D


Objects may be closer than they appear
If we can all comment about our government in a POSITIVE light it would be much appreciated by the membership. Thank you...



The Belle of the Ball

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
If we can all comment about our government in a POSITIVE light it would be much appreciated by the membership. Thank you...


Yes, my good man. You are most correct and I thank you for pointing us back onto the right path!

Smiles all around!!



the Biggest difference with Romneycare and Obamacare is about 1925 pages! Romneycare was only 75 pages-- no pork! and well the diference between states rights and federal over-reach!
Insurance is much less for us- around 60/month for the family.

Is that 60 a month through an employer of the strait cost of the plan? Employer provided health coverage is optional in America, and is used as a perk to entice employees to their company. I pay 200 a month for employer sponsored insurance with the total cost of the plan 1,500, with the company paying the balance.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Is that 60 a month through an employer of the strait cost of the plan? Employer provided health coverage is optional in America, and is used as a perk to entice employees to their company. I pay 200 a month for employer sponsored insurance with the total cost of the plan 1,500, with the company paying the balance.

$1500 a month?


The Belle of the Ball
Overall, ours is about 2 rac's employer is very generous...he has great retirement and bonus/stock options.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Overall, ours is about 2 rac's employer is very generous...he has great retirement and bonus/stock options.

You may argue that you don't want government being in the health insurance business directly because you don't have confidence in them doing anything right but you can't say that some regulation of these ridiculous runaway premiums isn't necessary.


The Belle of the Ball
open up the markets and the insurance premiums will regulate themselves...allow insurance companies to work accross state lines, do some tort reform (aobut 1/3 of premiums pay for extra tests that doctors do to cover their butts), etc...there are many FREE MARKET solutions. The less gov't interfearence the better. (yeah i know my spelling sucks today-- so sue me!)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
open up the markets and the insurance premiums will regulate themselves...allow insurance companies to work accross state lines, do some tort reform (aobut 1/3 of premiums pay for extra tests that doctors do to cover their butts), etc...there are many FREE MARKET solutions. The less gov't interfearence the better. (yeah i know my spelling sucks today-- so sue me!)

Yeah, great idea. Just like the oil companies and the banks.

Insurance companies have been running free and unsupervised forever and look what we got from them "regulating themselves". We have coverage denial for pre-existing conditions, procedures and surgeries require pre-approval for coverage that can take forever, no real set standard in law to outline what is a deniable claim and, the latest & greatest gem, your credit rating affects your premium, which several states have stepped in and made illegal.

Here's how they regulated themselves. One insurance company had the brilliant idea to start evaluating premiums based on your credit rating. All other insurance companies followed. Nice, huh?

Some markets need regulatory oversight. Using your credit report as a factor in your insurance premium is a good example.


The Belle of the Ball
hey bluce- are you in Debby's path?

I didn't say no regulation-- but they need to allow things like insurance companies selling accross state lines and tort reform.


Well Known GateFan
you may have companies doing that if the states didn't seem so obsessed with having the "freedom" to Frack everything up :wink:


Objects may be closer than they appear
Debby does the gulf coast? :confused:



The Belle of the Ball
tropical storm debby...might be a hurricane if she grows a bit!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
hey bluce- are you in Debby's path?

I didn't say no regulation-- but they need to allow things like insurance companies selling accross state lines and tort reform.

Sorry, missed that. I don't disagree with that but I thought most health insurance companies were nation-wide.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
hey bluce- are you in Debby's path?

I didn't say no regulation-- but they need to allow things like insurance companies selling accross state lines and tort reform.

tropical storm debby...might be a hurricane if she grows a bit!

No, I'm up north for a month or so. My girlfriend is back home in FL, though. :( She said there's rain but no warnings or advisories.