Oh wow...a FIRST! The cats actually ate together for the first time today! For anybody who has followed the long introduction process I have been describing with my three lions, you know that my two original cats Siete and Dante are friends and have been since before I got them from Sherry. Even though Dante had been banished to the outdoors by Sherry before I moved in, Siete would seek him out when let outside and hang out with him. Here is their relationship:
Fisher is not part of their brotherly clique yet, and they still have not allowed him to hang out on my bed with them. But today I decided to try feeding Fisher in the same room at the same time as the other two cats. have tried this before, but Fisher refused to eat near the other guys out of fear. But today, lo and behold:

This is a major development! Remember, this shit is all new to me so I am very surprised to see this. This time last year everything was so bad between the two resident cats and Fisher that I considered re-homing him. All it needed was time, and in this case that means about a year.
In another year, they should all be friends I would hope. The screaming fighting cat balls stopped months ago, and Fisher is noticeably less fearful now. Siete stalks him less and they are able to pass each other with a minimum of growling or hissing. Dante doesn't seem to give a shit what Fisher does, except allowing him to snuggle next to me when I am on the bed in which case he will yowl and chase Fisher off the bed.
Fisher is not part of their brotherly clique yet, and they still have not allowed him to hang out on my bed with them. But today I decided to try feeding Fisher in the same room at the same time as the other two cats. have tried this before, but Fisher refused to eat near the other guys out of fear. But today, lo and behold: