So how was your day?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
+50 and just getting a prostate exam? this is why you need a wife...hubby has been getting them since his late 30's - I just tell the doctor's office it is time for him to have one when the appointment is made. (usually by me over the phone.:P) as to the shrinking- osteoporosis? or just slouching? stand tall marine! :D

Good luck with jury duty-- may you get an interesting case if you get picked. I understand forgetting a parking ticket! As for my day: I got a speeding ticket yesterday for doing 60 in a 40! in my own defense, they recently lowered the speed on that road from 50 to 40! :P my lead foot is going to cost me this time! :P:P

You need a faster car! :icon_razz: Your hubby must LIKE those exams! I gotta tell you, I do NOT like them at all. I am unaccustomed to having anything in "there". Not suppositories, not a finger, NOTHING. So, to have a female doctor stick her finger in there and also move it around was very uncomfortable and I do not look forward to the next. Unfortunately, all of this stuff is required for my health insurance, so I cant get out of it. :(

Jury duty...(groan). What if I get a murder trial, and it goes for two years! California pays $15.00/day for jury duty. At my normal wage, I would make that in 12 minutes!


The Belle of the Ball
You need a faster car! :icon_razz: Your hubby must LIKE those exams! I gotta tell you, I do NOT like them at all. I am unaccustomed to having anything in "there". Not suppositories, not a finger, NOTHING. So, to have a female doctor stick her finger in there and also move it around was very uncomfortable and I do not look forward to the next. Unfortunately, all of this stuff is required for my health insurance, so I cant get out of it. :(

Jury duty...(groan). What if I get a murder trial, and it goes for two years! California pays $15.00/day for jury duty. At my normal wage, I would make that in 12 minutes!

nope, but if I have to have a pap smear and mamogram annually, he must be uncomfortable too! :P I still don't know why there isn't a better way to check for breast cancer other than having a boob squeezed FLAT...I always bruise. :(

look upon jury duty as your civic duty...what we are willing to do to have a civilized society. that's how I view it and voting. As for working the elections- doesn't pay nearly enough for the aggravation, irritation and morons one must deal with. :P


The Belle of the Ball


Sinister Swede
I am currently well into the second day of acting as camera guy for a local LAN Party, and I gotta say that my nostrils are really starting to notice the effects of ≈200 people staying in an enclosed and warm space for several days.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I am currently well into the second day of acting as camera guy for a local LAN Party, and I gotta say that my nostrils are really starting to notice the effects of ≈200 people staying in an enclosed and warm space for several days.

:icon_e_confused: I can imagine the smell....ewww


Well Known GateFan
I am currently well into the second day of acting as camera guy for a local LAN Party, and I gotta say that my nostrils are really starting to notice the effects of ≈200 people staying in an enclosed and warm space for several days.

Ahhh the acrid stench and funk of sweaty males who don't know what a shower is and think deoderant is for wimps...............
Takes me back to my convention days :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ahhh the acrid stench and funk of sweaty males who don't know what a shower is and think deoderant is for wimps...............
Takes me back to my convention days :P

Takes me back to USMC days. We would have two weeks with no real showers. If lucky, we would get a shower truck where we could all shower right there in the open air. But most of the time, we would be so grubby and smelly that flies were attracted. :icon_e_confused:


Ahhh the acrid stench and funk of sweaty males who don't know what a shower is and think deoderant is for wimps...............
Takes me back to my convention days :P

I bet you're just drooling over this. A room full of guys that are exactly your type. :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I bet you're just drooling over this. A room full of guys that are exactly your type. :D

Hoooo keeeeee. :) Anyhoo, we are getting warm days here in California. Today is very hot, and I already have a tan line across my neck from my tshirt :icon_e_surprised:. Lots of traffic and construction in the streets. Sign of a recovering economy, or sign of a city spending Federal funds so they dont lose them?:D


Well Known GateFan
At least I have a type Stoneless, with you gender isn't a question, hell, life is optional for you :D

Good thing he doesn't mind the smell. ;)


Sinister Swede
Ahhh the acrid stench and funk of sweaty males who don't know what a shower is and think deoderant is for wimps...............
Takes me back to my convention days :P

Actually there were a surprising number of females there. I mean not a lot, but probably 10-20% of the attendees. And most of them were pretty damn hot as well. Ah, attractive female gamers. Be still my beating heart. :D

But now it's all over (at least for me). I've arrived home at around 4AM Swedish time, and by the time I've awoken several hours later today, it'll all be done. It's kind of sad really, because this LAN Party (called K-LAN) was started about 10 years or so ago, by my brothers and some of their closest friends. I wasn't involved from the very beginning of course, but during the past few times I've helped out where I could. But now after so much time, my brothers and another guy are the only ones from the main team still living in town and it's just to much work for them to arrange it, so they simply decided to make this years' party the last one they're gonna arrange. So there's certainly a very bittersweet quality to it all. But I see no better way to send the whole thing off but with a classic from 2009.

Considering that my brother is the winner, his girlfriend might have some cause for concern...

Also, as I arrived home I came across this lovely view from the frontyard. The pictures really doesn't do the view much justice, but I still thought I might as well share it with you guys.
DSC_0016 copy.jpg


Sinister Swede
So just in a few minutes I'll leave for Arlanda Quality Hotel where I'll stay for the night until the plane leaves in the morning. That's right, by this time tomorrow I'll be laying by the pool at the Hotel in Greece. But thankfully I'll be going to one of the smaller islands, and not to Athens where there's all those riots and protests going on (especially considering there's an election this weekend). But still, I have to be careful not to get too drunk, or I might end up being elected to parliament. ;)


So just in a few minutes I'll leave for Arlanda Quality Hotel where I'll stay for the night until the plane leaves in the morning. That's right, by this time tomorrow I'll be laying by the pool at the Hotel in Greece. But thankfully I'll be going to one of the smaller islands, and not to Athens where there's all those riots and protests going on (especially considering there's an election this weekend). But still, I have to be careful not to get too drunk, or I might end up being elected to parliament. ;)

Dear lord! You're spending your hard earned cash in Greece?!?!?!?! As if they haven't received enough of our monies yet. "Boycot Greece" is what I say!


Sinister Swede
Dear lord! You're spending your hard earned cash in Greece?!?!?!?! As if they haven't received enough of our monies yet. "Boycot Greece" is what I say!

Nah, not my hard earned cash, more like my dads. He's paying for the trip since the whole family is going down there to celebrate my mom's birthday. Also, I'd rather support Greece where everything's pretty cheap, rather than going to some place like France and pay a fortune for the same mediocre service (only the French (and Italians) speak waaay less English).


Well Known GateFan
So just in a few minutes I'll leave for Arlanda Quality Hotel where I'll stay for the night until the plane leaves in the morning. That's right, by this time tomorrow I'll be laying by the pool at the Hotel in Greece. But thankfully I'll be going to one of the smaller islands, and not to Athens where there's all those riots and protests going on (especially considering there's an election this weekend). But still, I have to be careful not to get too drunk, or I might end up being elected to parliament. ;)

You have my vote! :chuncky:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Dear lord! You're spending your hard earned cash in Greece?!?!?!?! As if they haven't received enough of our monies yet. "Boycot Greece" is what I say!
couldnt agree more F**k em!!
they are obviously inept and retarded and cannot handle their economy or pay their taxes yet they want loans from us but they bitch and mone when we make some demands in return so they wont f**k up their economy again? naw seriously F**K you greece!!

oh yeah F**k italy and spain to... corrupt inept mofo's