So how was your day?


Well Known GateFan
agreed i was being vague as i didnt want to type out a list on what id like to be privatitized and what id like to be government run but if you wish i can do that.

and no i dont think what i do should be government controlled im not a commie neithar am i a pure capitalist, im soewhere in between and recognise how the world works and accepts that while doing what everyone else does ie grap as much of the cake as you can before its gone then screw sharing as no one else wanted to share with me when i needed some, now do i prefer it this way or like it? hell no but i accept i cant do sh*t about it and run with the cards ive been dealt.

and i completly agree with bolded!

The only problem I have with what you wrote here is that you believe there is a "cake" out there just waiting to be grabbed. There isn't. In life, my friend, we bake our own cakes (and eat them too!). :D

In short what I'm saying is that "wealth" i.e. money, possessions, etc. don't exist as mysterious, self-actualizing entities, rather, we create them. Same with opportunities (not all, but many). Or as my dad used to say (before he died, which is why he doesn't say it anymore, go figure) "We make our own luck."

Then again, if someone ain't gonna give me a piece of cake then no one is going to have any cake, dammit! That's why God invented kerosene after all. Think about it, I haven't. :P


Well Known GateFan
i once tried to argue that my grades should not be reduced just because i had low attendance (i was 15 at the time) i was arguing that on test i scored well and was in the upper group in my class but i skipped something lik 75% of the classes yet still did extreemly well on test day they wanted to lower my grades bc of me not being in attandance and i fought this very hard so hard infact that i managed to get a meeting with the principle and a few of my teachers and after a shitstorm of words and logic form my end i finally got them to set my grades based on what i know/knew and not my damned attendance but dear god it was a struggle to get those frakers to listen and acknowledge my POV.

This is a harder Issue for me to "side with you" on dude. School is not just about the "imparting of facts and figures", but also the social aspect (or social programming if you prefer :P" I can sympathise because in my later high school years (tail end of year 11/12) I did the exact same thing. I would turn up to exams at smash them, yet I missed a fair whack of the "socialization" aspect that schools also do. To this day I still blame my YR 6 teachers who forced me to repeat the year, not because they were worried about my ability to handle the work, but my ability to "play well with others". Of course, the side effect was I lost all my peer friends which drove me further within my own "shell" at the time. :P


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, knee issues that they claim can be corrected with some stretching exercises. Can't wait to see how that turns out. (Incidentally, that's what I get for kicking so much ass, LOL!) If I do have to have surgery on it though it should be a fairly simple procedure with a good recovery rate.

Funny thing is my shoulder is killing me more than my knee now so my ortho is having me get PT on that also. Not sure it will help and there's a good chance I could be having surgery on it just before the holidays which means sucker punching Santa and stealing his bag of presents is out this year, sigh. :(

Seriously shaved, what the HELL have you done to yourself!! :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah, knee issues that they claim can be corrected with some stretching exercises. Can't wait to see how that turns out. (Incidentally, that's what I get for kicking so much ass, LOL!) If I do have to have surgery on it though it should be a fairly simple procedure with a good recovery rate.

Funny thing is my shoulder is killing me more than my knee now so my ortho is having me get PT on that also. Not sure it will help and there's a good chance I could be having surgery on it just before the holidays which means sucker punching Santa and stealing his bag of presents is out this year, sigh. :(

DUDE! You are going to get sliced and diced? :(. Please, try something very simple which will improve things a LOT:

Drink at least 3 liters of water per day. It is such a noticable thing that if you drink ONE liter of water all in a single sitting (within 3 minutes or so), within 5 minutes you will feel the difference. Hydration keeps the bones and the spaces (and cartilage) between them free-moving. More than half of all joint problems and bone issues can be eased considerably by staying properly hydrated. Water is basically FREE! No excuse. Heal thyself man! :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
This is a harder Issue for me to "side with you" on dude. School is not just about the "imparting of facts and figures", but also the social aspect (or social programming if you prefer :P" I can sympathise because in my later high school years (tail end of year 11/12) I did the exact same thing. I would turn up to exams at smash them, yet I missed a fair whack of the "socialization" aspect that schools also do. To this day I still blame my YR 6 teachers who forced me to repeat the year, not because they were worried about my ability to handle the work, but my ability to "play well with others". Of course, the side effect was I lost all my peer friends which drove me further within my own "shell" at the time. :P
well my pov is that that is what school is for ie imparting facts and know how that you can put to use in your adult life. and peronally ive allways hated socialisation im not a people person and i will never be and i wasnt back then especially as (i saw it then and still do to some degree) i was surrounded by fraking idiots that cared more about what clothes and what music you liked etc rather then deeper things like i donno the meaning of life and sh*t like that :P i basicly saw em as superficial idiots that offerd me nothing in the area of stimuli and i dont regret staying away from social events etc.. not at all.

and you know me i dont play well with others, and the only ones i do play well with are people i deem as sentient beings capable of thinking outside the box and they are unfortunatly an endangered species on this planet imo.


Well Known GateFan
The problem I had with high school was that I was bored beyond belief well before my senior year. What made it intolerable was the fact that they treated the students like grade school children instead of young adults with functioning brains. The teachers and staff were simply picking up paychecks and they didn't give a damn about anything else. All they could do was talk down to the students and there was zero encouragement towards anything academic or even vocationally related for students.

The only good thing was that they were clueless at that time about alcohol abuse and other things *cough cough*. The administrations idea of policing students was to use an empty classroom on the third floor as a sort of student/student counseling center. They called it "The Rap Room" but eventually got tired of replacing the handmade door sign that was defaced on a daily basis with the addition of an "e" at the end of the word "Rap". No one took advantage of the "rap" services so that experiment fizzled quickly, go figure.


My avatar speaks for itself.
The only problem I have with what you wrote here is that you believe there is a "cake" out there just waiting to be grabbed. There isn't. In life, my friend, we bake our own cakes (and eat them too!). :D

In short what I'm saying is that "wealth" i.e. money, possessions, etc. don't exist as mysterious, self-actualizing entities, rather, we create them. Same with opportunities (not all, but many). Or as my dad used to say (before he died, which is why he doesn't say it anymore, go figure) "We make our own luck."

Then again, if someone ain't gonna give me a piece of cake then no one is going to have any cake, dammit! That's why God invented kerosene after all. Think about it, I haven't. :P
unfortunatly i do not agree with you there.

last part i can agree with tho ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
The problem I had with high school was that I was bored beyond belief well before my senior year. What made it intolerable was the fact that they treated the students like grade school children instead of young adults with functioning brains. The teachers and staff were simply picking up paychecks and they didn't give a damn about anything else. All they could do was talk down to the students and there was zero encouragement towards anything academic or even vocationally related for students.

The only good thing was that they were clueless at that time about alcohol abuse and other things *cough cough*. The administrations idea of policing students was to use an empty classroom on the third floor as a sort of student/student counseling center. They called it "The Rap Room" but eventually got tired of replacing the handmade door sign that was defaced on a daily basis with the addition of an "e" at the end of the word "Rap". No one took advantage of the "rap" services so that experiment fizzled quickly, go figure.

this i can relate to and today thinking back as to WHY i skipped so much school back then is because i was bored with repitition math history swe etc etc everything is repitition... so even tho stupidest person in the class will leave with some knowledge but people like me that were hungry for MORE are forced to sit there and hear the same crap over and over and over and over... no wonder i said frak it and started doing sh't i shouldnt instead as atleast it was challenging running from police, painting trains etc not to mention the thrill it gave to outsmart some security guard chasing you..

boredom is a doorway to trouble for sure.. (in my case anyway)


Well Known GateFan
well my pov is that that is what school is for ie imparting facts and know how that you can put to use in your adult life. and peronally ive allways hated socialisation im not a people person and i will never be and i wasnt back then especially as (i saw it then and still do to some degree) i was surrounded by fraking idiots that cared more about what clothes and what music you liked etc rather then deeper things like i donno the meaning of life and sh*t like that :P i basicly saw em as superficial idiots that offerd me nothing in the area of stimuli and i dont regret staying away from social events etc.. not at all.
I'm seeing what you are saying bro, but school *rarely* has anything to do with "real life" It's where we put our kids to get a supposed "well rounded education", yet most of what you learn at school is utter dross. Pythogorian theory will mean JACK to you if you do not persue a mathematicly based career, knowing the "Rules" of a language in a "hard sense" mostly means nothing as well (geez, read a newspaper and watch a language get frigging butchered :P )

As to "School social events", Dude, I avoided them like the plague as well, and I don't blame you at all. :P

and you know me i dont play well with others, and the only ones i do play well with are people i deem as sentient beings capable of thinking outside the box and they are unfortunatly an endangered species on this planet imo.
Yes I do know that. Unfortunately, the world if full of people begging to be on the darwin awards, but they are the majority. There is a reason why 3 arks were sent out in hitch-hikers ya know :P


Well Known GateFan
DUDE! You are going to get sliced and diced? :(. Please, try something very simple which will improve things a LOT:

Drink at least 3 liters of water per day. It is such a noticable thing that if you drink ONE liter of water all in a single sitting (within 3 minutes or so), within 5 minutes you will feel the difference. Hydration keeps the bones and the spaces (and cartilage) between them free-moving. More than half of all joint problems and bone issues can be eased considerably by staying properly hydrated. Water is basically FREE! No excuse. Heal thyself man! :)

I go thru about a gallon of distilled water a day, no lie. It's pretty much all I drink nowadays. I'll occasionally drink a caffeine-free diet soda, but not on a daily basis. Water is my friend!

Not sure if I'm going to get sliced and diced yet. They thought I had a torn meniscus (sp?) but I don't, so no surgery needed right now. As for the shoulder, it's an impingement on the nerve which I've had all my life. It's just gotten worse suddenly but it's always been an issue.

The good thing is that the surgeries for knee or shoulder are much improved now. My mom, who just turned 80, had her knee done for a torn meniscus a few months ago and she healed very quickly. Was arthroscopic so they just poked tubes in her and no major incisions. She walked out of the clinic 2 hours after surgery. And my doc (her same doc) told me the shoulder surgery had the same prognosis for recovery.

Now, granted, I don't want surgery but if PT turns out to be a bust then I'll just want to get it taken care of. The pain is not worth dealing with and I am not one for taking opiates. My docs always are surprised that I don't ask for vicoden or oxy when they see me. I guess everyone else does but for me I just don't want that stuff. But I don't want to be in pain either so like I said if PT doesn't work then I'll have them cut out the demon that lives in my scapula.

Besides, it's my right shoulder and I'm right handed and this pain is starting to affect my love life...ha! :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
I go thru about a gallon of distilled water a day, no lie. It's pretty much all I drink nowadays. I'll occasionally drink a caffeine-free diet soda, but not on a daily basis. Water is my friend!

Not sure if I'm going to get sliced and diced yet. They thought I had a torn meniscus (sp?) but I don't, so no surgery needed right now. As for the shoulder, it's an impingement on the nerve which I've had all my life. It's just gotten worse suddenly but it's always been an issue.

The good thing is that the surgeries for knee or shoulder are much improved now. My mom, who just turned 80, had her knee done for a torn meniscus a few months ago and she healed very quickly. Was arthroscopic so they just poked tubes in her and no major incisions. She walked out of the clinic 2 hours after surgery. And my doc (her same doc) told me the shoulder surgery had the same prognosis for recovery.

Now, granted, I don't want surgery but if PT turns out to be a bust then I'll just want to get it taken care of. The pain is not worth dealing with and I am not one for taking opiates. My docs always are surprised that I don't ask for vicoden or oxy when they see me. I guess everyone else does but for me I just don't want that stuff. But I don't want to be in pain either so like I said if PT doesn't work then I'll have them cut out the demon that lives in my scapula.

Besides, it's my right shoulder and I'm right handed and this pain is starting to affect my love life...ha! :icon_lol:

And who said honesty in advertising is dead....................... :laughing:


Well Known GateFan
I'm seeing what you are saying bro, but school *rarely* has anything to do with "real life" It's where we put our kids to get a supposed "well rounded education", yet most of what you learn at school is utter dross. Pythogorian theory will mean JACK to you if you do not persue a mathematicly based career, knowing the "Rules" of a language in a "hard sense" mostly means nothing as well (geez, read a newspaper and watch a language get frigging butchered :P )

As to "School social events", Dude, I avoided them like the plague as well, and I don't blame you at all. :P

Yes I do know that. Unfortunately, the world if full of people begging to be on the darwin awards, but they are the majority. There is a reason why 3 arks were sent out in hitch-hikers ya know :P

I would counter this by saying that everything worth learning I learned in grade school. Seriously, my erudition and vocabulary are all the result of my grade school education up to the 6th grade. High school had little to do with edifying me on anything substantial. Now, granted, one needs to put something in in order to get something out, but the high school has a responsibility to guide and encourage in this regard also. It shouldn't be all up to the student, in fact, the onus is mostly on the teachers and staff since they're the adults in that situation.

At my high school the title "Guidance counselor" was an oxymoron. There was little guidance to be found in their offices. Hell, those SOB's openly resented having to deal with students at all. The required yearly two-minute meeting every student had with their guidance counselor was demoralizing because the counselor never knew who you were and they never had any guidance to impart. And I mean never. It was in one of those meetings that I realized for the first time in my life that some people actually hated their jobs. It seemed a very sad way to live.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I'm seeing what you are saying bro, but school *rarely* has anything to do with "real life" It's where we put our kids to get a supposed "well rounded education", yet most of what you learn at school is utter dross. Pythogorian theory will mean JACK to you if you do not persue a mathematicly based career, knowing the "Rules" of a language in a "hard sense" mostly means nothing as well (geez, read a newspaper and watch a language get frigging butchered :P )

As to "School social events", Dude, I avoided them like the plague as well, and I don't blame you at all. :P

Yes I do know that. Unfortunately, the world if full of people begging to be on the darwin awards, but they are the majority. There is a reason why 3 arks were sent out in hitch-hikers ya know :P

i agree with you but for the first i donno 3 years of school or so you learn what you need ie to read write and do basic math. and yes good god newspapers... the local paper here is inzane i dont get how they even print it as i see typos weird sentances and everything on a daily basis.. i dont get their proofreader.. he must be blind.. as for bolded too true!


My avatar speaks for itself.
I would counter this by saying that everything worth learning I learned in grade school. Seriously, my erudition and vocabulary are all the result of my grade school education up to the 6th grade. High school had little to do with edifying me on anything substantial. Now, granted, one needs to put something in in order to get something out, but the high school has a responsibility to guide and encourage in this regard also. It shouldn't be all up to the student, in fact, the onus is mostly on the teachers and staff since they're the adults in that situation.

At my high school the title "Guidance counselor" was an oxymoron. There was little guidance to be found in their offices. Hell, those SOB's openly resented having to deal with students at all. The required yearly two-minute meeting every student had with their guidance counselor was demoralizing because the counselor never knew who you were and they never had any guidance to impart. And I mean never. It was in one of those meetings that I realized for the first time in my life that some people actually hated their jobs. It seemed a very sad way to live.
i can sooo relate to this.


Well Known GateFan
I would counter this by saying that everything worth learning I learned in grade school. Seriously, my erudition and vocabulary are all the result of my grade school education up to the 6th grade. High school had little to do with edifying me on anything substantial. Now, granted, one needs to put something in in order to get something out, but the high school has a responsibility to guide and encourage in this regard also. It shouldn't be all up to the student, in fact, the onus is mostly on the teachers and staff since they're the adults in that situation.
And I would counter by saying that is a fundamental differerence in what you are being taught. What you would term as "grade school" exists to open a persons eyes to "what is out there" and to encourage the "self" more than anything else. "High school" however tries to "teach" a very different kind of thing IMHO.

At my high school the title "Guidance counselor" was an oxymoron. There was little guidance to be found in their offices. Hell, those SOB's openly resented having to deal with students at all. The required yearly two-minute meeting every student had with their guidance counselor was demoralizing because the counselor never knew who you were and they never had any guidance to impart. And I mean never. It was in one of those meetings that I realized for the first time in my life that some people actually hated their jobs. It seemed a very sad way to live.
Well, such an office does not exist (or technicaly, such responsibilities) do not exist within the Aussie educational system. We have "year advisors" which mentor an entire group of yr 10's to year 12, but just them, and "career's advisors" who try to help "kids" work out what are the best courses for them to study to do what they want, but not some schlep who is responsibe for "everyone", besides the principal, and thier job is more admin anyway.
As to teachers, well, that comes down to each teacher doesn't it dude? Mrs GF puts in WAY more than what she is required of her for work (even as Dept Second in charge and Year Advisor), so, hard for me to comment objectively here.


Well Known GateFan
i agree with you but for the first i donno 3 years of school or so you learn what you need ie to read write and do basic math. and yes good god newspapers... the local paper here is inzane i dont get how they even print it as i see typos weird sentances and everything on a daily basis.. i dont get their proofreader.. he must be blind.. as for bolded too true!

OK time for "English" rant :P
English as a subject does NOT really exist to teach you language skills.
YES they are part of it, but it is NOT the main point. The main point of English (or whatever your native tongue is) is to teach you to not only communicate well (or within it's structures), but to encourage CRITICAL THINKING. In Oz , the ONLY compulsory subject is english, purely for that reason. You NEED to be able to see how "things" work. Math does not teach it, neither does history or geography, they deal in ABSOLUTES (well, theoretical absolutes) Language study generally encourages the student to think for themselves and formulate thier own conclusions. YES it must work within a "System" for marking purposes, but for everything else...............
Ahhhh, stopping now.


My avatar speaks for itself.
OK time for "English" rant :P
English as a subject does NOT really exist to teach you language skills.
YES they are part of it, but it is NOT the main point. The main point of English (or whatever your native tongue is) is to teach you to not only communicate well (or within it's structures), but to encourage CRITICAL THINKING. In Oz , the ONLY compulsory subject is english, purely for that reason. You NEED to be able to see how "things" work. Math does not teach it, neither does history or geography, they deal in ABSOLUTES (well, theoretical absolutes) Language study generally encourages the student to think for themselves and formulate thier own conclusions. YES it must work within a "System" for marking purposes, but for everything else...............
Ahhhh, stopping now.
i agree i add tho that the critical thinking bit fails epicly here.


Well Known GateFan
i agree i add tho that the critical thinking bit fails epicly here.
Perhaps, but that is entirely the point of all those "stupid essays" and "creative writing" tasks. IF you were unlucky to get teachers who did not give a toss about thier kids, then YES, it sucks, and I really feel sorry for you, you missed out on alot of what school CAN offer. :(

I don't know if this is true , but the education system, especially in the US seems to just want to grind not only the kids down to the lowest denominator, but the teachers as well. If ANYONE can counter that perception however, I would be more than glad to hear it.