Anything goes 1


Well Known GateFan
At least in the States, you have a sign that tells you which lane you should go, over here, as part of your learnign process, we are taught to look at the big ass routine map like -


Then use common-sense to choose the correct lane.

We're usually driving too fast here to bother consulting signs. They're a blur anyway. ;)



All the ones near my house are one lane. With no signs like that.


We're usually driving too fast here to bother consulting signs. They're a blur anyway. ;)


:smiley-lala: I have no idea what you are talking about. Me......Speed...........Never............:P


Well Known GateFan


"Jackhammer". :P

@Grey, you have it easy, single lane ones over here are treated as mini-roundabouts. lol

I've done the big ones too. They are a little better IMO.

But like I said, one little old lady in the circle and it fraks up the whole mess. No way to get away from her in a one lane circle. I swear every other day I run into one.


Well Known GateFan
I've done the big ones too. They are a little better IMO.

But like I said, one little old lady in the circle and it fraks up the whole mess. No way to get away from her in a one lane circle. I swear every other day I run into one.

Oh it's constant, literally every single time I drive thru a roundabout there is someone who is utterly clueless about how to traverse one. They'll actually come to a complete stop and not know what to do. Americans simply are not familiar with nor are we comfortable with roundabouts. People don't want to have to think when they're driving here and roundabouts make one pause and think, dumb as that sounds.


I've done the big ones too. They are a little better IMO.

But like I said, one little old lady in the circle and it fraks up the whole mess. No way to get away from her in a one lane circle. I swear every other day I run into one.

You've done the big ones. You dawg!


Oh it's constant, literally every single time I drive thru a roundabout there is someone who is utterly clueless about how to traverse one. They'll actually come to a complete stop and not know what to do. Americans simply are not familiar with nor are we comfortable with roundabouts. People don't want to have to think when they're driving here and roundabouts make one pause and think, dumb as that sounds.

I could draw a conclusion from this that none of you will like, but I shall refrain.
Instead I shall wait till Gatefan gives his opinion on roundabouts.


Oh it's constant, literally every single time I drive thru a roundabout there is someone who is utterly clueless about how to traverse one. They'll actually come to a complete stop and not know what to do. Americans simply are not familiar with nor are we comfortable with roundabouts. People don't want to have to think when they're driving here and roundabouts make one pause and think, dumb as that sounds.

That and I think to do it properly, you need some gonads. You can't be timid when merging, it causes problems. Even on a regular highway that is where people usually screw up. They are too afraid of the other cars. Maybe the Euros in general have more gonads than the average American, in that they just don't care. I am not referring to you or me, but the average American. You can see the fellow other drivers on the road during rush hours. Some of them are confident and some are timid. In general, timid drivers suck. And most are either timid or oblivious.


I could draw a conclusion from this that none of you will like, but I shall refrain.
Instead I shall wait till Gatefan gives his opinion on roundabouts.

A conclusion? How ominous sounding. :icon_e_surprised:
Pray tell, whatever could it be?


Well Known GateFan
I could draw a conclusion from this that none of you will like, but I shall refrain.
Instead I shall wait till Gatefan gives his opinion on roundabouts.

#1. You needn't refrain from snarking to your hearts content. We can handle it.

#2. GateFan lives in a world without paved roads or indoor plumbing. Can his opinion on roundabouts really be trusted here? :P


Of course, of course - "Heath & Safety"-and all that. ;)

@Gray, Grannies, cars and roads; no matter where you are in the world, we all have to experience it, the pain, the misery and the annoyance. :P

Just an example. It more was referring to the average neighbor I have that cannot grasp the concept of the whole circle thing. :icon_e_wink:


#1. You needn't refrain from snarking to your hearts content. We can handle it.

#2. GateFan lives in a world without paved roads or indoor plumbing. Can his opinion on roundabouts really be trusted here? :P

Ouch, somebody is picking on GF and he is not here to defend himself.
Rut Roh..........................:icon_e_surprised:


Well Known GateFan
That and I think to do it properly, you need some gonads. You can't be timid when merging, it causes problems. Even on a regular highway that is where people usually screw up. They are too afraid of the other cars. Maybe the Euros in general have more gonads than the average American, in that they just don't care. I am not referring to you or me, but the average American. You can see the fellow other drivers on the road during rush hours. Some of them are confident and some are timid. In general, timid drivers suck. And most are either timid or oblivious.

Okay, seriously, just about every time I get on the freeway (Interstate) I find myself thinking that when I get to a computer I have to log onto here and write a rant about idiot drivers. Without fail there's some idiot merging while they are in their own little world. My favorite are the on-ramp/off-ramp lanes that run together. Here I'm trying to exit the damn freeway while some Xanax-addled moron is taking their time to merge onto the freeway. How someone can casually coast onto the freeway and not match speed is beyond me.

Okay, I have to stop now. I don't want to rant endlessly here.


Well Known GateFan
Ouch, somebody is picking on GF and he is not here to defend himself.
Rut Roh..........................:icon_e_surprised:

Yeah, where is he? It must be night time there. I'm sure he'll give me 'what for' later on. :icon_lol:


Okay, seriously, just about every time I get on the freeway (Interstate) I find myself thinking that when I get to a computer I have to log onto here and write a rant about idiot drivers. Without fail there's some idiot merging while they are in their own little world. My favorite are the on-ramp/off-ramp lanes that run together. Here I'm trying to exit the damn freeway while some Xanax-addled moron is taking their time to merge onto the freeway. How someone can casually coast onto the freeway and not match speed is beyond me.

Okay, I have to stop now. I don't want to rant endlessly here.

I did that in the explicit thread already. Much more colorful too, I might add. Me and Tropi both. Feel free to let it all out. :D It felt GOOD. :P