Anything goes 1


The Belle of the Ball
I can't imagine how horrific it would be to find out that one was a citizen of a country where the government refused to protect the citizenry. There's no such thing as a "right to riot" or a "right to destroy property" or a "right to destroy another persons livelihood" or a "right to savagely beat a stranger on the street" or a "right to loot and pillage". All such acts are anti-life and should be treated as such. A couple slugs in the heads of some key rioters would end the problem real fast. Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter. Nuff said on that score.

And how can the government be so ridiculous in their response?


"Police by consent"??? WTF does that mean???

Disgraceful, simply disgraceful. Elitist government officials who don't live in the affected areas and who are literally above the fray so they have zero empathy for the riot victims. It's sickening.


Well Known GateFan


The Belle of the Ball
Is that agreement or disagreement with my statement?

complete agreement...sorry it wasn't clear! the idea that a gov't would care so little for it's citizens is simply mind-boggling!


Well, I believe England would have destroyed Holland, have done so lately in the World Cup anyway ( ;) ) - it would have brought the rioters out of the street, back into their homes to watch the game, downing cans after cans of beer that they looted.

Please remind me, my memory betrays me. Who were in the world cup finals again?

Well rumours are plenty, Blackberry considering shutting down their Blackberry Messenger to stop the rioters from coordinating the riots, finally if true and new targets in London have been stated. So looks like tonight maybe another night of rioting, though with 16,000 police officers drafted in, it really doesn't mean much when all they do is stand around, instead of beating the shit out of these delinquents.

It boggles the mind why they just stand around doing nothing. Looks like they are afraid things will get even more out of hand if they intervene. Or perhaps there some sick political agenda behind it.

But we shall see. The Home Secretary really shouldn't have dismissed water cannons, it's an effective tool, the idiots get soaked, gets sick therefore will stay in their homes instead of out in the streets. Logic. The current joint Conservative-Liberal Democrats Government are no better than the previous Labour Government, so ineffectual.

Hmmmm... so you're thinking of a little bit of harmless biological warfare then. :)

I missed my Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model episode last night, will catch it in the weekend or something.

That has got to be the biggest atrocity so far!


Well Known GateFan
complete agreement...sorry it wasn't clear! the idea that a gov't would care so little for it's citizens is simply mind-boggling!

Plus you like the part about shooting people in the head, eh? ;)


The Belle of the Ball


Council Member
I can't imagine how horrific it would be to find out that one was a citizen of a country where the government refused to protect the citizenry. There's no such thing as a "right to riot" or a "right to destroy property" or a "right to destroy another persons livelihood" or a "right to savagely beat a stranger on the street" or a "right to loot and pillage". All such acts are anti-life and should be treated as such. A couple slugs in the heads of some key rioters would end the problem real fast. Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter. Nuff said on that score.

And how can the government be so ridiculous in their response?

"Police by consent"??? WTF does that mean???

Disgraceful, simply disgraceful. Elitist government officials who don't live in the affected areas and who are literally above the fray so they have zero empathy for the riot victims. It's sickening.
That was my reaction - "Police by consent"??

Are the police gonna go to the rioters, "Emm.. gonna arrest ya now. Oh u don't consent to that, ok - carry on then." WTF?!

The Home Secretary Theresa May is a disgrace and really wish she would just go.


Council Member
This was the video that was played on Sky news from their reporter, Mark Stone. This guy had major balls to confront the rioters in Clapham Junction, London. Deserves an award IMO.

He did admit later on last night, he had run for it when a bunch of the rioters began chasing after him.


That was my reaction - "Police by consent"??

Are the police gonna go to the rioters, "Emm.. gonna arrest ya now. Oh u don't consent to that, ok - carry on then." WTF?!

The Home Secretary Theresa May is a disgrace and really wish she would just go.

You should organise a protest against her. And then start a riot about it. :P


Council Member
Currently watching Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model that I missed on Mon. It's makeover ep (No J. Alexander yet) and I don't get why the girls are crying, they will look fantastic afterwards. Silly girls.

One of the judges, Julian Macdonald (a British/Welsh fashion designer) just said, "That girl's gonna be crying all night, that poor cow!" LMAO.


Well Known GateFan
Tropi, *****slap em. You could get away with it. Besides, they're being hysterical. Totally justified.

Seems kinda slow here these days outside of the rewatches thing.


Well Known GateFan
Not hellworthy, just funny and somewhat informative:


Well Known GateFan
I didn't watch the video but based on the source of the post and attending approving posts I can only assume it's (another) anti-American slam. :roll: This hardly concerns me though as I'm about to hookup with this slammin' hottie to have some mind-blowing, back-breaking, sweat-until-I-pass-out sex. I won't be around for a few hours. ;) Enjoy your America bashing cuz I'm gonna be gettin' my freak on!!! :icon_lol: