Anything goes 1


Sinister Swede
So I was right, you are turning into a rabid capitalist! Before you know it you'll be opening up your own business, exploiting workers and denying them health care benefits -- and all this before you're 20, tsk tsk. :cool:

I've always been a capitalist, however since I am first and foremost a democratic socialist, I would never dream of doing something like that. :cool:

Thank you for reminding us how weak the American dollar is.

You are most welcome.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Fine, I'll be Jack.


Council Member
Who needs TV shows when you got Sky News and the London Riots?

I'm tempted to catch tonight's episode of Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model at another date but then I think J. Alexander (aka Miss J.) is in tonight's episode.


The Belle of the Ball
I vote 'ape for Barbossa, and you forgot Calypso, that role has Rac written all over it :P

:lol: ya think?!?!?!?! I'll be calypso! ;)

Fine, I'll be Jack.

Can't wait to see your make-up! :P

Who needs TV shows when you got Sky News and the London Riots?

I'm tempted to catch tonight's episode of Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model at another date but then I think J. Alexander (aka Miss J.) is in tonight's episode.
Omg I know...those riots keep getting worse and worse! :(


Council Member
Our capital city of the UK burning in sections, quite literally - London's burning.

The London Police Force will not use any weapons other than a riot shield. They won't use tasers, rubber bullets, water canons, nothing. As someone said on twitter - the future generations of this country destroying the capital.

In a section of London called Croydon, some bastards torched a building that have been trading for over 5 generations selling furniture and now it's gone. They got the owner on the phone and it was heartbreaking listening to him. Thank god no one was inside but these bastards need to be caught and be taught a lesson.

Homes and shops are being destroyed by these pathetic losers for no honourable reason other than to loot them. The Government is not doing anything and the London Police Force are so over-stretched, they are simply outnumbered.


Our capital city of the UK burning in sections, quite literally - London's burning.

The London Police Force will not use any weapons other than a riot shield. They won't use tasers, rubber bullets, water canons, nothing. As someone said on twitter - the future generations of this country destroying the capital.

In a section of London called Croydon, some bastards torched a building that have been trading for over 5 generations selling furniture and now it's gone. They got the owner on the phone and it was heartbreaking listening to him. Thank god no one was inside but these bastards need to be caught and be taught a lesson.

Homes and shops are being destroyed by these pathetic losers for no honourable reason other than to loot them. The Government is not doing anything and the London Police Force are so over-stretched, they are simply outnumbered.

Why don't they use tranquilizer guns like the ones used on wild animals?


Well Known GateFan
There was a time when the second most heinous crime one could commit was arson, I suggest calling in the Druids and having an "old School" Wicker man celebration with them. I've seen live footage of what's going on in London at the moment, and it's really, really bad. :(Keep safe Tropi mate!


Council Member
The riot/looting/lawlessness spread to other cities in England like Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, Nottingham and it's a bit worrying, hell even the friendly football match between England v Holland been called off. (Just when we were about to beat ya, Stonelesscutter).

Watching reports of a woman who lived on the floor above the shops at Ealing, London. She was looking out the window and saw the bastards threw a lit bottle at the shop below, she got everybody to evac the property and saw her building get destroyed from a nearby hotel. She saw a riot van but the police just yelled at her to get out. *Sigh*


Well Known GateFan
Well since I don't have Sat or Cable so I rarely hear about what's going on but this news is very disturbing indeed . The world has been dropped to it's knees due to a few extremely greedy sons a bitches . Now the rest of us are asked to pay for there mistakes . That is why you see rioting . It is going to happen in north America also eventually . The filthy rich won't admit that they made mistakes and so they do not feel they need to help in this situation . It feels like we are heading into a type of Soylent Green movie . Not so much world population or food shortages but I see it heading that way .

My 3 cents :( :( :(


The riot/looting/lawlessness spread to other cities in England like Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, Nottingham and it's a bit worrying, hell even the friendly football match between England v Holland been called off. (Just when we were about to beat ya, Stonelesscutter).

Watching reports of a woman who lived on the floor above the shops at Ealing, London. She was looking out the window and saw the bastards threw a lit bottle at the shop below, she got everybody to evac the property and saw her building get destroyed from a nearby hotel. She saw a riot van but the police just yelled at her to get out. *Sigh*

It's a crying shame what's happening with those riots. I saw some footage on BBC yesterday.

The friendly match being cancelled is probably sort of a blessing in disguise. Naturally we would have devastated your team, Tropicana. Imagine how that would have affected the rioting.


Council Member
Well, I believe England would have destroyed Holland, have done so lately in the World Cup anyway ( ;) ) - it would have brought the rioters out of the street, back into their homes to watch the game, downing cans after cans of beer that they looted.

Well rumours are plenty, Blackberry considering shutting down their Blackberry Messenger to stop the rioters from coordinating the riots, finally if true and new targets in London have been stated. So looks like tonight maybe another night of rioting, though with 16,000 police officers drafted in, it really doesn't mean much when all they do is stand around, instead of beating the shit out of these delinquents.

But we shall see. The Home Secretary really shouldn't have dismissed water cannons, it's an effective tool, the idiots get soaked, gets sick therefore will stay in their homes instead of out in the streets. Logic. The current joint Conservative-Liberal Democrats Government are no better than the previous Labour Government, so ineffectual.

I missed my Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model episode last night, will catch it in the weekend or something.


Council Member
It's a crying shame what's happening with those riots. I saw some footage on BBC yesterday.

The friendly match being cancelled is probably sort of a blessing in disguise. Naturally we would have devastated your team, Tropicana. Imagine how that would have affected the rioting.
The thing is this time, the bastards are doing this cos they know they can get away with it. On Sun, there was a vigil in front of a police station in Tottenham, London after the police shot dead some black guy. The vigil turned into a riot and looting was the result. The police did nothing and the whole of the UK saw that, so now you got copycat teens seeing this and they go and riot and loot their hometowns on Mon and Tues.

Watching Sky News at, and there are reports that a looter was shot dead by a rival "gang" during some confrontation about stolen goods at Croydon, London. And some elderly guy from Ealing, London got beaten up by the rioters and is in serious condition. :(

I really wish we could ship these low lives out of this country.

Here's a map of the locations where riots have taken place - /


The Belle of the Ball
Sounds like things are really bad in England and so sad to see such wanton destruction. rumors are flying here that many of the rioters aren't even british citizens but anarchists from around europe just revelling in the destruction. :( too sad in general.

@ tripler- I don't worry about that happening in Indiana any time's a concealed carry state...if the cops won't shoot the rioters/looters...the native hoosiers will! ;)


Well Known GateFan
I can't imagine how horrific it would be to find out that one was a citizen of a country where the government refused to protect the citizenry. There's no such thing as a "right to riot" or a "right to destroy property" or a "right to destroy another persons livelihood" or a "right to savagely beat a stranger on the street" or a "right to loot and pillage". All such acts are anti-life and should be treated as such. A couple slugs in the heads of some key rioters would end the problem real fast. Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter. Nuff said on that score.

And how can the government be so ridiculous in their response?

Home Secretary Theresa May this morning said there had been 450 arrests in the last two nights but she appeared to rule out bringing in the Army and using water cannon. She told BBC Breakfast: 'The way we police is by consent.'

"Police by consent"??? WTF does that mean???

Disgraceful, simply disgraceful. Elitist government officials who don't live in the affected areas and who are literally above the fray so they have zero empathy for the riot victims. It's sickening.


Those people should have all their personal belongings destroyed in front of them for punishment. :mad: