So how was your day?


Well Known GateFan
What tangent, you are discussing economic/political/religious theory in a thread called "how was your day?"
Sheesh :laughing:

And Stephen King -- talk about schizo! But hey, this is part of my day so it's worthy of discussion. Unless of course you want to hear all about my phone calls to my insurance company and then to so-called physical therapy centers. That's a real yawn, trust me. ;)


Well Known GateFan
In a way, yes it is, but it has been the "methodology" of "artists" for a VERY long time Shaved. I recall back in High school we were given an exam question for english ant the question read (along the lines of of course) "Where did Lewis Carrol find the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland"
Now, My Teacher wanted some kind of in depth subjective analysis of his work with reference to not only Alice in Wonderland but through the looking glass as well. I wrote a one word response, "Drugs". Unsuprisingly I "failed" that section, I did however have a damn fine argument with my teacher afterwards which resulted in the conclusion that while I may have been "technically correct" the teacher was not allowed to accept the response. :P

You left out the best part of the story my man -- did you bury your teacher in a shallow grave or just toss him/her into the school incinerator? Come on dude, don't hold out on us.


Well Known GateFan
And Stephen King -- talk about schizo! But hey, this is part of my day so it's worthy of discussion. Unless of course you want to hear all about my phone calls to my insurance company and then to so-called physical therapy centers. That's a real yawn, trust me. ;)

Done my stretch in PT, and it sucked mostly (did my shoulder in at work) so no, don't need to hear it bro :P
At least mine was fully covered by work, but then I skate the edges of the other discussion I want to avoid :D


Well Known GateFan
You left out the best part of the story my man -- did you bury your teacher in a shallow grave or just toss him/her into the school incinerator? Come on dude, don't hold out on us.

Neither, while He could not give me the marks for my response, he did understand it. I actually got along well with the guy after that. Of course SOME of my teachers you will NEVER find the bodies................. :laughing:
I was a terror at school :P


My avatar speaks for itself.
In a way, yes it is, but it has been the "methodology" of "artists" for a VERY long time Shaved. I recall back in High school we were given an exam question for english ant the question read (along the lines of of course) "Where did Lewis Carrol find the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland"
Now, My Teacher wanted some kind of in depth subjective analysis of his work with reference to not only Alice in Wonderland but through the looking glass as well. I wrote a one word response, "Drugs". Unsuprisingly I "failed" that section, I did however have a damn fine argument with my teacher afterwards which resulted in the conclusion that while I may have been "technically correct" the teacher was not allowed to accept the response. :P
been there many... to many times..

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well you were onto the answer when you said government should run certain things. Think about it, a few decades ago the government ran the military and that included all the things that Halliburton supplies. There was nothing wrong with that system from what I can tell and I don't understand the need to privatize the supply sector of the military (food, clothing, etc.). They try to justify it with excuses like "Well these poor guys are out in the theater of war so they deserve a Big Mac when they get back to base". Funny how millions of soldiers did just fine without freaking Pizza Hut to welcome them back from the rice paddies or the Hinterlands. It's all a bunch of crap but I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Just LOL! If they survive the swarm of flying bullets and shrapnel bombs, they'll finish them with artery stuffers. :icon_lol:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Neither, while He could not give me the marks for my response, he did understand it. I actually got along well with the guy after that. Of course SOME of my teachers you will NEVER find the bodies................. :laughing:
I was a terror at school :P
dude who wasnt..


Well Known GateFan
same here, but i dont understand the need to privatize a great many other things either.

Well, you're rather vague in that statement. Private enterprise is the backbone of a healthy society. I assume your own artistic efforts are "privatized". Say you were to sell a design you did, surely you would agree that you have the right to the proceeds from that sale, correct? Or would you rather work for the government and get a wage for drawing your designs? -- And I should hasten to add that under such a scenario chances are that your ideas for designs would be irrelevant. You'd be charged with designing whatever your government overlords told you to.

It is proper though for society to have government run military and legal systems, i.e. courts and police. This is a very simple example I'm giving here but it's 1 in the morning and I don't have the time or energy to get more detailed so don't take it as the final word on this subject. It's obviously much more complex than the little bit I've laid out. Suffice to say Soviet Russia proved government ownership of everything was pretty bad and conversely we're learning that having corporations attempt to do government operations is just as bad. Airport security shouldn't have the same corporate structure as freaking Disneyland, that's all I'm saying, yo!


My avatar speaks for itself.
aye arguing LOGIC with people that are going by a SET politically correct curriculum isnt my fave thing to do for sure..
i once tried to argue that my grades should not be reduced just because i had low attendance (i was 15 at the time) i was arguing that on test i scored well and was in the upper group in my class but i skipped something lik 75% of the classes yet still did extreemly well on test day they wanted to lower my grades bc of me not being in attandance and i fought this very hard so hard infact that i managed to get a meeting with the principle and a few of my teachers and after a shitstorm of words and logic form my end i finally got them to set my grades based on what i know/knew and not my damned attendance but dear god it was a struggle to get those frakers to listen and acknowledge my POV.


Well Known GateFan
Done my stretch in PT, and it sucked mostly (did my shoulder in at work) so no, don't need to hear it bro :P
At least mine was fully covered by work, but then I skate the edges of the other discussion I want to avoid :D

Yeah, knee issues that they claim can be corrected with some stretching exercises. Can't wait to see how that turns out. (Incidentally, that's what I get for kicking so much ass, LOL!) If I do have to have surgery on it though it should be a fairly simple procedure with a good recovery rate.

Funny thing is my shoulder is killing me more than my knee now so my ortho is having me get PT on that also. Not sure it will help and there's a good chance I could be having surgery on it just before the holidays which means sucker punching Santa and stealing his bag of presents is out this year, sigh. :(


Well Known GateFan
i once tried to argue that my grades should not be reduced just because i had low attendance (i was 15 at the time) i was arguing that on test i scored well and was in the upper group in my class but i skipped something lik 75% of the classes yet still did extreemly well on test day they wanted to lower my grades bc of me not being in attandance and i fought this very hard so hard infact that i managed to get a meeting with the principle and a few of my teachers and after a shitstorm of words and logic form my end i finally got them to set my grades based on what i know/knew and not my damned attendance but dear god it was a struggle to get those frakers to listen and acknowledge my POV.

They probably wanted to avoid having the school "mysteriously" burn down. ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Well, you're rather vague in that statement. Private enterprise is the backbone of a healthy society. I assume your own artistic efforts are "privatized". Say you were to sell a design you did, surely you would agree that you have the right to the proceeds from that sale, correct? Or would you rather work for the government and get a wage for drawing your designs? -- And I should hasten to add that under such a scenario chances are that your ideas for designs would be irrelevant. You'd be charged with designing whatever your government overlords told you to.

It is proper though for society to have government run military and legal systems, i.e. courts and police. This is a very simple example I'm giving here but it's 1 in the morning and I don't have the time or energy to get more detailed so don't take it as the final word on this subject. It's obviously much more complex than the little bit I've laid out. Suffice to say Soviet Russia proved government ownership of everything was pretty bad and conversely we're learning that having corporations attempt to do government operations is just as bad. Airport security shouldn't have the same corporate structure as freaking Disneyland, that's all I'm saying, yo!
agreed i was being vague as i didnt want to type out a list on what id like to be privatitized and what id like to be government run but if you wish i can do that.

and no i dont think what i do should be government controlled im not a commie neithar am i a pure capitalist, im soewhere in between and recognise how the world works and accepts that while doing what everyone else does ie grap as much of the cake as you can before its gone then screw sharing as no one else wanted to share with me when i needed some, now do i prefer it this way or like it? hell no but i accept i cant do sh*t about it and run with the cards ive been dealt.

and i completly agree with bolded!