Anything goes 1


Well Known GateFan
I didn't watch the video but based on the source of the post and attending approving posts I can only assume it's (another) anti-American slam. :roll: This hardly concerns me though as I'm about to hookup with this slammin' hottie to have some mind-blowing, back-breaking, sweat-until-I-pass-out sex. I won't be around for a few hours. ;) Enjoy your America bashing cuz I'm gonna be gettin' my freak on!!! :icon_lol:

It has nothing to do with "slamming" on the US dude.


I didn't watch the video but based on the source of the post and attending approving posts I can only assume it's (another) anti-American slam. :roll: This hardly concerns me though as I'm about to hookup with this slammin' hottie to have some mind-blowing, back-breaking, sweat-until-I-pass-out sex. I won't be around for a few hours. ;) Enjoy your America bashing cuz I'm gonna be gettin' my freak on!!! :icon_lol:

So now you've come to critisizing videos you haven't even seen.


Well Known GateFan
How could you guys miss the most pertinent part of my post??? I'm about to get my swerve on with a young hottie. You guys aren't. I win! :joy:


How could you guys miss the most pertinent part of my post??? I'm about to get my swerve on with a young hottie. You guys aren't. I win! :joy:

Be sure to take some pictures to provide as evidence.
And have fun. ;)
Don't get yourself a heartattack now! :P


Well Known GateFan
I'm talkin' pounding out the veal!

(okay, I think this is pork but you get the idea)



Want a good laugh?

This was some awesome funny posts from a thread over at Syfy. The thread was a complaint about the names of some of the posters and their avatars. I am not stating which way I went with the point of arugement, I just wanted to show how a well written humurous posts can turn things from ugly to fun again.

I invited this person over here and they said they might come.
Fingers and Toes crossed.

Topic: I thought this was supposed to be a 'Family Friendly' board.....[/h]Posted 12 Aug 2011
My family is also offended, this forum is not only not family friendly, it is speciest. As a giant sea monster I find it offensive that the SYFY channel and its forums continue to show us in a negative light. The hatchlings often ask me, "Uncle Crakin, why do they keep making us look bad? When will the humans stop trying to kill us and just die?". I tell them soon enough child, soon enough. I have had to repeatedly explain why so many avatars of posters have hair and legs... its obscene. MockingbirdGirl has received many reports and has done nothing. As a volunteer I demand she be fired and chumed up and dropped in the north Atlantic

In Topic: I thought this was supposed to be a 'Family Friendly' board.....[/h]Posted 12 Aug 2011
That last post was obviously a farce. But if I posted as a representative of the N@O#P, (Nudist Colony of Tourettes People) nobody would have taken me seriously. My family often asks me why do the nice @!!* **&%^$# keep acting like Tourettes is a sin? They also ask why so many characters and Avatars have clothes on, did God make an ugly person? They cry them selves to sleep every night, nude and swearing to the wee hours of the morning. Mirrorloki, you and I are brothers in the same war. I will gladly stand butt naked behind you in any protest, hugging and holding hands, cursing into a microphone until this forum is truly FAMILY FRIENDLY for all families . Please drop me a private message so we and all our brethren can meet at your home and help end this offensive behavior.

I also invited the person that happened to have a "offensive" name and responsed with grace and dignity about the comments.


Want a good laugh?

This was some awesome funny posts from a thread over at Syfy. The thread was a complaint about the names of some of the posters and their avatars. I am not stating which way I went with the point of arugement, I just wanted to show how a well written humurous posts can turn things from ugly to fun again.

I invited this person over here and they said they might come.
Fingers and Toes crossed.

Topic: I thought this was supposed to be a 'Family Friendly' board.....[/h]Posted 12 Aug 2011
My family is also offended, this forum is not only not family friendly, it is speciest. As a giant sea monster I find it offensive that the SYFY channel and its forums continue to show us in a negative light. The hatchlings often ask me, "Uncle Crakin, why do they keep making us look bad? When will the humans stop trying to kill us and just die?". I tell them soon enough child, soon enough. I have had to repeatedly explain why so many avatars of posters have hair and legs... its obscene. MockingbirdGirl has received many reports and has done nothing. As a volunteer I demand she be fired and chumed up and dropped in the north Atlantic

In Topic: I thought this was supposed to be a 'Family Friendly' board.....[/h]Posted 12 Aug 2011
That last post was obviously a farce. But if I posted as a representative of the N@O#P, (Nudist Colony of Tourettes People) nobody would have taken me seriously. My family often asks me why do the nice @!!* **&%^$# keep acting like Tourettes is a sin? They also ask why so many characters and Avatars have clothes on, did God make an ugly person? They cry them selves to sleep every night, nude and swearing to the wee hours of the morning. Mirrorloki, you and I are brothers in the same war. I will gladly stand butt naked behind you in any protest, hugging and holding hands, cursing into a microphone until this forum is truly FAMILY FRIENDLY for all families . Please drop me a private message so we and all our brethren can meet at your home and help end this offensive behavior.

I also invited the person that happened to have a "offensive" name and responsed with grace and dignity about the comments.

You'll let us know if and when they show up here I assume? :)


How could you guys miss the most pertinent part of my post??? I'm about to get my swerve on with a young hottie. You guys aren't. I win! :joy:

So ehm. Ape. Whatever happened with that young hottie?
The sudden silence is deafening. Doesn't bode well methinks. :P


Well Known GateFan
So ehm. Ape. Whatever happened with that young hottie?
The sudden silence is deafening. Doesn't bode well methinks. :P

I'm not going to give all the salacious details, suffice to say I sweat out about a gallon of water and had a great time. ;) Ah, young love! :D


Well Known GateFan
I hate cliffhangers. How'd the meat-pounding adventure go?

Edit: Never mind. I just saw you replied to Stoneless. :icon_lol:

We didn't even make it to the bedroom -- living room sofa and then floor. Not the most romantic environment but definitely serviceable if you know what I mean. Thankfully I was able to clear my schedule because the tryst comprised the "meat" of my day. ;)

Okay, enough gory details for the peanut gallery. And no, no pictures. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
We didn't even make it to the bedroom -- living room sofa and then floor. Not the most romantic environment but definitely serviceable if you know what I mean. Thankfully I was able to clear my schedule because the tryst comprised the "meat" of my day. ;)

Okay, enough gory details for the peanut gallery. And no, no pictures. :D

Brother, reading that makes me so proud I have tears in my eyes. :icon_lol:


Sinister Swede
We didn't even make it to the bedroom -- living room sofa and then floor. Not the most romantic environment but definitely serviceable if you know what I mean. Thankfully I was able to clear my schedule because the tryst comprised the "meat" of my day. ;)

Okay, enough gory details for the peanut gallery. And no, no pictures. :D

Dude, if you call that unromantic, try the back of a pick up truck in the middle of parking lot at 3am. And the fun thing was that I wasn't even our truck. Actually, we had no idea who it belonged to, but I've probably seen it again and not thought about it, considering that it was probably one of the five pick ups in the entire county. I mean come on, I don't know anyone who would even be caught dead in one of those things! But I digress...

Oh, and congrats on getting some.


Council Member
Dude, if you call that unromantic, try the back of a pick up truck in the middle of parking lot at 3am. And the fun thing was that I wasn't even our truck. Actually, we had no idea who it belonged to, but I've probably seen it again and not thought about it, considering that it was probably one of the five pick ups in the entire county. I mean come on, I don't know anyone who would even be caught dead in one of those things! But I digress...

Oh, and congrats on getting some.
LMAO! Pickups are cool, reminds me of those lone rangers cruising along the dirt road in tight jeans, boots and half buttoned up short sleeve shirt, the guy has ripply muscles chewing a straw of barley with his cowboy hat tipped down. All sweaty and the sun is beginning to set, as he wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead.

Yeah, that kinda cool.


Sinister Swede
LMAO! Pickups are cool, reminds me of those lone rangers cruising along the dirt road in tight jeans, boots and half buttoned up short sleeve shirt, the guy has ripply muscles chewing a straw of barley with his cowboy hat tipped down. All sweaty and the sun is beginning to set, as he wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead.

Yeah, that kinda cool.

I see. So how do you feel about pickups then? :icon_lol:


My avatar speaks for itself.

I dont know why but i loved this lil video..