Anything goes 1



Yeah, where is he? It must be night time there. I'm sure he'll give me 'what for' later on. :icon_lol:

We are doing his rewatch for him tonight at 600pmEDT. Are you ever going to grace us with your presence for one of these Mr. Shaved?:sam01:


Council Member
Okay, seriously, just about every time I get on the freeway (Interstate) I find myself thinking that when I get to a computer I have to log onto here and write a rant about idiot drivers. Without fail there's some idiot merging while they are in their own little world. My favorite are the on-ramp/off-ramp lanes that run together. Here I'm trying to exit the damn freeway while some Xanax-addled moron is taking their time to merge onto the freeway. How someone can casually coast onto the freeway and not match speed is beyond me.

Okay, I have to stop now. I don't want to rant endlessly here.
Don't be silly, rant away! It may make you feel better. :)


Well Known GateFan
Don't be silly, rant away! It may make you feel better. :)

How about allergies? This year has been pure hell for allergies. I don't know what it is, but it's bad! I'm about to run to the pharmacy for more allergy meds. I love Summer but I simply hate the allergies that come with it.


Who here is an expert on Flash?
(I mean the program not the comic book character)


My avatar speaks for itself.
How about allergies? This year has been pure hell for allergies. I don't know what it is, but it's bad! I'm about to run to the pharmacy for more allergy meds. I love Summer but I simply hate the allergies that come with it.

i have NO alleries or eye problems :) rubs it in**


Council Member
How about allergies? This year has been pure hell for allergies. I don't know what it is, but it's bad! I'm about to run to the pharmacy for more allergy meds. I love Summer but I simply hate the allergies that come with it.
Well I dont suffer from allergies :) but I know it is annoying for hay fever sufferers.


No allergies here either, though I did catch a cold a couple of weeks ago.


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
No colds or flu in forever, but I take care of myself, eat right and all that crap. Allergies though are something that one develops over time. I never had them when I was younger but the older I've gotten then suddenly they've popped up. So, for all of you who say you don't have them chances are a good portion of you will develop them later in life. Enjoy! :D


No colds or flu in forever, but I take care of myself, eat right and all that crap. Allergies though are something that one develops over time. I never had them when I was younger but the older I've gotten then suddenly they've popped up. So, for all of you who say you don't have them chances are a good portion of you will develop them later in life. Enjoy! :D

Can't wait. :D


Council Member
No colds or flu in forever, but I take care of myself, eat right and all that crap. Allergies though are something that one develops over time. I never had them when I was younger but the older I've gotten then suddenly they've popped up. So, for all of you who say you don't have them chances are a good portion of you will develop them later in life. Enjoy! :D
Aww, you need someone to be your personal nurse. ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, seriously, just about every time I get on the freeway (Interstate) I find myself thinking that when I get to a computer I have to log onto here and write a rant about idiot drivers. Without fail there's some idiot merging while they are in their own little world. My favorite are the on-ramp/off-ramp lanes that run together. Here I'm trying to exit the damn freeway while some Xanax-addled moron is taking their time to merge onto the freeway. How someone can casually coast onto the freeway and not match speed is beyond me.

Okay, I have to stop now. I don't want to rant endlessly here.

I also want to do that sometimes! Other times, I angrily mash a button on my climate control system hoping that I can invoke the secret CTC (car to car) guided missiles feature. :mad:. How is it that a driver going only 55 in the fast lane (far left) cant see that the cars in the next two "slower" lanes are whizzing past? What is going on in the mind of a person who, upon coming to a red light with cars already stopped, decides to stop a full car length and a half behind the next car? This sometimes can make the difference between getting stuck in the middle of a "keep clear" intersection and being clear. When its a person in a left turn slot with street sensors, this can cause the arrow not to come on because the car needs to be at the end of the slot to activate them. I HATE THAT SO MUCH!!! Mash the buttons. And WHY do some drivers who are in the far right lane with brisk traffic on a street make a right turn into a driveway of a corner mart, but it takes them 30sec to complete the turn??? Other drivers are forced to brake suddenly because they assume the car will complete the turn before they reach it. In SoCal, there are a lot of east Asian drivers and they are HORRIBLE drivers. They suddenly brake on the freeway, for no reason at all, even when there is no traffic in front of them. On a freeway. :confused: Sometimes, they will lane change (at 10 miles less the speed limit) across all four lanes without signaling. I dont meanone by one, but they start at the onramp, then drift across the lanes without their left signal on, and cross all three lanes to reach the fast lane where they will be responsible for a traffic jam behind them for several miles. Its not just east Asians, but also elderly women and men, and self-centered drivers on cellphones. BTW, it is now illegal to have a phone on your face whilst driving in California. So, I report them :) Also, it is illegal to "impede traffic", so many of these road menaces get tickets and/or have their licenses suspended.



Sinister Swede
I'm gonna have to join the pro-roundabout crowd around here. The recently built one around here at the same time as they were building a new railroad, and it's working perfectly, besides for a few idiot drivers. But hey, that's not the roundabout's fault, and if you get really sick of them you could just buy or rent a truck and start mowing them down. However the big problem is that they only built one roundabout, when there's at least three other intersections which are pain to drive at, especially when the traffic lights are down at least once a week.

Who here is an expert on Flash?
(I mean the program not the comic book character)

Oh my god I HATE that program with a passion!! :mad: I recently had to suffer through using the program for one year when I had to take Multimedia at school, and honestly, it is one of the most infuriating pieces of software that I have ever come across. If I never have to use Flash again in the rest of my life, I'll be extremely happy.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No colds or flu in forever, but I take care of myself, eat right and all that crap. Allergies though are something that one develops over time. I never had them when I was younger but the older I've gotten then suddenly they've popped up. So, for all of you who say you don't have them chances are a good portion of you will develop them later in life. Enjoy! :D


  1. Do you drink milk?
  2. Do you eat flavored yogurt?
  3. Are you significantly overweight?
These three things can cause physical maladies which appear to be allergies, but are actually signs of systemic inflammation. You can eliminate the "allergies" by changing your diet. But from your answers to those three questions, I might be able to provide some advice. :)