Anything goes 1


Well Known GateFan
Now you're you're mixing assault and bodily harm with just throwing pennies through a window. :icon_lol:

The question only asks about the damage to the window, nothing else. The pennies land safely on the couch and don't break anything else. :D

Well, that would depend on what was reported wouldn't it??
If you smash my window, yet leave enough money to pay for it, many people would probably not report it, just replace the window. Your "intent" in asking the question is unclear here dude. IF you merely replace the damaged property, then there is no need for legal action, I just use your pennies to replace the window. ALOT of the legal sytem deals with intent, and you are in effect doging the question. and that makes it very hard to determine anything.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well, that would depend on what was reported wouldn't it??
If you smash my window, yet leave enough money to pay for it, many people would probably not report it, just replace the window. Your "intent" in asking the question is unclear here dude. IF you merely replace the damaged property, then there is no need for legal action, I just use your pennies to replace the window. ALOT of the legal sytem deals with intent, and you are in effect doging the question. and that makes it very hard to determine anything.

Well, the intent is definitely not benevolent. It was purely to annoy the person.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
What it comes down to are points of law, children playing ball and the ball comes through your window is considered an accident, while children throwing rocks at your window is a crime.

Lets take your point, I throw a rock with enough money in an envelope to cover the damage to your window, it's 2pm on a nice summer day with the sun shining, Now i do the same but it's the middle of winter, a blizzard raging out and it's 2am. Still the same? I payed for the cost of the window both times attached to the rock.

Another good answer. :)

There's no right or wrong answer I'm looking for. I'm just curious to see what people think.


Well Known GateFan
Well, the intent is definitely not benevolent. It was purely to annoy the person.

Ah HA!!
Then I sue you for the "annoyance"
Again, it comes down to intent. Your "intent" is to annoy, so I sue you to "annoy" you back, the difference is, mine may cost you a crap load more :P


Well Known GateFan
So what are you gals talking about?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Ah HA!!
Then I sue you for the "annoyance"
Again, it comes down to intent. Your "intent" is to annoy, so I sue you to "annoy" you back, the difference is, mine may cost you a crap load more :P

In the US, you can sue to your heart's content and ask for insane amounts of money. In most other countries, however, the system has better control. You actually have to prove the damages for which you're suing. :)


Well Known GateFan
Throwing a pillow case containing $2000 in pennies through a living room window and if that would be a punishable crime.

Been there, done that and yes, it is a punishable crime. It's an even bigger crime if that "pillow case of pennies" is actually a pillow case of human heads -- or rather, head, singular. Boy, the judge was pretty pissed about that one. I don't know why, I mean, it's not like the head belonged to anyone he knew personally, geez. :roll:


Well Known GateFan
In the US, you can sue to your heart's content and ask for insane amounts of money. In most other countries, however, the system has better control. You actually have to prove the damages for which you're suing. :)

Sure, I agree, I read/watch stuff coming out of the US a cringe sometimes, but I am trying to avoid that preconception to an extent.
The problem with your question is context, without that,it makes it VERY hard to determine just what may happen.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Been there, done that and yes, it is a punishable crime. It's an even bigger crime if that "pillow case of pennies" is actually a pillow case of human heads -- or rather, head, singular. Boy, the judge was pretty pissed about that one. I don't know why, I mean, it's not like the head belonged to anyone he knew personally, geez. :roll:

:rotflmao: Dude, I wish I grew up in your neighborhood. :laughing:


If I throw a pillow case filled with $2000 in pennies through someone's living room window, have I technically committed a crime since the pennies exceed the cost of damages?

You're gonna throw a 1371.28 lbs pillow through a window? Goodluck with that. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
You're gonna throw a 1371.28 lbs pillow through a window? Goodluck with that. :icon_lol:

#1. Bluce works out and has "Popeye arms".

#2. He has a big pillow case -- and I mean big!


Well Known GateFan
I think that would prove premeditation. :)

We know that Bluce wants to do this. The real question is why he wants to do it? What did this person with the large picture window ever do to him? Did that person cut him off in traffic or perhaps he/she forgot to wipe down the leg press machine at the gym after using it? Are the voices telling Bluce to do this (again) and if so what are their motivations???

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
We know that Bluce wants to do this. The real question is why he wants to do it? What did this person with the large picture window ever do to him? Did that person cut him off in traffic or perhaps he/she forgot to wipe down the leg press machine at the gym after using it? Are the voices telling Bluce to do this (again) and if so what are their motivations???

OMG! LOL :rotflmao::laughing::lol::laughing: