Anything goes 1



I dunno who you're referring to. The newest member (now) has made no posts.

Go to their page and look at sig. It has about 15 links on it in their sig.

I know just call me curious. I look at Profiles of new members. That is how I saw last one too.


Go to their page and look at sig. It has about 15 links on it in their sig.

I know just call me curious. I look at Profiles of new members. That is how I saw last one too.

Looks like spam to me.


Earl Grey
he's gone :). Banned him


Objects may be closer than they appear
Nice catch GB! Someone should give you The Golden Shield. :)


Hello Mods, Yet again, our newest member has mutiple links in their sign. Heads Up.


Council Member
Grr! Didn't win the Euromillions.

Meanwhile UK is getting ever close to considering boycotting Murdoch's News Corporation - that includes The Sun, The Times, Sunday Times, Fox News, Wall Street Journal and the lil New York Post. Bringing down a mega empire...


Council Member
You didn't know Murdoch owns Fox News?

Anyway, the UK Gov are gonna pass a motion requesting Murdoch to abandon his plans to buy British Sky Broadcasting (i.e. Sky). He plans to turn Sky News to be similar to Fox News - [sarcasm] not that Sky News aren't already right wing orientated [/sarcasm]. I'm glad to see the UK Gov finally showing some bloody spine.


Council Member
Well apparently all major news broadcasters have reported something about the phone hacking scandal, except for... you guessed it - Fox News, not a single report from them.


Well Known GateFan
You didn't know Murdoch owns Fox News?

Anyway, the UK Gov are gonna pass a motion requesting Murdoch to abandon his plans to buy British Sky Broadcasting (i.e. Sky). He plans to turn Sky News to be similar to Fox News - [sarcasm] not that Sky News aren't already right wing orientated [/sarcasm]. I'm glad to see the UK Gov finally showing some bloody spine.

lol, I'm very oblivious to a lot of things. For example, I had no idea who Justin Beiber was until a few months ago. Then I was filled with the usual questions: Who the ****..., how the ****..., why the****..., and especially what the ****?!

I didn't know either.
Boy that Murdoch's sure come a long way from playing a looney in The A-Team.
lol, for sure.


What ship is this?
Staff member