Anything goes 1

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Who here is an expert on Flash?
(I mean the program not the comic book character)

Im no expert at it, but I know it fairly well. There are EXCELLENT video and written tutorials in the Help included in the program. I have Flash 8 as well as Flash CS3, and have done a few decent things with it.


I'm gonna have to join the pro-roundabout crowd around here. The recently built one around here at the same time as they were building a new railroad, and it's working perfectly, besides for a few idiot drivers. But hey, that's not the roundabout's fault, and if you get really sick of them you could just buy or rent a truck and start mowing them down. However the big problem is that they only built one roundabout, when there's at least three other intersections which are pain to drive at, especially when the traffic lights are down at least once a week.

Oh my god I HATE that program with a passion!! :mad: I recently had to suffer through using the program for one year when I had to take Multimedia at school, and honestly, it is one of the most infuriating pieces of software that I have ever come across. If I never have to use Flash again in the rest of my life, I'll be extremely happy.

Oh come on! Help your buddy stoneless out here. :D


Council Member
How is it that a driver going only 55 in the fast lane (far left) cant see that the cars in the next two "slower" lanes are whizzing past?
I've seen that happen too.

Our speed limit on motorways (freeways) here is 70mph, same as CA I believe and I have seen some elderly drivers driving at 50mph, sometimes even 40mph and I'm like, why go on motorways at all if you're only going to drive at 40mph and hold traffic on the slowest lane (far left)?


Well Known GateFan

  1. Do you drink milk?
  2. Do you eat flavored yogurt?
  3. Are you significantly overweight?
These three things can cause physical maladies which appear to be allergies, but are actually signs of systemic inflammation. You can eliminate the "allergies" by changing your diet. But from your answers to those three questions, I might be able to provide some advice. :)

Actually no, not really to any of those questions. The allergies change each year. Some summers I don't get anything and others I do. This year it's mostly an irritated eye thing and itchy skin. Cut grass yesterday and did a bunch of yard work and that seems to trigger it.


Im no expert at it, but I know it fairly well. There are EXCELLENT video and written tutorials in the Help included in the program. I have Flash 8 as well as Flash CS3, and have done a few decent things with it.

I'm still struggling with my moviereel sig.
So far I've managed to get three random pics to load into three seperate movieclips. They aren't necessarily unique though which is problem number one but I'm saving this for later coz I got bigger problems.
There are three other movieclips for which I used exactly the same scripting as the first three, but they don't load any pics. I have no idea why this is, the only thing I can think of is that at the starting frame those clips are off-canvas. This is a significant problem.
Here's a png of what I have right now, just for illustrational purposes.

View attachment 4638

The canvas of the Flash file would be exactly 3 of these "frames" next to eachother. (900px * 200px) The "frames" consist of the black background with the holes in it and pictures. (270px * 150px)
Ideally I'd only need 4 of these. As they scroll to the left one picture disappears while a new randomly selected one comes up on the right. None of the pictures must be duplicates so there should be at least 4 different pics at all times. I don't care if they coincidentally loop after that.
When I have that done I would like to create rollover instances for when a mouse hovers over a picture. Ideally I'd want these to be small videos of the movies that are relevant to the screenshots. (pictures) Furthermore when clicking upon a video/picture I want to link to a specific webpage relevant to the movie.
Finally I'd implement the scroll controls to make it run faster, slower, in opposite direction or stop entirely.


Actually no, not really to any of those questions. The allergies change each year. Some summers I don't get anything and others I do. This year it's mostly an irritated eye thing and itchy skin. Cut grass yesterday and did a bunch of yard work and that seems to trigger it.

You got pinkeye! :P :rotflmao:


Well Known GateFan
You got pinkeye! :P :rotflmao: do not have Conjunctivitis. I just saw the doc on Wednesday and she didn't diagnose "Pink eye". She said it was simply irritation from allergies, pure and simple. But thanks for diagnosing me from the other side of the planet, Dr. Mengele. ;)


I get allergies too. I eat very healthy. I hate milk, seldom if ever eat yogurt and I am most definitely not overweight at all.

The allergies hit me in the summer and in the fall usually. They hit my sinuses like a Mack truck. They can cause watery eyes, sniffing and sneezing. If you have a bad sinus problem, like me, they can give you horrid sinus headaches or worse yet a full blown sinus infection. :facepalm:

Bad pun or not, Allergies are nothing ..................... to sneeze at. :P


Well Known GateFan

Judd Apatow is a genius but I much prefer his Freaks and Geeks over Knocked Up. If you want to see a sample of what my life was like growing up then watch some Freaks and Geeks. It's scary how much portions of that show mirror my experiences. Shame it only lasted one season.


Judd Apatow is a genius but I much prefer his Freaks and Geeks over Knocked Up. If you want to see a sample of what my life was like growing up then watch some Freaks and Geeks. It's scary how much portions of that show mirror my experiences. Shame it only lasted one season.

Oooh a deep insight into the psychology of the Ape. I'll see if I can find it. :)


Well Known GateFan
Oooh a deep insight into the psychology of the Ape. I'll see if I can find it. :)

It's very American. I don't know if you can fully appreciate an American Midwestern upbringing. :icon_lol:


It's very American. I don't know if you can fully appreciate an American Midwestern upbringing. :icon_lol:

I'll have to wait and see.
It should be in in about two hours. But I'm not watching it today. We have an Aliens viewing to attend. ;)
You should join too!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually no, not really to any of those questions. The allergies change each year. Some summers I don't get anything and others I do. This year it's mostly an irritated eye thing and itchy skin. Cut grass yesterday and did a bunch of yard work and that seems to trigger it.

Last question (the one that applied to me personally):

Do you keep houseplants (particularly ferns in plastic planting pots)? If so, it could be a fungus. Allergies to pollens is actually not that normal, even though lots of people seem to have them at the same time. Just like so-called "acid-reflux" disease comes from eating white flours and sugar as opposed to being a chemical disorder of the body. "Chronic fatigue syndrome" is a precursor to type II diabetes which is caused by insulin imbalances, which is caused by eating artificial carbs and processed foods. The pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune on making "medicine" which allows people to keep their bad dietary habits as opposed to fixing the problem that is causing these symptoms. Manmade chemical "medicines" are unnatural.


Well Known GateFan
Actually no, not really to any of those questions. The allergies change each year. Some summers I don't get anything and others I do. This year it's mostly an irritated eye thing and itchy skin. Cut grass yesterday and did a bunch of yard work and that seems to trigger it.
Hope she was worth it ;)


Council Member
Some of you are gonna be sick but I will admit, I am a fan of High School Musical. I know... I know... here, have a puke bucket.

There is something so nice IMO about the optimism portrayed in the films, life is so much simpler as a teenager. I found one song that speaks to me the most, it was a scene in HSM2 where the characters Troy (Zac Efron) aka "Hair Sweep Jock Boy that Justin Bieber copied" and Gabrielle (Vanessa Hudgens) aka "Maths Girl" were having a tiff, because Troy was doing his own thing, and becoming someone that Gabrielle doesn't recognise, since he stood her up a few times, not wanting to hang out with their friends and what not.

However, the song in itself, it's says a lot especially more so when placed in an adult situation than something less trivial, i.e. a lil' H.S tiff. The struggles and knowing when to walk away and when to stay and fight on is something inherently adult. In my current RL, the 2nd verse is what I wanna tell one of my closest friend, since I have given him more than enough time to get his act together and to become a better person and I am so done waiting.. (Long story)

Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
And it's just too hard to watch it all
Slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
Gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok.

This song has always spoken to me for some reason, maybe cos it's the pain I recognise the most, the pain I most frequently encounter??


You could put this movie up for a rewatch. ;)
Do you also like School of Rock and Sister Act?
I like those, especially the latter.


Council Member
I love Sister Act 1 & 2. School of Rock was so-so IMO.

I love few other musicals like Hairspray for instance.

Such amusing musical.


I love Sister Act 1 & 2. School of Rock was so-so IMO.

I love few other musicals like Hairspray for instance.

I agree School of Rock is only so so. Have you ever seen Pick of Destiny? It's another Jack Black movie with music in it from Tenacious D. It's not great but it has some cool moments. Let me see if I can find some on youtube...

I don't know the movie Hairspray, but I f***ing hate hairspray. It's toxic crap. An ex of mine used a ton of it to fix her hair, I had to step outside just so I could breathe. So I'm probably not gonna be watching that movie. ;)
While we're on musicals, I like Moulin Rouge.
What other musicals can you recommend?