Cat Lovers Thread

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Okay, Siete just attacked Fisher who was just trying to get away from the Roomba. I have to take all the cat toys and tubes off the floor for the Roomba, so Fisher has no hiding place. He was trying to get out of its way and Siete attacked him so I doused him pretty good with a bottle of water I was drinking. Does he get a timeout too? Will he become scared of me if I continue this? He is my favorite cat. :(

Not necessarily but he will be aware that he can do whatever he's doing when you're not around. That's why we suggested a water gun. If the cat gets soaked from a distance, he associates the discomfort with the act he's committing rather than associating it with your presence.


Well Known GateFan
Not necessarily but he will be aware that he can do whatever he's doing when you're not around. That's why we suggested a water gun. If the cat gets soaked from a distance, he associates the discomfort with the act he's committing rather than associating it with your presence.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Ill get a soaker tomorrow. :) If only I knew why Siete made Fisher an enemy, when in the beginning after they were let out together, they touched noses...once. The aggression came later. Dante stays out of it, no aggression between Fisher and Dante. But Dante will gang up with Siete to drive him out of my bedroom or to block pathways.


Well Known GateFan
Sounds like Siete is your "alpha owner" :lol:
That can be a problem insofar as they will fight over you as you are the only human around. Did fisher come from a family?
Our 3 pets don't fight so much because there is always someone individual to pay attention to them, you don't have that option though.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sounds like Siete is your "alpha owner" :lol:
That can be a problem insofar as they will fight over you as you are the only human around. Did fisher come from a family?
Our 3 pets don't fight so much because there is always someone individual to pay attention to them, you don't have that option though.

He is, no doubt about that. Dante plays second fiddle to him willingly and that is why they are friends, plus they have known each other since before I came along and rescued them from being made homeless. Fisher comes from a single male human who he owned for his entire 8 years of life. He lived those years without other animals around (Siete and Dante grew up with a Yorkie who they were friends with). I love them all, but Fisher only really gets friendship and love from me and not the other cats. He tries to get as close to me as possible, but he can only get as close as the other cats allow.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Wow....Dante and Fisher are both skittish around strangers, and Dante always hides under the bed when they come. But I just found out today that Fisher is like this too. Since he has recently been able to establish the top of the cat tree in my bedroom as his territory, he was chillin there when my neighbor came over. Dante was on my bed, and as usual he jumped off and went under the bed. But so did Fisher! They were both under there together, and no hissing, growling or anything. They are still there, long after my neighbor left. I stooped down to check them out and they seem to be forming a bond over this. Things smoothing out...


Well Known GateFan
Dante will be your "glue cat"
It's always the hippies that get things worked out :lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Dante will be your "glue cat"
It's always the hippies that get things worked out :lol:

I worry about him sometimes...he just stares into space, or at the wall sometimes. Like he is in his own little world. But he LOVES being brushed and is really affectionate with me. He turns completely on his back and allows me to rub his belly while he purrs. This indicates complete trust from what I have read. He acts like a kitten around me.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, I am taking Dante to the vet today because I want to get him x-rayed. He has been losing weight (as planned), and he and Siete are both on a feline raw diet which has done wonders for their coats and activity level, but Dante is limping a bit. He is still fat, but not as fat and he sort of limps on his front feet like his shoulder is out of whack. I put pressure on that area to see if I could find a sore spot (the cat will finch or meow if they feel pain), and he just purrs like Im petting him. Also, he feels sorts "solid" in his abdomen, and although he is a male cat and should be heavy, he does not feel like Siete or Fisher.

On page 6, I posted a picture of Dante from June 26th 2013. Now it is 4 months later and Dante is slimming down (slowly but surely). He has lost 4 pounds which is significant. I put the previous picture on this new one to show the difference:

2013-10-15 21.28.55.jpg

Yeah, he is still a fattie but he is losing weight and becoming much more active. He no longer stares into space, and he gets up and explores the environment now. His coat has become much shinier and softer since feeding him the raw diet. Im a big fan of it now. I use raw ground turkey with TC Feline raw food premix, which contains the bone meal, taurine and organ meat protein he needs. A serving is equivalent to a medium sized mouse.


The ground turkey costs about 6 bucks, and that bag of premix costs $54.00 but it makes 90 servings so by my math I am feeding my lions for about 1/3 the price of buying the canned garbage which is the equivalent of junk food for cats. :) Just thought I would share this little adventure.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

He is at the vet right now. Turns out he has corns (BIG ones) on all four paws. Poor thing was doing the equivalent of a human walking around with a medium sized rock in their shoes every day for who knows how long. No wonder he was limping! I never noticed them before the vet found them, but I felt them and they are hard as a rock! All four paws. The vet said this is common in dogs but not cats. She said he has probably been suffering from these corns for more than two years. :( I feel so awful that he has suffered so long with them! The vets are removing them, and I still decided to x-ray him just to be sure. Sherry should be ashamed of herself for banishing this sweet cat to the outdoors for a whole year. :neglected: Dante is the mellowest, sweetest cat ever. His meow sounds like a two week old kitten, and he never complained not once. But I am a much more conscientious pet owner (obsessive in my usual way of things), and I am glad he will associate the relief from this pain with me.

I pick him up in a half hour. :)

Siete is confused and has this worried look on his face. He is going around to all of Dante's hangouts, and right now he is standing by Dante's food dish and wont move. So cute...



Well Known GateFan
Cats will not often tell you if something is wrong, they are very fickle like that sometimes.


The Belle of the Ball
three cats OM1? you are the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady you know! :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
three cats OM1? you are the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady you know! :P

Yes, I have said that myself. I only planned on the original two cats I got from Sherry, Siete and Dante. Fisher was adopted by me because his human guy got married to a wife who is allergic to cats. He was going to go to a shelter, and there is not a great outlook for 8 year old place is big enough for three cats, and my heart is big enough for them too, so there you have it! :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Fisher has come a long long way from the growling, hiding cat he was when I got him around this time in November of last year. He bit me full bite on both hands, multiple times. He hid in the closet for months because Siete and Dante were terrorizing him. But after reading lots of stuff online, and giving him nothing but love, he has become a very docile and affectionate cat. He is a beautiful cat, and his breed is Asian Smoke (a Burmese variant). He appears black on the outside, but his inner fur is white. The previous owner was a Russian guy who gave him a lot of love, and I sometimes let him come over to visit Fisher. He is a very playful, active cat and now he rubs on me a lot and follows me around the house. Siete and Dante seem to have warmed up to him as well, and they allow him everywhere he wants to go except on my bed at night. Fisher sleeps on the cat tree in this picture which is in my bedroom. His old "safe spot" he had whilst in isolation last year has not been used by him in several months now. :)



Well Known GateFan
OMG, I could not watch more than 1 minute of that gross video. HORRIBLE. It makes me think less of the Chinese people and culture. I also feel the same about any country which does this. Beyond the practice, you have people eating these animals and paying money to eat them! You have people who have created the recipes too....sick shit.

I have said before, the Chinese are far more then the nice glossy image they portray.

This animal cruelty, maltreatment of workers is just the start.

Then there is the whole "human plasticization" industry. Not only is it gross but one wonders where they get so many young and seemingly healthy "subjects"?


Council Member & Author
I have said before, the Chinese are far more then the nice glossy image they portray.

This animal cruelty, maltreatment of workers is just the start.

Then there is the whole "human plasticization" industry. Not only is it gross but one wonders where they get so many young and seemingly healthy "subjects"?
The Party Line is that the plasticized bodies are from convicts who "volunteer" to have this done to their bodies after death. I have a particularly hard time believing that.


The Belle of the Ball
OM1 I saw this and thought of you! ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OM1 I saw this and thought of you! ;)

:anim_59: Nah, Im no crazy cat lady...just an animal lover. :) My cats are spoiled rotten, and very well taken care of (as is my home, which is spotless). Even with three cats, my landlord and neighbors are amazed at how I manage to have them with no litterbox smell, no cat hair covered furniture, and no fleas. :fox:

I have renamed the thread to more simply: The Cat Lovers Thread. :)
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