I guess Siete is noticing that Dante and Fisher are starting to get all chummy, so he is FINALLY giving Fisher some slack. Fisher no longer spends half his day under the livingroom couch. I would feel so bad for him when I would come home from work and he would come wiggling from under that couch to greet me with his happy tail sticking straight up. I wondered if he had to take refuge under there to keep from getting harassed by Siete. But the fighting has all but ceased, and the territorial rights he is being given are almost equal to Dante. Here is Siete with Fisher:
And this taken just a little while ago...
This from a few days ago...
Overall, I would have to say that my patience over this past year has paid off.

Fisher seems to have been accepted by my other cats...grudgingly, but it has happened finally.
Siete still postures with Fisher from time to time, but now it is mostly a complaining meow like "What the f*ck do you want?"

Fisher seems to be much much happier and more relaxed. He no longer displays his sudden biting behavior. And for the past week, I have awoken with him sleeping on my second pillow next to my head.

From here on out, it is just a matter of the three of these guys getting used to each other.