So how was your day?


The Belle of the Ball
It's typical that when someone hasn't got an intelligent response they name call.. how very liberal! ;)

anywaaaay....yes GB, modern gang warfare is also another evidence of tribal behaviors. some cultural anthropologists and sociologists think the world is reverting back to "tribes" instead of nations.


My avatar speaks for itself.
It's typical that when someone hasn't got an intelligent response they name call.. how very liberal! ;)

anywaaaay....yes GB, modern gang warfare is also another evidence of tribal behaviors. some cultural anthropologists and sociologists think the world is reverting back to "tribes" instead of nations.


Well Known GateFan
wow some one has brain washed you a whoooole lot havnt they... anyway... yeah CHRISTIANITY SCHMISIANITY same crap diffrent names...

'brainwashed' about what precisely? i would say she has her numbers and instances pretty 'spot on'. Stalin and Mao and other butchers were overlooked for so long-they were our 'allies' against fascism so we backed them-or at least turned a blind eye to their blood-baths. It is the 'hard core, neo-liberal' who must re-look at history and attempt to re-write or dilute it, without these modern era "heroes' (stalin, mao,guevarra) this movement has no feet.

Rac, I may not be your 'brand' of conservative but I do believe in historical accuracy and maintaining the truth no matter the political or social costs.
Yeah Rac! :thoranime12:


Let us not forget Hitler either, he murdered the Jews in the name of Religion. He was in reality just an insane man with way too much power on his hands. To make a nation believe that all but them had a right to exist is insanity. Read over the responses from this site I found. You will see person after person does not believe it was actually about Religion. It was about a Political opportunity for a mad man.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
[...]Allow me to point out the old USSR which killed countless millions christians, jews, latvians, gypsies, chechens, etc... all in the name of the state. (under stalin alone the estimate of deaths of such groups is between 8 million and 61 million- no exact count...unlike Hitler, he didn't keep score!) Then we have Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Hitler, Mussolini, ...shall I go on?? And who that witnessed it will ever forget the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Persecution of others because they don't beleive what you do (even politically) is very common.

Bolded: yes and no. Stalin's systematic genocide was an example of forced removal of religion. Stalin adopted Lenin's position on religion in that it needed to be removed in order to construct an ideal communist society. Stalin was an atheist.

Hitler's legacy includes the Holocaust, the one thing for which he will be most forever know.

It seems when someone "beleives" deeply enough in something, it can have the force of a "religious" belief and cause people to commit many acts that are not considered civilized. On the wholemankind is very tribal and doesn't need to cover it in the mantle of "religion" to terrorize and persecute others!

Political persecution is an unfortunate fact of life.

A few examples of religiously motivated atrocities:

- The Crusades.

- The Inquisition.

- Witch Hunts.

- Roman persecution of Christians.

- Islamic Jihads

- Budhist Burma up to the 1850s were still practicing human sacrifice. An incident that stuck out happened when they moved the capital. 56 pure men were buried beneath it to protect the city. When they later found two burial spots empty, they decreed that 500 men, women and children had to be killed or they would have to abandon the city.

When you look at all religions objectively, it's difficult not to scratch your head and say, "wtf?"

Scientology was "created" in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a sci-fi/fantasy writer. The origin of that religion can be traced right to the source in modern history. How did it suck in so many people? How can anyone believe that some character named Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in a ship 75 million years ago? And from a fiction author some 60 years ago??

I have Mormon friends who laugh at Scientologists. Ok, fine. So I asked, "What makes your religion any better than theirs?". Mormonism was "invented" by a self-proclaimed prophet named Joseph Smith in 1830 who claims to have seen Christ appear in front of him while he was on an acid trip in the woods soul searching about which religion he should join. He was instructed by Christ not to join any church then, later, an "angel" pointed him to some trees where a holy book written on golden plates was to be found. And, thus, he founded the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Muslim religion was "invented" by starving, dehydrated, sun-stroked man marooned in the desert so long that was eventually visited and given "revelations" that he transcribed into the book of Islam. Somehow, though, this religion incorporated some strange things like the right to beat and/or stone your wife, cutting heads off non-believers, etc.

Then there are religions that copy from older religions almost verbatim except for time, dates, names and main characters. Take Egyptian and Christian mythologies of the son of God:

Isis -> Mary - both virgin mothers giving birth to the son of God
Horus -> Jesus - son of Osiris/God, both born December 25th to their respective mothers
Osiris -> God

Religions all have their pros and cons, I suppose. But when looking at all of them objectively, dissecting their origins, it almost reads like a collection of fictional Gothic works.

Gangs are a great example of what Shaved was saying. They kill over territory and their concepts of honor and tradition. No religion involved. I believe that emotions make that drive worse....many kill over love too. Add poverty to the mix and things have always gotten ugly.

Gangs and gangsters are a criminal enterprise. Apples and oranges.


I completed a mid-term exam today for a database course I'm taking. Pretty relieved that I managed to complete it with a favourable result. :)

So how was your day?


Bolded: yes and no. Stalin's systematic genocide was an example of forced removal of religion. Stalin adopted Lenin's position on religion in that it needed to be removed in order to construct an ideal communist society. Stalin was an atheist.

Hitler's legacy includes the Holocaust, the one thing for which he will be most forever know.

Political persecution is an unfortunate fact of life.

A few examples of religiously motivated atrocities:

- The Crusades.

- The Inquisition.

- Witch Hunts.

- Roman persecution of Christians.

- Islamic Jihads

- Budhist Burma up to the 1850s were still practicing human sacrifice. An incident that stuck out happened when they moved the capital. 56 pure men were buried beneath it to protect the city. When they later found two burial spots empty, they decreed that 500 men, women and children had to be killed or they would have to abandon the city.

When you look at all religions objectively, it's difficult not to scratch your head and say, "wtf?"

Scientology was "created" in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a sci-fi/fantasy writer. The origin of that religion can be traced right to the source in modern history. How did it suck in so many people? How can anyone believe that some character named Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in a ship 75 million years ago? And from a fiction author some 60 years ago??

I have Mormon friends who laugh at Scientologists. Ok, fine. So I asked, "What makes your religion any better than theirs?". Mormonism was "invented" by a self-proclaimed prophet named Joseph Smith in 1830 who claims to have seen Christ appear in front of him while he was on an acid trip in the woods soul searching about which religion he should join. He was instructed by Christ not to join any church then, later, an "angel" pointed him to some trees where a holy book written on golden plates was to be found. And, thus, he founded the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Muslim religion was "invented" by starving, dehydrated, sun-stroked man marooned in the desert so long that was eventually visited and given "revelations" that he transcribed into the book of Islam. Somehow, though, this religion incorporated some strange things like the right to beat and/or stone your wife, cutting heads off non-believers, etc.

Then there are religions that copy from older religions almost verbatim except for time, dates, names and main characters. Take Egyptian and Christian mythologies of the son of God:

Isis -> Mary - both virgin mothers giving birth to the son of God
Horus -> Jesus - son of Osiris/God, both born December 25th to their respective mothers
Osiris -> God

Religions all have their pros and cons, I suppose. But when looking at all of them objectively, dissecting their origins, it almost reads like a collection of fictional Gothic works.

Gangs and gangsters are a criminal enterprise. Apples and oranges.

Not when you are talking about what is driving man to kill one anohter. My point is that if you look at the examples above that you made, there was always an ulterior motive behind it. The little people might have believed it was just about religion but somewhere somebody on high was profiting from it. Just as the gang leaders and head mobsters do.

If a caveman kills his neighbor because he wants his wheel, it is strictly criminal. Murder.

If that same caveman convinces a bunch of the other neighbors to kill that neighbor for him by citing religion, when in fact he still just wanted the wheel. The end result is the same. However, a double travesty was done because it was done under the cloak of religion. Religious War.


I completed a mid-term exam today for a database course I'm taking. Pretty relieved that I managed to complete it with a favourable result. :)

So how was your day?

Good Job Stone. :thoranime12:

I had to reprimand the same problem employee again. :facepalm:


Scientology was "created" in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a sci-fi/fantasy writer. The origin of that religion can be traced right to the source in modern history. How did it suck in so many people? How can anyone believe that some character named Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in a ship 75 million years ago? And from a fiction author some 60 years ago??

There's a South Park episode about this. :) Season 9, episode 12 "Trapped in the Closet". You guys should watch it. :D

I have Mormon friends who laugh at Scientologists. Ok, fine. So I asked, "What makes your religion any better than theirs?". Mormonism was "invented" by a self-proclaimed prophet named Joseph Smith in 1830 who claims to have seen Christ appear in front of him while he was on an acid trip in the woods soul searching about which religion he should join. He was instructed by Christ not to join any church then, later, an "angel" pointed him to some trees where a holy book written on golden plates was to be found. And, thus, he founded the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Yet another topic of a great South Park episode. :D Watch season 7, episode 12 "All About Mormons". :)

It's amazing how insightful and full of culture that show really is. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Let us not forget Hitler either, he murdered the Jews in the name of Religion. He was in reality just an insane man with way too much power on his hands. To make a nation believe that all but them had a right to exist is insanity. Read over the responses from this site I found. You will see person after person does not believe it was actually about Religion. It was about a Political opportunity for a mad man.

Not entirely. Religious motivations were mixed in with other ones. Hitler took advantage of the country's widespread hatred towards Jews to gain power. Hitler's case is more complex than just straight antisemitism. The guy was a monster of immense proportions.


Not entirely. Religious motivations were mixed in with other ones. Hitler took advantage of the country's widespread hatred towards Jews to gain power. Hitler's case is more complex than just straight antisemitism. The guy was a monster of immense proportions.

I agree that was what he intended. Again, some of the little people that were doing the actual killing believed that religion was a factor. This makes it even more heinous.


The Belle of the Ball
Bolded: yes and no. Stalin's systematic genocide was an example of forced removal of religion. Stalin adopted Lenin's position on religion in that it needed to be removed in order to construct an ideal communist society. Stalin was an atheist.

Hitler's legacy includes the Holocaust, the one thing for which he will be most forever know.

Political persecution is an unfortunate fact of life.

<snipped for space>

Gangs and gangsters are a criminal enterprise. Apples and oranges.

to the bolded part, yes and no: Stalin also was certifiable...the man would decide there was a "conspiracy" somewhere and go on a "bloody purge"... they would have beat us to the moon if he hadn't decided to "purge" the air force of "enemies" during the latter part of the 1940's and early 1950's and killed off their top aeronautical engineers. His desire was not merely to kill off those who were religious but anyone he felt like killing off on any particular day. Some forensic psychologists have wondered if he was a paranoid schizophrenic, others just say he had a sociopathic personality. Love the tyrants...they make abnormal psych classes so interesting. :D Can't forget those who followed him : Kruschev, Breshnev, Andropov, etc... all persecuted those who disagreed with them. The religous people they merely sent to mental institutions! ;) and that is merely among the old USSR.

Not entirely. Religious motivations were mixed in with other ones. Hitler took advantage of the country's widespread hatred towards Jews to gain power. Hitler's case is more complex than just straight antisemitism. The guy was a monster of immense proportions.

The world's anti-semitic attitude at the time allowed Hilter to kill the Jews without worrying about anyone complaining. I beleive the US deserves condemnation for their attitudes/actions of the time. :( this is but one reason I admit to worrying when I see a rise in anti-semitism today. Edmund Burke was paraphrased by Winston Churchill very well: “Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”


The Belle of the Ball
:eek: Okay tornado warnings in Indiana in NOVEMBER!!!!:eek: this is so not normal! :P hot and humid today (70's) but with unsettled weather. I thought it was almost winter! :P:P


Sinister Swede
So an aunt who knows that I'm a fan of Stargate just gave the SGU season 1 dvd a few days ago. I didn't feel like doing a whole rewatch of the show so I just decided to watch the episodes with the commentary instead just to listen to the actors/directors perspective on stuff. Anyway, I just got to episode 7 and Elyse Levesque just delivered this brilliant line while they were discussion food (canadian food in particular).

"You may attack the mac with ketchup, but you can not touch the poutine!" :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
I completed a mid-term exam today for a database course I'm taking. Pretty relieved that I managed to complete it with a favourable result. :)

So how was your day?

Bettering ourself are we? Going to work for The Man I suspect? Get yourself a big mahogany desk in corner office of one of those corporate glass and wire monstrosities, eh wot? Martinis with the secretary on Friday afternoons; golfing jaunts to Palm Springs with the Japanese investors; putting the children up at a well to do boarding school in Switzerland (and you don't even have kids) and generally wallowing in the excess of being one of the 1%? Got it. ;)


Well Known GateFan
So an aunt who knows that I'm a fan of Stargate just gave the SGU season 1 dvd a few days ago. I didn't feel like doing a whole rewatch of the show so I just decided to watch the episodes with the commentary instead just to listen to the actors/directors perspective on stuff. Anyway, I just got to episode 7 and Elyse Levesque just delivered this brilliant line while they were discussion food (canadian food in particular).

"You may attack the mac with ketchup, but you can not touch the poutine!" :icon_lol:

#1. You'll have to explain the "poutine" reference for us Americans.

#2. At any point in the SGU commentary did anyone admit they didn't know what they hell they were doing while making it?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Not when you are talking about what is driving man to kill one anohter. My point is that if you look at the examples above that you made, there was always an ulterior motive behind it. The little people might have believed it was just about religion but somewhere somebody on high was profiting from it. Just as the gang leaders and head mobsters do.

If a caveman kills his neighbor because he wants his wheel, it is strictly criminal. Murder.

If that same caveman convinces a bunch of the other neighbors to kill that neighbor for him by citing religion, when in fact he still just wanted the wheel. The end result is the same. However, a double travesty was done because it was done under the cloak of religion. Religious War.

Apples and oranges. Criminals are driven by opportunity, greed, passion, etc. Gang members can be coerced. Their ideals can be corrupted and their loyalties bought.

Religious fanatics are far more dangerous because they're not driven by material needs or opportunity or greed or passion. They are driven by their faith and belief that they are acting on behalf of a higher power. They can't be reasoned with, can't be coerced and can't be bought. A religious fanatic can recruit followers who, in turn, may become fanatics themselves, which is how a cult works.

Look at the IRA. They are very different from Muslim terrorists. IRA did not engage in suicide bombings but, instead, used a dispicable tactic called the "proxy bomb" whereby they would hold hostage the family member(s) of a British police or military officer and force them to drive a bomb to their intended target. They believed in their cause but not to a religious extent where they were willing to sacrifice their own lives for acts of terrorism.

A Muslim Jihadist, on the other hand, will detonate themselves without a second thought because they are indoctrinated to believe they're doing Allah's will. It is a cult mentality. They will even murder their own family members in what's called an honor killing, which is apparently allowed under Sharia law.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
There's a South Park episode about this. :) Season 9, episode 12 "Trapped in the Closet". You guys should watch it. :D

Yet another topic of a great South Park episode. :D Watch season 7, episode 12 "All About Mormons". :)

It's amazing how insightful and full of culture that show really is. ;)

It says something about the state of our existence when people can learn more from watching South Park and The Daily Show than conventional means. :icon_lol: