So how was your day?


Council Member & Author
How was my day? It started out okay, and then I was texted and told that my mother's little sister was just about to have her leg amputated.

My aunt is nearly 80 years old, so this is going to be extra hard for her.

If you pray, meditate or whatever, please think good thought about her having a fast and uneventful recovery.


Well Known GateFan
Good thoughts her way Illiterati. :eagerness:


Well Known GateFan
Thanks, Ape. I'm feeling a bit disembodied tonight. It's just weird to think about something like this happening.

Unfortunately I've seen this kind of thing several times with elderly relatives and people I've worked with so I'm familiar with it. It sucks, no doubt about it. Hopefully she will be able to adjust and have some quality of life. Keep thinking positive thoughts.


I mwert a very nice guy today. his name was NIKO and worked as bartander. my brothers an three othersss hung oot wit him fir a whjile..... a s you m<y notice, i had a few toooo myna mythos.......or mojito.....or rum & coke.....or vodka red bulls.......

I fee you amde a swiend. :)


The Belle of the Ball
How was my day? It started out okay, and then I was texted and told that my mother's little sister was just about to have her leg amputated.

My aunt is nearly 80 years old, so this is going to be extra hard for her.

If you pray, meditate or whatever, please think good thought about her having a fast and uneventful recovery.

well you and yours are in my prayers. virtual hugs for you (((:tennis:))) and I hope you are able to find a good rehab facility for her.


Council Member & Author
well you and yours are in my prayers. virtual hugs for you (((:tennis:))) and I hope you are able to find a good rehab facility for her.
Thanks to Rac and everyone else who offered thoughts, prayers, dances, whatever in (im)moral support of my aunt. It means a lot to me.

She apparently handled the surgery well and is on the road to recovery. The recovery center she wlll be going to is only about 13 miles from her home, so she'll have her immediate family there to make sure that she is cared for properly. (One of the issues that led to yesterday's amputation seems to be that the facility she was formerly staying at did not properly care for a wound that was on the leg and it became septic.)

I'm feeling better today. Yesterday, I was pretty much in a daze.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Thanks to Rac and everyone else who offered thoughts, prayers, dances, whatever in (im)moral support of my aunt. It means a lot to me.

She apparently handled the surgery well and is on the road to recovery. The recovery center she wlll be going to is only about 13 miles from her home, so she'll have her immediate family there to make sure that she is cared for properly. (One of the issues that led to yesterday's amputation seems to be that the facility she was formerly staying at did not properly care for a wound that was on the leg and it became septic.)

I'm feeling better today. Yesterday, I was pretty much in a daze.

Great to hear! :)

Will they be fitting her with a prosthesis?

I know this is probably not at the top of anyone's mind at the moment but will the family pursue the facility for not providing proper and adequate care? I don't see this kind of thing as compensatory as much as punitive and preventive.


Council Member & Author
Great to hear! :)

Will they be fitting her with a prosthesis?

I know this is probably not at the top of anyone's mind at the moment but will the family pursue the facility for not providing proper and adequate care? I don't see this kind of thing as compensatory as much as punitive and preventive.
They have already handed her a titanium leg to get to know and love.

I would hope they file suit, if not for her, then for the other people who have alrady and might in future suffer from their lack of attention to proper care. I'm really hoping they don't blow it off, as she cannot be the only person who's been so grievously screwed over like this.

She's down a leg. As she is not a flamingo, this is not a satisfactory state of affairs.



What ship is this?
Staff member
Hi Illiterati!

I just read the thread (sorry for not seeing it sooner - I was in my own version of a fugue). I am happy that the surgery seems to have been a success and have prayed for a complete recovery. I assume that there is a malpractice suit in the offing here?


Council Member & Author
Hi Illiterati!

I just read the thread (sorry for not seeing it sooner - I was in my own version of a fugue). I am happy that the surgery seems to have been a success and have prayed for a complete recovery. I assume that there is a malpractice suit in the offing here?
I will certainly be hoping so.


My Mom should have owned half of Christiana Hopsital. Their SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) killed my Dad. Pure and Simple they allowed him to stand up at 300am to get him up and moving to get his ass out of their bed quicker, but when he procedeed to bleed out of his aorta at 300am, they had no cardiac surgical team on site. 2 hours later he made it in for his first of 3 more operations to try to fix the unfixable damage. He was gone in 2 days.

Mom refused to sue. She wanted to just "move on". Now not only did she lose her chance, she had him cremated with no autopsy, but he died in vain. The Hospitals greed driven SOP stand to this day. Somebody else will surely lose their loved ones as well.

I never never never trust hopitals or most doctors, fool me once............I could be dead. No way around that. I urge you to get her not to make my Mom's mistake. Now, all she has is a huge big fat hospital bill from them to thank them for killing her husband.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
My Mom should have owned half of Christiana Hopsital. Their SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) killed my Dad. Pure and Simple they allowed him to stand up at 300am to get him up and moving to get his ass out of their bed quicker, but when he procedeed to bleed out of his aorta at 300am, they had no cardiac surgical team on site. 2 hours later he made it in for his first of 3 more operations to try to fix the unfixable damage. He was gone in 2 days.

Mom refused to sue. She wanted to just "move on". Now not only did she lose her chance, she had him cremated with no autopsy, but he died in vain. The Hospitals greed driven SOP stand to this day. Somebody else will surely lose their loved ones as well.

I never never never trust hopitals or most doctors, fool me once............I could be dead. No way around that. I urge you to get her not to make my Mom's mistake. Now, all she has is a huge big fat hospital bill from them to thank them for killing her husband.

I will frame that statement because what your family went through was preposterous and your mom is a saint for letting it go. They've got some f**king balls to hand her a bill after their f**kup. Sorry, but this story burns me with unspeakable rage from the inside every time I hear it. You deserve a BIG HUG.


Council Member & Author
I will frame that statement because what your family went through was preposterous and your mom is a saint for letting it go. They've got some f**king balls to hand her a bill after their f**kup. Sorry, but this story burns me with unspeakable rage from the inside every time I hear it. You deserve a BIG HUG.
So many people don't even know that they can sue when something like this happens. They just roll over and take it (I'm not saying that about your mother, GB, I'm talking about others). The only way change happens is when you put your foot down and have a Howard Beale moment.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
So many people don't even know that they can sue when something like this happens. They just roll over and take it (I'm not saying that about your mother, GB, I'm talking about others). The only way change happens is when you put your foot down and have a Howard Beale moment.

Well said. Not all law suits are frivolous or for personal gain. Some actually do prompt change.


Well Known GateFan

Does change like this ever occour *without* lawsuits in the US?