Anything goes 1


Council Member
So the news are stating how the Libyan Rebel Force have rolled in with their vehicles and conquered the capital - Tripoli and currently are on the streets celebrating with the residents.

I've only caught bits and pieces of the situation today, first I heard this morning, that the Rebel Force have to secure the 10 entrances to Tripoli then later this evening I heard they have seized control of the city and have captured one of Gaddafi's son.

There hasn't been word of any major bloodshed, especially of the Libyan state news broadcaster who was brandishing a gun saying she will fight any rebels who enter the studio yesterday.

If there weren't any major bloodshed, then doesn't this seem a bit too easy? What happened to the Gaddafi forces?


So the news are stating how the Libyan Rebel Force have rolled in with their vehicles and conquered the capital - Tripoli and currently are on the streets celebrating with the residents.

I've only caught bits and pieces of the situation today, first I heard this morning, that the Rebel Force have to secure the 10 entrances to Tripoli then later this evening I heard they have seized control of the city and have captured one of Gaddafi's son.

There hasn't been word of any major bloodshed, especially of the Libyan state news broadcaster who was brandishing a gun saying she will fight any rebels who enter the studio yesterday.

If there weren't any major bloodshed, then doesn't this seem a bit too easy? What happened to the Gaddafi forces?

I saw tweets a couple of hours ago that Khadaffi may have been shot/killed. But it all seemed very rumourous to me and unconfirmed.


Well Known GateFan
more stuff not "hellworthy" but funny nonetheless:


Funny stuff mate. Do you have any more besides this one and the dark knight one?


Well Known GateFan
LOL, that was awesome GF. @Stoneless just click to watch it on youtube and there's more of them in the related videos.


Well Known GateFan
lmao, I liked the iron man one, the diner scene was hilarious.
'Oh please, I'm batman." LOL


Council Member


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Woo Tropi. I don't know if you've noticed but there's an awful lot of useless text in your post. About 20000 characters at least I think. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Woo Tropi. I don't know if you've noticed but there's an awful lot of useless text in your post. About 20000 characters at least I think. ;)

Useless only to those who can't read the code. Apparently you aren't in the club. :P


If you look at this map, You can see Delaware getting ready to get absolutely smacked in a couple of hours. The rain has started but the heavy stuff is not here yet. They are telling us to prepare for 3-7 days without power, worst case scenario. I have my hurricane kit ready and bathtubs are getting filled with water. The bridges are all closing down here soon. So, for now I have power and internet. I will be here until I don't.


My avatar speaks for itself.
If you look at this map, You can see Delaware getting ready to get absolutely smacked in a couple of hours. The rain has started but the heavy stuff is not here yet. They are telling us to prepare for 3-7 days without power, worst case scenario. I have my hurricane kit ready and bathtubs are getting filled with water. The bridges are all closing down here soon. So, for now I have power and internet. I will be here until I don't.
good luck!


Objects may be closer than they appear
Hmmm, somehow your rain gear does not look sturdy enough to withstand a hurricane. :P

Seriously though, stay safe GB!


Well Known GateFan


Sinister Swede
I was surfing the web and I came across this opinion piece.

1997, I saw a guy dressed i a Mao uniform in the middle of Stockholm. He tried to enlist supporters in a square, waving around a copy of Mao's little red book. The young man had apparently been hit by a lingering spark from ideological fireworks that burnt out long before he was born.

We are undergoing something similar in the Centre Party. Annie Lööf, the probable new leader, is in a way out of step with the times.

She is propagating imposing flat tax in Sweden, while Swedish support for tax-funded welfare has never been greater. When the global financial crisis proved that deregulation is dangerous because the market lacks the self-balancing mechanisms that neoliberal theorists believed existed, then Annie Lööf points out the deregulation prophet Margaret Thatcher as her political role model. When a large majority of Swedes from bitter experiences are convinced that the public sector is best placed to manage civic services such as schools and hospitals, and then Annie Lööf wants to sell out the works, including SVT and SR, as well as the elimination of the Employment Protection Law.

Annie Lööf admires Ayn Rand, 1950s philosopher who sees altruism as evil and who preach that poor people do not deserve help or love. This happens while researchers discovered that humans are inherently reciprocal altruistic, and that pure egoists would never have been able to build working communities.

The welfare society celebrates triumphs. Then value-wise the Swedish Center Party aligns with the Tea Party movement. It would not have looked more absurd if Annie Lööf had worn a Mao uniform.

-Dan Josefsson

Yep, I'm in full agreement with this. If things keep going in this direction, I think that the world's richest political party will become the world's richest political party without any power to speak of.