DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

They did not turn him into a automaton dude, they repaired the person. They used the available material to affect an outcome, and they succeeded, even if indirectly.

And therein lies the laughter. If they have nannites that can do all of that, including repairing dead people, even after being completely immersed in corrosive acid, then I think they need some of those in the hospital lab with the golfball faced doctor. :icon10:. Nannites are not sentient beings. They cannot REALLY repair organic matter if it has been dissolved in corrosive acid can they? Silly to me...perhaps not to everyone.

Come on dude, the best you can come up with yourself is "hokey" and "passable" D.e.M. just sucks period.

Yes, it does. But some are better than others as far as D.e.M. goes. Some make you go "hmmm", others make you roll your eyes, and yet others make you say "COME ON! WTF?". For me, the nannites as saviors thing was the latter. If I am willing to believe that shit, I should have really enjoyed SGU. Didnt happen. But this show and its declining ratings are telling the big story that you and I are just discussing on this little site. They could have used a "brainwaves were controlled from the Ark Brain" thing, done the same exact episode and skipped the whole death/resurrection thing with Suckit altogether. THAT is more plausible than nannites. Even Seven of Nine's nannites did not make her dress in those outfits or make her declare herself a prophet. It was ridiculous.

It came down in the Razor rain *at the beginning of the ep*, not at the beginning of the show, what is there to give it a pass for?

The premiere episodes involved the attack on Defiance which destroyed the grid protecting the town. There were Votans in that town, in danger. Where was Ark Brain then?

The problem I have with a lot of your examples is, they are crap dude, just look at the one you just gave. Find one that is just WTF (like the "cache of preserved Dodge' they found") and I'll pile on with the cry of bullshit, but not for shit that is explained, even if it is poorly explained.

Thats all you need to be content with this dreck of a show? Okay. To me, it is a very poorly written soap opera with poorly developed characters who make no sense being together. There is no over-arcing story, and the game is pointless without its story. My examples are crap? LOL...its the show that's crap dude. Dont take my word for it, just look at the ratings. A steady drop without a single spike.


Of course, you cannot have an entirely open ended game, unless you have no real storyline.

Which describes this show exactly. :jack_new03:

You may see more of that ins S2 of the show and patch 2.0 of the game.

Shoulda listened to Omni and not got it at all :lol:

Wait....dont tell me you entered the Defiance Most Wanted contest and won? :tealc_newanime006:

Trion Worlds has announced the Defiance Most Wanted contest, a chance to get your likeness into the SyFy television series. (Update: This article previously stated that players could get their character in the game, but Trion has since clarified that the winner will be in the show instead. This article has been updated to reflect that change.)

Beginning today and running until 11:59 p.m. PDT on May 12th, fans will be able to register for the contest, which they can win by completing two new Most Wanted pursuits. Artists who work on the show "will render the winner’s likeness into a special place in an upcoming episode."

Next thing you know, there will be sign spinners in the streets with the word Defiance, but the signs will point to nowhere...just like the show. :)



Well Known GateFan
And therein lies the laughter. If they have nannites that can do all of that, including repairing dead people, even after being completely immersed in corrosive acid, then I think they need some of those in the hospital lab with the golfball faced doctor. :icon10:. Nannites are not sentient beings. They cannot REALLY repair organic matter if it has been dissolved in corrosive acid can they? Silly to me...perhaps not to everyone.

Yes, it does. But some are better than others as far as D.e.M. goes. Some make you go "hmmm", others make you roll your eyes, and yet others make you say "COME ON! WTF?". For me, the nannites as saviors thing was the latter. If I am willing to believe that shit, I should have really enjoyed SGU. Didnt happen. But this show and its declining ratings are telling the big story that you and I are just discussing on this little site. They could have used a "brainwaves were controlled from the Ark Brain" thing, done the same exact episode and skipped the whole death/resurrection thing with Suckit altogether. THAT is more plausible than nannites. Even Seven of Nine's nannites did not make her dress in those outfits or make her declare herself a prophet. It was ridiculous.

The premiere episodes involved the attack on Defiance which destroyed the grid protecting the town. There were Votans in that town, in danger. Where was Ark Brain then?

Thats all you need to be content with this dreck of a show? Okay. To me, it is a very poorly written soap opera with poorly developed characters who make no sense being together. There is no over-arcing story, and the game is pointless without its story. My examples are crap? LOL...its the show that's crap dude. Dont take my word for it, just look at the ratings. A steady drop without a single spike.

All this and then some! :beckett_new049:

I am so freakin' sick and tired of lazy "scifi" writers using nannites as magical beings instead of creatures constrained by real physics. How do nannites reconstruct an entire body that has been dissolved in acid? What raw materials (organic and otherwise) are they using to construct this body? Are we expected to believe that they can turn corrosive acid into living flesh (or even a passable facsimile)? Or do they use thin air to construct a physical body? If so, how is that process accomplished?

Again, I'm sooooooooooooooo sick and tired of these "scifi" shows using nannites as magical alchemists that can do anything without regard to the laws of physics. We've seen it in tons of shows included the Stargate ones. It really needs to stop because the use of nannites has gone from genuine scientific possibility to outright unbelievable magic and I, for one, am sick of it.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I can see nanites manipulating proteins to create material in order to repair damaged tissue but being immersed in acid would dissolve too much tissue away. Short of magic, where would material to create sufficient new tissue come from when so much of it dissolves so quickly?

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Well Known GateFan
So no one going to ask the question of memory? Unless that person (alien whatever) had a memory recovery device (which has to active all the bloody time) then the nanites have no way in knowing how recreate the neural net of the person, they can't know which chemical stain to place on the neuron.

Replicating cells is fine and dandy, but the memory and personality is much more fragile.

Edit: Which would lead into the huge debate of what is consciousness. Oh boy.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
So no one going to ask the question of memory? Unless that person (alien whatever) had a memory recovery device (which has to active all the bloody time) then the nanites have no way in knowing how recreate the neural net of the person, they can't know which chemical stain to place on the neuron.

Replicating cells is fine and dandy, but the memory and personality is much more fragile.

Edit: Which would lead into the huge debate of what is consciousness. Oh boy.

I think they addressed that one at the end. He died but was revived by the nanites, although the doc said he was brain-dead and who he was no longer exists.

As long as the brain isn't oxygen deprived for more than 7 minutes (as I recall), there's no brain damage and nanites should be able to carry oxygen to the brain while they attempt to repair the rest of the body.


Well Known GateFan
I can see nanites manipulating proteins to create material in order to repair damaged tissue but being immersed in acid would dissolve too much tissue away. Short of magic, where would material to create sufficient new tissue come from when so much of it dissolves so quickly?

Where would such material come from in general? And if the Votans are so advanced why don't they use nannites to construct better living conditions instead of leaving them all in shacks? Also, how about better healthcare for all of them living in squalor?

Again, this show sucks because it treats science as magic simply because the writers are a bunch of cynical, talent-less hacks.


Well Known GateFan
And therein lies the laughter. If they have nannites that can do all of that, including repairing dead people, even after being completely immersed in corrosive acid, then I think they need some of those in the hospital lab with the golfball faced doctor. :icon10:. Nannites are not sentient beings. They cannot REALLY repair organic matter if it has been dissolved in corrosive acid can they? Silly to me...perhaps not to everyone.
Repairing Weirs brain with nanites in SGA was just as silly wasn't it?
In fact, most examples of the uses of medical based nano-tech in nearly all scifi is pure bullshit. All we can do is look at what was shown on screen and use that as a benchmark. We have no idea how long it would take to dissolve the body, but it takes close to 2 days in normal conditions to liquefy flesh in sulphuric acid. The dude was regenerating gunshots in a matter of seconds, so I really doubt the cellular damage done by a 30 second acid bath would be too much of a problem.
So while the premise does not make any "real world sense", at least it is somewhat consistant "on screen"

Yes, it does. But some are better than others as far as D.e.M. goes. Some make you go "hmmm", others make you roll your eyes, and yet others make you say "COME ON! WTF?". For me, the nannites as saviors thing was the latter. If I am willing to believe that shit, I should have really enjoyed SGU. Didnt happen. But this show and its declining ratings are telling the big story that you and I are just discussing on this little site.
The ratings have nothing to do with this dude.

They could have used a "brainwaves were controlled from the Ark Brain" thing, done the same exact episode and skipped the whole death/resurrection thing with Suckit altogether. THAT is more plausible than nannites.
The "ark brain thing" had no way to contact the ship that we are aware of, if it did, then sure it probably would have just remotely contacted the ship and changed its trajectory. Also, you have to consider that he was infected by a fragment, not an entire structure, so perhaps some of the programming was missing? I dunno.
Even Seven of Nine's nannites did not make her dress in those outfits or make her declare herself a prophet. It was ridiculous.
The spirit riders have a established "shamanistic" culture dude, seven was a BORG with a "culture" of pure scientific enquiry. Now, you wanna discuss exactly *why* an arguably "advanced spacefaring culture" has a shamanistic sub-culture, I'll join you in the "WTF club" because that has never been really explained.

The premiere episodes involved the attack on Defiance which destroyed the grid protecting the town. There were Votans in that town, in danger. Where was Ark Brain then?
IF it was even aware of it, what the hell was it supposed to do? from what we see on screen, the ark brain thingy is probably a part of the ship that is crashing so it makes sense to act on it's programming to avoid Votan casualties on landing. The grid protecting the entryway to defiance was destroyed via internal sabotage. You are comparing apples and oranges dude.

Thats all you need to be content with this dreck of a show? Okay.
If it can make some kind of sense, yeah, it's a start. Smegging hell dude, I make one comment about the episode actually being "ok" and you are acting like I think it has rainbows and sunshine flying out of it's ass, get some perspective will ya??
To me, it is a very poorly written soap opera with poorly developed characters who make no sense being together. There is no over-arcing story, and the game is pointless without its story.
Did I say it was well written?
My exampkles are crap? LOL...its the show that's crap dude.
Yes, your examples are crap. I'm not arguing the show is not crap, but I won't hammer it for shit that makes sense within the story, no matter how crap I find the story.
Dont take my word for it, just look at the ratings. A steady drop without a single spike.
Ratings say nothing about quality, you know that better than most.

Which describes this show exactly. :jack_new03:
Most successful shows these days start more episodic and grow into Arc based storytelling if they survive past a season or 2, you also know this.


Well Known GateFan
I think they addressed that one at the end. He died but was revived by the nanites, although the doc said he was brain-dead and who he was no longer exists.

As long as the brain isn't oxygen deprived for more than 7 minutes (as I recall), there's no brain damage and nanites should be able to carry oxygen to the brain while they attempt to repair the rest of the body.

The brain has to be intact for what you are suggesting there. Since he was immersed in acid, the brain would easily be dissolved and 'washed' away.

Keep in mind these nanites are static, there is no active blood stream providing new materials to work with or new energy to sustain themselves with coupled with the corrosive effects of the acid. The nanites would also be 'washed' away in this process.

Unless these nanites have the ability to neutralize the acid? And maintain the structure of the brain itself?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I can see nanites manipulating proteins to create material in order to repair damaged tissue but being immersed in acid would dissolve too much tissue away. Short of magic, where would material to create sufficient new tissue come from when so much of it dissolves so quickly?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


--- merged: Jun 11, 2013 at 9:04 AM ---
Repairing Weirs brain with nanites in SGA was just as silly wasn't it?
In fact, most examples of the uses of medical based nano-tech in nearly all scifi is pure bullshit. All we can do is look at what was shown on screen and use that as a benchmark. We have no idea how long it would take to dissolve the body, but it takes close to 2 days in normal conditions to liquefy flesh in sulphuric acid. The dude was regenerating gunshots in a matter of seconds, so I really doubt the cellular damage done by a 30 second acid bath would be too much of a problem.
So while the premise does not make any "real world sense", at least it is somewhat consistant "on screen"

You are making dumb excuses for this dumb show. I am surprised at you dude. How can a nannite regenerate organic tissue? Perhaps they can repair damaged tissue, but unless they can neutralize all the acid AND create new organic matter to replace the dissolved tissue AND restore brain function AND direct the thoughts of the reconstructed brain, we are dealing with magic and pixie dust.

The ratings have nothing to do with this dude.

Yes they do, you are defending this stupid ass show and making a case for the dumb writing trying to make it seem not as dumb. But if the show was acceptable to enough people, there would be steady ratings, and perhaps a spike. We have neither.

The "ark brain thing" had no way to contact the ship that we are aware of, if it did, then sure it probably would have just remotely contacted the ship and changed its trajectory. Also, you have to consider that he was infected by a fragment, not an entire structure, so perhaps some of the programming was missing? I dunno.

I think they should then collect all the fragments and use them in that hospital to resurrect the dead then. WHY are you playing devil's advocate for this POS show? LMAO!

The spirit riders have a established "shamanistic" culture dude, seven was a BORG with a "culture" of pure scientific enquiry. Now, you wanna discuss exactly *why* an arguably "advanced spacefaring culture" has a shamanistic sub-culture, I'll join you in the "WTF club" because that has never been really explained.

I dont take anything in this soap opera seriously. Of course they can have a shamanistic culture. They already have gods and rituals. What was with the shaman chick wearing deer antlers? They had deer on Votan? Why the primitive rituals? Did they perform these dumb rituals on those spaceships as well?

IF it was even aware of it, what the hell was it supposed to do? from what we see on screen, the ark brain thingy is probably a part of the ship that is crashing so it makes sense to act on it's programming to avoid Votan casualties on landing. The grid protecting the entryway to defiance was destroyed via internal sabotage. You are comparing apples and oranges dude.

It does not matter who sabotaged what. The Votans were in danger, and the Ark Brain should have been invoked. You are defending this show! I am surprised. LOL

If it can make some kind of sense, yeah, it's a start. Smegging hell dude, I make one comment about the episode actually being "ok" and you are acting like I think it has rainbows and sunshine flying out of it's ass, get some perspective will ya??

Did I say it was well written?

You are doing all sorts of pretzel tricks to explain away the dumbness of the show, giving them plusibility they dont have, and supporting the dumb explanations they give for stuff. You need to get some perspective yourself!

Yes, your examples are crap. I'm not arguing the show is not crap, but I won't hammer it for shit that makes sense within the story, no matter how crap I find the story.

Ratings say nothing about quality, you know that better than most.

Your explanations are crap. I dont even see a story here...just episode after episode of garbage going nowhere except the cancellation bear's cave in about a year. :)

Most successful shows these days start more episodic and grow into Arc based storytelling if they survive past a season or 2, you also know this.

This show's trajectory is far worse than that of SGU. The growth of the gamer base for the game is non-existent. There is nothing remotely successful about this show. It will not last past season 2.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Where would such material come from in general?

Reprocessing proteins available in the blood or converting excess cholesterol into viable cells or borrowing tissue from where you have excess or even converting fatty tissue. Regeneration is possible but the amount of regeneration is limited. Growing back an arm, for example, would require time. You'd have to give up your left arm to grow back your right arm instantly. :icon_lol:

And if the Votans are so advanced why don't they use nannites to construct better living conditions instead of leaving them all in shacks? Also, how about better healthcare for all of them living in squalor?

Now you're just begging for the wrath of the right. You'll draw out arguments like "why should my nanites reconstruct a lost limb for someone else who wasn't smart enough to not lose it in the first place?" :D

Again, this show sucks because it treats science as magic simply because the writers are a bunch of cynical, talent-less hacks.

--- merged: Jun 11, 2013 at 9:34 AM ---
The brain has to be intact for what you are suggesting there. Since he was immersed in acid, the brain would easily be dissolved and 'washed' away.

Yes, agreed, if the acid reaches the brain. One can dive into acid and not lose their brain if they're not spending an extended amount of time in the acid. Tissue does dissolve but it doesn't instantly dissolve and sufficient tissue would need to be dissolved for acid to make its way into the body.

How long was he immersed? I assume it was substantial because I can't recall. I have no concept of time when I watch this show other than the knowledge that it drags on. :icon_lol:

Keep in mind these nanites are static, there is no active blood stream providing new materials to work with or new energy to sustain themselves with coupled with the corrosive effects of the acid. The nanites would also be 'washed' away in this process.

Unless these nanites have the ability to neutralize the acid? And maintain the structure of the brain itself?

I agree, I don't think the nanites would be effective if immersed in acid. :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Well aint that sumpthin! I shall eat my words...but just a few of them. :P What were the ratings?


Well Known GateFan
That little gem was the worst deus ex machina I ever saw. :facepalm:. They blew it when they had Sukko's body not dissolve in the acid with his other shit. And when he came out of the acid, he was naked and went inside to change into that...outfit, and state that the path to Ishtar (or whatever he called their god) was through him. WHY would nannites do this or be programmed to make Sukko's reanimated/reconstituted body do it? And he built a device which would be useless without his little trek up to the top of the perpetually unfinished arch in Defiance where the transmitter was? Why didnt he just build the freakin transmitter too? OMG fried virgins in a jacuzzi, what the hell?

View attachment 28291

stupid character on a shitty show heading for a crappy movie (?!?) :icon_razz:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
LOL, I don't see why, you just see it as total shit, I can deal with that.

Yes, I do see it as total shit. :) But I am intrigued with the concept of the show/game thing they are doing with this. I paid the damned $59.00 for the game (which is more fun than the show), and they have blazed new ground with these dumb characters These aliens allegedly came from the same solar system, yet you see golfball faced aliens, a wookie species, the Irathians, the Votans and others we have not seen much of. Really? Maybe they opened a can of "Instant Diversity" and sprinkled it from behind a magic chariot drawn by unicorns in the Votan system. :facepalm:

Ark Brains:

Once aboard the Arks in space, Indogene scientists rotated maintenance shifts, periodically waking up from hypersleep to check on the critical systems aboard each Ark. But even in limited shifts, a person would have aged hundreds years over the five-thousand year journey. Hence, ark-brains were developed – a highly advanced artificial intelligence that governed all facets of navigation, life support, and the eventual terraforming of the destination planet. The ark-brain's primary goal was to protect Votan life at all cost. Most ark-brains were destroyed in the Arkfall event of 2030.

So, if even just ONE of these Ark Brains still exists and is functioning, then it should be able to fix a lot of shit wrong in Defiance. It can repair all the shit not working, and terraform stuff. With some creative endangerment of cooperating Votans, they could get the Ark Brain to create defensive systems. Those fancy nannites can bring people back to life and make them impervious to weapons, so lets bring them on....see how this show stinks? :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
Yes, I do see it as total shit. :) But I am intrigued with the concept of the show/game thing they are doing with this. I paid the damned $59.00 for the game (which is more fun than the show), and they have blazed new ground with these dumb characters These aliens allegedly came from the same solar system, yet you see golfball faced aliens, a wookie species, the Irathians, the Votans and others we have not seen much of. Really? Maybe they opened a can of "Instant Diversity" and sprinkled it from behind a magic chariot drawn by unicorns in the Votan system. :facepalm:
Exactly dude, and that's the only reason I even want it to somewhat succeed. The transmedia concept has great potential and I do dislike it has been hitched to this show.
I gotta say though, I still stick by my very first reaction to seeing the pilot, "Not good, not bad, just a rather stale blend of mediocracy." Goodbye blue sky just happened to be the first episode where it at least made internal sense to me.

Ark Brains:

So, if even just ONE of these Ark Brains still exists and is functioning, then it should be able to fix a lot of shit wrong in Defiance.
It's not shown to be an adaptive AI or claim to be one has it? If they got a complete one and reprogrammed it, then for sure, they could fix a lot of shit. The only thing they could fix now with their current programming is the terraforming stuff ups.
It can repair all the shit not working,
No, it can't unless it is programmed to. It's like all the weird and wonderful things you guys program your phones to do. It's *capable* of doing it, but not until you alter it's programming. That's why I say your examples are crap, you are expecting these things to do stuff that make no sense within the story and ribbing on it for it. Can you see that? I'm NOT saying it's a "Magnum Opus" by any stretch, but you are almost making up extra flaws, and lets face it, it has ENOUGH :lol:

and terraform stuff. With some creative endangerment of cooperating Votans,
But they DON'T co-operate, Earth Alliance is located in North America and the Votan collective is in Brazil and from what we have seen in the show, they really don't co-operate that much, which is part of what makes Defiance such an oddity.

they could get the Ark Brain to create defensive systems. Those fancy nannites can bring people back to life and make them impervious to weapons, so lets bring them on....see how this show stinks? :facepalm:
What would you prefer they do?
If *you* were given carte blanche control over the series, what would you do? We agree it has some potential in at least the transmedia idea, where would YOU take it?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Exactly dude, and that's the only reason I even want it to somewhat succeed. The transmedia concept has great potential and I do dislike it has been hitched to this show.
I gotta say though, I still stick by my very first reaction to seeing the pilot, "Not good, not bad, just a rather stale blend of mediocracy." Goodbye blue sky just happened to be the first episode where it at least made internal sense to me.

Ill stand by that definition of the show too, I guess. I still love hating this show less than hating Stargate Universe. We at least have actual crowds of people, cool post-apocalyptic shit in the background and some glowing tech an' shyt. But the story still has to carry this thing and there isnt one. They are not fighting an invasion force, they are not trying to get somewhere, and they are not really trying to build. They are all supporting the "status quo" of keeping things basically the same. I do not like the value systems portrayed in this show at all, which fuels my negative view of it. Money? Whores? Gangsters and drug dealers? Nah...I dont like those things in real life either.

It's not shown to be an adaptive AI or claim to be one has it? If they got a complete one and reprogrammed it, then for sure, they could fix a lot of shit. The only thing they could fix now with their current programming is the terraforming stuff ups.

YES! It has :). It is adaptive because it took what it had available (Suckit) and used his body to create the device (from available materials) and improvised the entire way to the top of that arch. It even created colorful dialogue for Suckoff and made him dress in the stupid outfit. The Ark Brain itself is an adaptive AI. You dont believe that nannites were preprogrammed to fight hand to hand combat in a reanimated body, and to climb the Defiance arch, do you?

No, it can't unless it is programmed to. It's like all the weird and wonderful things you guys program your phones to do. It's *capable* of doing it, but not until you alter it's programming. That's why I say your examples are crap, you are expecting these things to do stuff that make no sense within the story and ribbing on it for it. Can you see that? I'm NOT saying it's a "Magnum Opus" by any stretch, but you are almost making up extra flaws, and lets face it, it has ENOUGH :lol:

Cmon man....its one thing to have a phone capable of doing amazing things (I have one), its another for the phone to call numbers it does not have in it's memory and then imitate my voice to order a new case for itself because it felt the case I bought it was not good enough. That is the type of magical science this show is giving us. Somewhere in those nannites is the ability to reconstitute and reanimate dead tissue. That alone would make it more valuable than anything seen in this show so far. If I was one of those poor souls in Defiance, I would be going around collecting those shards of razor rain to extract the nannites and reprogram them for all sorts of shit.

But they DON'T co-operate, Earth Alliance is located in North America and the Votan collective is in Brazil and from what we have seen in the show, they really don't co-operate that much, which is part of what makes Defiance such an oddity.

If they would show us the Votan Alliance in Brazil, that would help a whole lot.

What would you prefer they do?
If *you* were given carte blanche control over the series, what would you do? We agree it has some potential in at least the transmedia idea, where would YOU take it?

GOOD QUESTION. here goes:

  1. (show) The aliens and humans would not be allies. They would be at odds with each other and only select few of them would choose to cooperate/cohabit with humans. (game) each alien species would have different abilities, well defined and much different from humans and the other alien species. All would be equally balanced though.
  2. (show) All money and fiat currency removed. The ONLY trade would be for Arkfall items and food and other resources. (game) remove all money, keep only Arkfall items. Remove the Store and make all items be gained by finding, stealing or trading.
  3. No whorehouse, no Madam or whores.
  4. No gangsters, no underworld aliens, no drug dealers or criminals. Just violators of laws and individuals guilty of violence.
  5. No alien deejays, no vinyl records, no 1970 vehicles, no Defiance badges being worn, no Dodge Charger.
  6. Remove the mine and swap it out for farms and mills which produce stuff.
  8. Stop showing the shipping between the young teen aliens (does not add to the game or the show).
OMG, there is a lot more but those would be a good start. Those came of the top of my head, but given some thought I could be a lot more lengthy about some changes.


Well Known GateFan
9. Stop giving us pointless, poorly written sex scenes.