Anything goes 1



Just did an hour of rowing and an hour of walking totalling 1400kcal. :D
Gonna go swimming in a couple of minutes. That is if I don't crash before then.


Council Member
Didn't know Carmel, Indiana has the most Roundabouts on their roads compared to any other U.S city.

Also, just found out the "Yield" sign is American's equivalent to our "Give Way" sign. Odd sign tho IMO, I wouldn't have associated "Yield" with "Give Way".


Didn't know Carmel, Indiana has the most Roundabouts on their roads compared to any other U.S city.

Also, just found out the "Yield" sign is American's equivalent to our "Give Way" sign. Odd sign tho IMO, I wouldn't have associated "Yield" with "Give Way".

Neither the yield sign nor the give way sign ring a bell.


Council Member
Neither the yield sign nor the give way sign ring a bell.
Maybe cos you guys only have this ->



If I was driving in Continental Europe and I came across this sign, til now, I wouldn't have known that, that sign is - "Give Way". Would have thought someone forgot to put something in the middle, lol.


Maybe cos you guys only have this ->

View attachment 4637


If I was driving in Continental Europe and I came across this sign, til now, I wouldn't have known that, that sign is - "Give Way". Would have thought someone forgot to put something in the middle, lol.

Aah now I know what you're talking about.
At first I thought you meant some sort of hand gesture. :P


Well Known GateFan
Didn't know Carmel, Indiana has the most Roundabouts on their roads compared to any other U.S city.

Also, just found out the "Yield" sign is American's equivalent to our "Give Way" sign. Odd sign tho IMO, I wouldn't have associated "Yield" with "Give Way".

Roundabouts are evil, pure and simple. There's this push to install them in every community now. It drives people crazy because they are weird. Don't get me going on roundabouts, oy!

And the YIELD sign simply means you have to yield to oncoming traffic. If there is no traffic you don't have to yield, you don't have to stop, you can simply zoom onto whatever thoroughfare you're entering. So unlike a STOP sign you don't have to come to a stop at at YIELD sign.


Roundabouts are evil, pure and simple. There's this push to install them in every community now. It drives people crazy because they are weird. Don't get me going on roundabouts, oy!

And the YIELD sign simply means you have to yield to oncoming traffic. If there is no traffic you don't have to yield, you don't have to stop, you can simply zoom onto whatever thoroughfare you're entering. So unlike a STOP sign you don't have to come to a stop at at YIELD sign.

Thanks for explaining because I never quite understood the STOP sign. :P


The Belle of the Ball
Didn't know Carmel, Indiana has the most Roundabouts on their roads compared to any other U.S city.

Also, just found out the "Yield" sign is American's equivalent to our "Give Way" sign. Odd sign tho IMO, I wouldn't have associated "Yield" with "Give Way".

Yep car-MEL (as they pronounce it) has more roundabouts (or as they are called in New England- rotaries) because the people in this very very wealthy suburb of Indy think they are too important to actually stop at a stop sign or light! ;) what is sad is that most hoosiers (yes even those in car-MEL ) don't understand how to use one! :rolleyes: they come to a dead stop before entering one if there is another car even in sight! :facepalm: MORONS.... needless to say the native people (AKA Hoosiers) of Indiana don't impress me at all! ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Roundabouts are evil, pure and simple. There's this push to install them in every community now. It drives people crazy because they are weird. Don't get me going on roundabouts, oy!

And the YIELD sign simply means you have to yield to oncoming traffic. If there is no traffic you don't have to yield, you don't have to stop, you can simply zoom onto whatever thoroughfare you're entering. So unlike a STOP sign you don't have to come to a stop at at YIELD sign.

roundabouts are safer then an intersection with redlights as those lights can fail in a round about speed is reduced and there are no lights that can fail.
i dont see whats so weird about them? its pretty basic really and all traffic that is in one is heading one way so no risk of frontal collisions etc..

but i geuss ass you live on the other side of the pond you fear all things that are new and better like the 24H no AM/PM clock metric system etc etc cars that do more then swallow a tonne of fuel and can corner oy vee so many things that could go on this list..:roll:

oh and YES finally a post i didnt agree with!!!!


Well Known GateFan
roundabouts are safer then an intersection with redlights as those lights can fail in a round about speed is reduced and there are no lights that can fail.
i dont see whats so weird about them? its pretty basic really and all traffic that is in one is heading one way so no risk of frontal collisions etc..

but i geuss ass you live on the other side of the pond you fear all things that are new and better like the 24H no AM/PM clock metric system etc etc cars that do more then swallow a tonne of fuel and can corner oy vee so many things that could go on this list..:roll:

oh and YES finally a post i didnt agree with!!!!

Roundabouts are un-American, pure and simple. And roundabouts are hardly new, they're just lame which is why America has eschewed them for so long. Here car is king so if roundabouts were a superior form of traffic flow we'd have embraced them decades ago. We didn't, for good reason -- they suck!

Of course when you live in a country with a population of less than 3000 (including caribou) that is covered in ice 11 months out of the year you can indulge in building a roundabout for the one intersection Oslo or Stockholm or freaking Stalingrad has. I'm sure drivers of the horse-drawn sleighs (which is your primary mode of transportation) find roundabouts charming. You people probably go out of your way to drive thru the roundabout on your daily vodka run to the state owned liquor store (which sells only vodka, go figure). :roll:

Here in America we have places to go and people to see and important things to do. We can't be bothered with driving in circles! Our lives are linear; our stops at intersections are intended for revving the engine in anticipation of a tranny drop drag race with the car next to us. The engines in our cars here have actual horse power and by God we're gonna whip those horses until they scream as the light turns green at a good, old fashioned 4-way stop, thank you very much! Try doing that with one of your precious roundabouts (and with one of your anemic single cylinder Euro tin can cars). :P


Council Member
I don't mind the roundabouts and IMo, they don't suck (lol), but then I grew up with them. Some of our roundabouts have traffic lights anyway, but it basically allows one location to have multiple exits that aren't necessary in 90 degree angles to one another. They are easy to navigate through and as long as there's a signpost detailing where each exit goes, I'm ok.

Of course I can see why many Americans prefer the cross-roads concept, I certainly can see the logic however it restricts the location to 4 exits, mind you American cities are based on blocks concept, so logically speaking having cross-roads fits easier than say, a roundabout.


Council Member
And the YIELD sign simply means you have to yield to oncoming traffic. If there is no traffic you don't have to yield, you don't have to stop, you can simply zoom onto whatever thoroughfare you're entering. So unlike a STOP sign you don't have to come to a stop at at YIELD sign.
Exactly the same with a Give Way. Except, we slow down, take a good look then go; cos you never know when a motorcycle appears just like that, also cos our roads here are not as wide as they are in the States.


Well Known GateFan
Exactly the same with a Give Way. Except, we slow down, take a good look then go; cos you never know when a motorcycle appears just like that, also cos our roads here are not as wide as they are in the States.

Some of our roads are insanely large. We literally have lost the concept of a pedestrian society here. There's no such thing as walking into town to buy a gallon of milk. Everywhere requires driving driving driving.


Some of our roads are insanely large. We literally have lost the concept of a pedestrian society here. There's no such thing as walking into town to buy a gallon of milk. Everywhere requires driving driving driving.

I thought bicycles were hot there too.

Red Mage

I thought bicycles were hot there too.

If you are an illegal alien daylabor worker or under 16 years of age. Very rarely do you see an adult riding a bike unless he/she is an avid cyclist in full spandex gear. If you don't own a car, it's hard to get around in the suburbs. Atleast around here, the suburb mass transit is absolutely terrible.

However, maybe in major cities you might see some bicycles. Even then most of the time, it's people just walking or driving cars in insanely congested traffic.


If you are an illegal alien daylabor worker or under 16 years of age. Very rarely do you see an adult riding a bike unless he/she is an avid cyclist in full spandex gear. If you don't own a car, it's hard to get around in the suburbs. Atleast around here, the suburb mass transit is absolutely terrible.

However, maybe in major cities you might see some bicycles. Even then most of the time, it's people just walking or driving cars in insanely congested traffic.

Lol. Standing still together. :D


All it takes is one idiot in the circle, what you call roundabouts, and it screws up the whole mess. Unfortunately, more often than not you will find one of those idiots.

They recently put several circles up near my house. I hate them. :facepalm: