Star Trek: Picard


Well Known GateFan
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But they still haven't learned that fans can spot inconsistencies like a tribble in the Captain's ready room, cloaks on pre-Kirk Klingon ships, or in this case, the fact that Seven of Nine's ocular implant is NOT the same as the one in Voyager. We know she didn't have an assortment of them, so why is it so much different? I stopped the frames she was in to compare them, and they are a lot different in the details. Nothing was stopping them from recreating the original.

View attachment 35358

The answer to that is because they are once again using the Kurtzman alternate license to make this thing, which means that I am probably not wrong that this show could suck.

The newer one looks a lot less intrusive in the actor's actual eye and face.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The newer one looks a lot less intrusive in the actor's actual eye and face.

I noticed over the seasons from 4-7 that it would be attached slightly differently like higher or lower. But it was the same piece. The Picard one is different. Not that big of a deal, but evidence that things are amiss.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Still looking forward to this. And I won't have you gloomsayers disrupt my excitement.

I wouldnt classify my comments as "gloomsaying", but they are definitely skeptical. It has been birthed from the House of Kurtzman, even though he is not directly involved. That gives me pause. I am neither hating on it or excited for it. But I am hopeful! I won't be caught by surprise like I was with Discovery.


Well Known GateFan
More memberberries!

View attachment 35357

But they still haven't learned that fans can spot inconsistencies like a tribble in the Captain's ready room, cloaks on pre-Kirk Klingon ships, or in this case, the fact that Seven of Nine's optical implant is NOT the same as the one in Voyager. We know she didn't have an assortment of them, so why is it so much different? I stopped the frames she was in to compare them, and they are a lot different in the details. Nothing was stopping them from recreating the original.

View attachment 35358

The answer to that is because they are once again using the Kurtzman alternate license to make this thing, which means that I am probably not wrong that this show could suck.

so, you seriously believe that Kurtzman or whoever, REALLY said something like "oh wait, hold on, i want to make a tinny tiny change to her know, just to drive some of those really, really detail oriented fans out there bonkers..the ones who dont care about the story just the visuals...lets fuck with em hard!"
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Well Known GateFan
Here is another one - jesus christ wtf did they do to Data?

If they got different actors to play the same characters, you people would shit yourselves

Data is supposed to be an ageless android..kind of hard to pull off with an actor 30 yrs after the character of data first appeared

Spiner is 70yrs old FFS! how else, other than heavy makeup and digital fuckery were they supposed to make him look anywhere near the same as he did in 1987?

Spiner also said about 15 yrs ago, he wanted to see DATA "Die" in nemesis because even back then, he didn't see how he could pull off continuing to play DATA

Do all of you visual detail freaks just watch shows with the volume on mute?


Well Known GateFan
do you trek fans just not want any new trek shows at all?

i mean, they make a new show (Admittedly it does suck) STD and then you shit on it, then they make a show bringing back old characters with the same actors, and you still shit yourselves


"we want more trek but nuTrek sucks, new (supposedly prime trek) Trek sucks, and renewed old trek sucks"

i think that covers all possibilities-- you hate Trek :)


Well Known GateFan
The newer one looks a lot less intrusive in the actor's actual eye and face.

yeah, maybe, just maybe, the actress asked for it to be modified?

i mean she put up strutting her ass around in that cat suit for years, she should at least be entitled to a little bit of change


Well Known GateFan

Here is another one - jesus christ wtf did they do to Data? Looks like all the people has been computer generated tint on it. It doesn't feel trek but it's trying to give the illusion of trek. It's fake trek just like discovery but idiots will buy into this because it's feeding an illusion/fantasy.

Pause at 1:31 - She looks like Evangeline Lilly from the Hobbit - Female Elf - Same hairstyle

I am going to watch it, watching some of the older character kinda entices you to watch. It looked like from the trailer the chemistry between Riker and Picard seemed stronger. I am not interested in that mysterious lady. It's the character is what makes a show interesting and the chemistry between them.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so, you seriously believe that Kurtzman or whoever, REALLY said something like "oh wait, hold on, i want to make a tinny tiny change to her know, just to drive some of those really, really detail oriented fans out that bonkers..the ones who dont care about the story just the visuals...lets fuck with em hard!"

How do you miss the point so easily? :) No, what I know is that somebody in the Legal Department at ViacomCBS told Kurtzman's people "No, you can't use the original Seven of Nine ocular implant unless you pay us for the right to use it". Just like they did for the uniforms, the original communicators and anything else from the original license. Uniforms would cost much less to license, as would those communicators, since they are commercially available to fans. All they would have to pay is the right to use them in the production.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
do you trek fans just not want any new trek shows at all?

No, us Trek fans want Star Trek shows and not fake Trek like STD. Everything starting in 2009 has been fake Trek. The only real Trek that has been made since the 2009 reboot movie has been the episodes from Star Trek Continues and Axanar. Also, we count The Orville as real Star Trek because other than the name, it hits every qualifier for Star Trek.

i mean, they make a new show (Admittedly it does suck) STD and then you shit on it, then they make a show bringing back old characters with the same actors, and you still shit yourselves

It isn't Star Trek. Think back to Stargate Universe. Was it Stargate or not? To a real fan of Stargate, it was not Stargate. It had a stargate, it used references from SG1 but not SGA, and the premise was completely, utterly different from Stargate. Look at the current Star Wars. You might be okay with it, but it looks to me like the majority of the Star Wars fandom does not agree with you. If they did, Galaxy's Edge would be packed at least in one of the two of the parks. Both are dead. If it was a minority of people who hated Solo, it would have been a success. But it was a flop. If the majority liked Rey, Finn Poe, Kylo Ren and BB8, then the merchandise would be selling and any boycott for Episode IX would be inconsequential. The merchandise is not selling, and most everywhere online where there are Star Wars fans, people are saying they don't care about Disney Star Wars anymore. Why can't you see this happening and why it is happening in both of these franchises? Don't tell me you are bringing me a hamburger and then serve me a bologna sandwich. I am NOT okay with that. Some of us fans have strict standards. Some, but evidently not all.


"we want more trek but nuTrek sucks, new (supposedly prime trek) Trek sucks, and renewed old trek sucks"

i think that covers all possibilities-- you hate Trek :)

There has been no Star Trek. I love Star Trek, and there has been none (please see my first paragraph). What is "renewed old Trek"? Nothing of the sort has been created. Axanar is real Trek. Star Trek Continues is real Trek. None of the reboot movies is Star Trek. Discovery is not Star Trek. The Orville is Star Trek, even though it isn't. I wish you could understand this....

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
To the Star Trek Fan...what makes Star Trek, Star Trek? It is a combination of Tone, visual cues, dialogue, storytelling, pacing and lighting. This tells you exactly what those things are, comparing them with non-Trek fakeness like STD aka Discovery:



Well Known GateFan
Pretty sure, the fans of the TOS fans hated a lot of the Next Gen onward shows and movies in the beginning as well.

It is a generational thing, you will always love what you grew up with, and be hesitant to the changes that most occur to bring the newer generations on board.
I am open to it, not going to judge until the show has at least aired. I don't care about her eye piece being a bit different, she probably has a lot more pull now and refused to use the old one. What makes me sad is that it took this long. Ten years ago Picard would not look so old, and Data would not have needed so much enhancement.

For Data, I wish they had him age and then stated in the show, " I wanted to see what it was like to grow old with my friends in their lifetime, so I made myself a new body". They could still have the body be as strong, but just have it look older.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
The Orville is NOT Star Trek.


Well Known GateFan
Care to explain why supreme commander?
It is not, because it is not. It is not a part of ST canon. They are not in the Starfleet Federation and they don't exist in the same world as any ST characters.

The show is very much in the style of ST, but that does not mean we can say it is a part of ST.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Care to explain why supreme commander?
Exactly what @Quetesh said. The fact is that it's an entirely separate show. Just because some people (or one person) doesn't like the new Star Trek shows doesn't mean they get to bend reality and turn The Orville into Star Trek. It is not Star Trek, and saying that it is seems to me as a delusion only a child would have. I also detest the generalization that "real Star Trek fans" (which is an insulting phrasing by itself) count The Orville as "real Star Trek". Call The Orville what it is. It's an entertaining show which conceptually has many similarities to what Star Trek the Next Generation was, but is yet an entirely new and different show in it's own right. It is an honor to The Orville to hold it in as high regard as Star Trek the Next Generation. It is an insult to The Orville to not recognize its achievement on its own merits. The Orville is NOT Star Trek. The Orville is The Orville!
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It is not, because it is not. It is not a part of ST canon. They are not in the Starfleet Federation and they don't exist in the same world as any ST characters.

The show is very much in the style of ST, but that does not mean we can say it is a part of ST.

Discovery and the reboot movies are not part of ST canon either. The new showrunners may want it to be but it isn't. Star Trek is a thing like an apple is a thing. It has an intrinsic identity that is Star Trek even though it isn't. Discovery is clearly not Star Trek, even though it is called Star Trek. You can take an apple and call it an orange, but it will still be an apple to anyone who knows what an apple is. The Orville is Star Trek because it is structured like Star Trek, is written exactly like Star Trek, looks and feels like Star Trek, and is created by a person who knows and loves Star Trek better than ANYONE who has tried to do Star Trek since Enterprise was canceled.

The fans of Star Trek know it when they see it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Exactly what @Quetesh said. The fact is that it's an entirely separate show. Just because some people (or one person) doesn't like the new Star Trek shows doesn't mean they get to bend reality and turn The Orville into Star Trek. It is not Star Trek, and saying that it is seems to me as a delusion only a child would have. I also detest the generalization that "real Star Trek fans" (which is an insulting phrasing by itself) count The Orville as "real Star Trek". Call The Orville what it is. It's an entertaining show which conceptually has many similarities to what Star Trek the Next Generation was, but is yet an entirely new and different show in it's own right. It is an honor to The Orville to hold it in as high regard as Star Trek the Next Generation. It is an insult to The Orville to not recognize its achievement on its own merits. The Orville is NOT Star Trek. The Orville is The Orville!

Think what you want, but since you are not a Star Trek fan to the degree that most of the Star Trek fanbase is, you may never understand why the Star Trek fandom hates fake Star Trek which bought the name but isn't Star Trek, but loves the show which is actually Star Trek but is named The Orville because CBS refused to pay Seth to create the new Star Trek show which he presented to them before Kurtzman got involved. Seth McFarlane wrote the show now named The Orville as the new Star Trek show that CBS could have had if Kurtzman had not stolen the job by way of his relationship with Paramount. If that had not happened, then The Orville would have been the new Star Trek show that came out for CBS All Access instead of Discovery. The Orville is an homage to Star Trek. It was not trying to be something completely different.

You are technically correct: The Orville is not Star Trek. But viscerally, you couldn't be more wrong.
