So how was your day?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


The Belle of the Ball
oh well.....

really? did you JUST say that? :facepalm: you are aware that your own religion and almost every religion there has ever been has tried and in most cases succeeded to force THEIR beliefs on others?

maybe you should point your question at normal human group behaviour rather then trying to pin it on a select group whom you personally seem to be so threatened by such as "atheists"

:facepalm: do you even know what my religion is? one of the basic tenents of my religion is "free agency"...we do not beleive that god will ever "force" any man to heaven! MY religion beleives that people are free to join or not join. :facepalm: When the athiests are trying to force a catholic owned and run university to remove the symbols of their religion from their walls...that is a problem IMHO. It's one step from that to tell a person they are not allowed to practice their relgion in their own home. if you are irreligious that is one thing, but if you beleive in something that can be dismaying. to me it is.

Most of these problems would still exist if religion was gotten rid of. And no, I'm not an advocate for religion, but I think I make a valid point. There seems to be some sort of "need" in the human psyche to congregate in tribes and then hate and fear others who aren't in our specific tribes. It's a psychological condition than uses the guise of religion to carry out horrific acts of repression. If it wasn't religion it would be some other difference that would be exploited in the rush to exterminate that which we don't understand but deeply fear.

Allow me to point out the old USSR which killed countless millions christians, jews, latvians, gypsies, chechens, etc... all in the name of the state. (under stalin alone the estimate of deaths of such groups is between 8 million and 61 million- no exact count...unlike Hitler, he didn't keep score!) Then we have Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Hitler, Mussolini, ...shall I go on?? And who that witnessed it will ever forget the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Persecution of others because they don't beleive what you do (even politically) is very common. It seems when someone "beleives" deeply enough in something, it can have the force of a "religious" belief and cause people to commit many acts that are not considered civilized. On the wholemankind is very tribal and doesn't need to cover it in the mantle of "religion" to terrorize and persecute others!


Gangs are a great example of what Shaved was saying. They kill over territory and their concepts of honor and tradition. No religion involved. I believe that emotions make that drive worse....many kill over love too. Add poverty to the mix and things have always gotten ugly.


My avatar speaks for itself.
:facepalm: do you even know what my religion is? one of the basic tenents of my religion is "free agency"...we do not beleive that god will ever "force" any man to heaven! MY religion beleives that people are free to join or not join. :facepalm: When the athiests are trying to force a catholic owned and run university to remove the symbols of their religion from their walls...that is a problem IMHO. It's one step from that to tell a person they are not allowed to practice their relgion in their own home. if you are irreligious that is one thing, but if you beleive in something that can be dismaying. to me it is.

Allow me to point out the old USSR which killed countless millions christians, jews, latvians, gypsies, chechens, etc... all in the name of the state. (under stalin alone the estimate of deaths of such groups is between 8 million and 61 million- no exact count...unlike Hitler, he didn't keep score!) Then we have Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Hitler, Mussolini, ...shall I go on?? And who that witnessed it will ever forget the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Persecution of others because they don't beleive what you do (even politically) is very common. It seems when someone "beleives" deeply enough in something, it can have the force of a "religious" belief and cause people to commit many acts that are not considered civilized. On the wholemankind is very tribal and doesn't need to cover it in the mantle of "religion" to terrorize and persecute others!
wow some one has brain washed you a whoooole lot havnt they... anyway... yeah CHRISTIANITY SCHMISIANITY same crap diffrent names...


wow some one has brain washed you a whoooole lot havnt they... anyway... yeah CHRISTIANITY SCHMISIANITY same crap diffrent names...
It really is not. If you study the different religions, you would find countless different beliefs.Since the caveman days man has been killing each other. Mafiosas are another example. Those that kill in the name of religion are just using it as a cloak.