Anything goes 1

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Anything goes....I hate slow, inattentive drivers. They hold open huge gaps in traffic, make unpredictable stops and are usually driving 10 miles below the speed limit (even in a 15mph zone). The effects are stress inducing and preventable if the driver in front of you is competent. Why am I ranting about this? In Los Angeles, zones in front of fire houses are clearly marked in the street "KEEP CLEAR". You can see that about 4 cars are supposed to be able to fit between the red light and the end of the KEEP CLEAR zone. But if the person in front of you stops a car length between the car in front of him, you are stuck in the KEEP CLEAR zone. Well, sure enough, the driver in front of me was one of "those" drivers and left me half sticking in the KEEP CLEAR zone. The fire alarms sounded and brake lights flashed.To my great satisfaction, a brave fireman on foot ran up to the woman driving the huge Lexus (who was firmly on the brakes and staring straight forward) preventing me from clearing the zone, and banged on her window, motioning for her to move forward. I waved at him as I pulled forward.

Pure justice. :joy:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Anything goes....I hate slow, inattentive drivers. They hold open huge gaps in traffic, make unpredictable stops and are usually driving 10 miles below the speed limit (even in a 15mph zone). The effects are stress inducing and preventable if the driver in front of you is competent. Why am I ranting about this? In Los Angeles, zones in front of fire houses are clearly marked in the street "KEEP CLEAR". You can see that about 4 cars are supposed to be able to fit between the red light and the end of the KEEP CLEAR zone. But if the person in front of you stops a car length between the car in front of him, you are stuck in the KEEP CLEAR zone. Well, sure enough, the driver in front of me was one of "those" drivers and left me half sticking in the KEEP CLEAR zone. The fire alarms sounded and brake lights flashed.To my great satisfaction, a brave fireman on foot ran up to the woman driving the huge Lexus (who was firmly on the brakes and staring straight forward) preventing me from clearing the zone, and banged on her window, motioning for her to move forward. I waved at him as I pulled forward.

Pure justice. :joy:

Psst! If she's got a big picture window, I know a guy. :icon_e_wink:


The Belle of the Ball
The value of the object being thrown through the window does not matter, the penny will be confiscated as evidence. The choice of a bag of pennys is odd, the sheer weight of the bag shows a premeditated attack. The crime is still willful destruction of property, a lawyer for the plaintiff can argue the pennys are forfeit and can seek further monetary damages for the replacement of damaged done to their property.

there is also the difference between a civil case and the criminal the crinimal case - the monetary amount of the pennies will NOT probably will be asked to make restitution (because yes the pennies will be confiscated as evidence and then will belong to the state- not you nor your victim) and pay a fine to the state (for causing trouble in the first place), have a record, and even be stuck with court costs.
punitive damages come in where there is a civil case...again the pennies are irrelevant (they have been confiscated in the criminal case) and you will have to repair the damages and give them some extra for "pain and suffering", and probably pay those court costs as well...especially if they have a good lawyer! ;)

In the end- Mostly likely you've lost the $2K in pennies and will have to pay for the window TWICE and pay a fine to the state AND pain and suffering! it would be cheaper just to flip them the bird when you drive by. :D


Well Known GateFan
Tennis strike looms!!!! -- OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy Murray says top players are "serious" about their call for changes to the tennis calendar - and that some form of strike cannot be ruled out...

OMG, I better start laying in supplies for the civil unrest that will surely follow upon the heels of this horrific strike. :icon_e_surprised:

In other news I'm disappointed that this isn't a soccer strike. I mean, is there no God???


Council Member

Glee is back on tomorrow night with a Season 3 Premiere - HAZZAH!
Grey's Anatomy 2hr Season 8 Premiere on Thursday night - WOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!


Well Known GateFan

Glee is back on tomorrow night with a Season 3 Premiere - HAZZAH!
Grey's Anatomy 2hr Season 8 Premiere on Thursday night - WOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Mrs GF is quite exited too, we are getting fast-tracked out here as well.


Sinister Swede
WASHINGTON (AP) — After years of debate and months of final preparations, the military can no longer prevent gays from serving openly in its ranks.
Repeal of a 1993 law that allowed gays to serve only so long as they kept their sexual orientation private took effect Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. EDT.
Some in Congress still oppose the change, but top Pentagon leaders have certified that it will not undermine the military's ability to recruit or to fight wars.
The Army was distributing a business-as-usual statement Tuesday saying simply, "The law is repealed," and reminding soldiers to treat each other fairly.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, scheduled a Pentagon news conference to field questions about the repeal. And a bipartisan group of congressional supporters of allowing openly gay service planned a news conference on Capitol Hill.
Gay advocacy groups planned a series of celebrations across the country.
At a San Diego bar, current and former troops danced and counted down to midnight. "You are all heroes," Sean Sala, a former Navy operations specialist, said. "The days of your faces being blacked out on the news — no more."
In Iraq, a spokesman for U.S forces put out a statement Tuesday morning noting that all troops there had been trained for the change.
Pentagon press secretary George Little said Monday that the military is adequately prepared for the end of the current policy, commonly known as "don't ask, don't tell," under which gays can serve as long as they don't openly acknowledge their sexual orientation and commanders are not allowed to ask.
"No one should be left with the impression that we are unprepared. We are prepared for repeal," Little said.
Last week, the Pentagon said 97 percent of the military has undergone training in the new law.
For weeks the military services have accepted applications from openly gay recruits, while waiting for repeal to take effect before processing the applications.
With the lifting of the ban, the Defense Department will publish revised regulations to reflect the new law allowing gays to serve openly. The revisions, such as eliminating references to banned homosexual service, are in line with policy guidance that was issued by top Pentagon officials in January, after Obama signed the legislation that did away with the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
The lifting of the 18-year-old ban also brings a halt to all pending investigations, discharges and other administrative proceedings that were begun under the Clinton-era law.
Existing standards of personal conduct, such as those pertaining to public displays of affection, will continue regardless of sexual orientation.
There also will be no immediate changes to eligibility standards for military benefits. All service members already are entitled to certain benefits and entitlements, such as designating a partner as one's life insurance beneficiary or as designated caregiver in the Wounded Warrior program.
Gay marriage is one of the thornier issues. An initial move by the Navy earlier this year to train chaplains about same-sex civil unions in states where they are legal was halted after more than five dozen lawmakers objected. The Pentagon is reviewing the issue.
Service members who were discharged under the "don't ask, don't tell" law will be allowed to re-enlist, but their applications will not be given priority over those of any others with prior military experience who are seeking to re-enlist.
Some in Congress remain opposed to repeal, arguing that it may undermine order and discipline.
A leading advocate, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, said Monday the repeal is overdue.
"Our nation will finally close the door on a fundamental unfairness for gays and lesbians, and indeed affirm equality for all Americans," the California Democrat said.

What? No rampaging hordes of gays annihilating the whole of the United States Armed Forces? No reanimated corpse of Jerry Falwell going on a killing spree of homosexuals? B-b-but that must mean....



Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

OMG, I better start laying in supplies for the civil unrest that will surely follow upon the heels of this horrific strike. :icon_e_surprised:

In other news I'm disappointed that this isn't a soccer strike. I mean, is there no God???

A TENNIS strike? LMAO! What, are the players mad that they cant pull the same salaries as say...golfers, basketball players and football players and soccer players? Oh, the humanity!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

What? No rampaging hordes of gays annihilating the whole of the United States Armed Forces? No reanimated corpse of Jerry Falwell going on a killing spree of homosexuals? B-b-but that must mean....


It seems like a good thing, but being ex-military, I think it will hurt things overall. I am not a homophobe...everybody here knows that. But I also am a realist, and I will say that the "type" of person who joins the military is usually a straight male with athletic qualities and a taste for fast/attractive women (enlistees usually are aged 18-22). Many of these males will not take to showering with openly gay males. Many will not bunk with them, and many will not associate with them. This may be socially unacceptable, but the military is not America. There is NO freedom, it is literally a socialist dictatorship and always has been a socialist dictatorship. One does not get to decide when to go to bed, when to get up, when to eat, not even when to go to the bathroom. EVERY aspect of one's life is a one-size-fits-all prospect. Men in the military shower in gang showers, walk through the halls of barracks naked or wearing nothing but boxers (after showering), and most soldiers socialize with their brother soldiers. I think that gays who are open will be much much less of a problem in the women's barracks than the men's barracks. The next thing that will happen is that there will be social "cliques" formed within the ranks, with gay officers/enlisted officers tending to select gay soldiers under their command, and for the straight officers/enlisted officers to pick straight males for their platoons and regiments. It will happen. I do not see how some of the survival training exercises will work with a gay soldier and a straight one. The cold weather sleeping bag is designed to hold TWO men in the same bag to share body warmth. Some of the comraderie shared between male soldiers which might seem intimate in regular society would be different in the military. It is nothing at all to have another soldier buddy to wash your back at the outdoor showering truck. It saves water and time, and there is nothing sexual about it. But how will the straight soldier feel about letting a gay guy wash his back whilst standing naked at an outdoor showering truck? What about sex in the was never an issue before. If you were caught having sex with another guy, you were gay and then discharged. Now, there will need to be rules associated with sex between two gay male soldiers in the barracks. Its hard to explain how much of a change this is....

The whole dynamic is going to change on many levels. Many more gays will join. Many straight males will not join now. I cant speak so much of the female soldiers, since it is only recently that they could even be issued rifles or a combat zone as a soldier. I dunno, perhaps its time for this to happen. I think its great that equality has reached the military, but much is going to change. Women in the military were never real soldiers because they were not allowed to be. They were not allowed on battleships, they were not issued rifles or given combat training or made to march and complete the "O" (obstacle) course in boot camp. That WILL change.

I think its a good move on the surface, but the waves this is going to make will not go away soon.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Psst! If she's got a big picture window, I know a guy. :icon_e_wink:

Is he a GateFans member? (slyly looking over at shavedape) :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan