Star Trek: Picard


Well Known GateFan
The bolded is a pussy way out of the situation, and is EXACTLY what the movie studios want.

what the fuck ever man!

what the fuck did you do before all of this doomcocking and all the other half wits on YT with their prophecies of suck?

and, all of the shows everyone says were so great, you me and everyone else watched without any YT or even a internet that was worth a shit!

we didn't have anyone saying "without respect..blah blah blah fucking blah" trying to trash a show simply based on one trailer! 1 FUCKING TRAILER!!

We watched the shows and movies as they were released, that is what we did. then we formed our own opinions on them, we DID NOT have some Mr or Mrs negativity asswipe telling us what to think about a show MONTHS before it premiered

we used to have commercials instead of trailers

hmm, i wonder how cockholster would have eviscerated something like this..would any of his squees watched B5 based on his acid comments on it?

if he could have tore this commercial up back then and ppl listened to him then they would have went into the show with preconceived notions of the show sucking based on his comments and not their own thoughts and reactions
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LOOK!!! I have no problem, zero, with anyone making their little videos the way this guy does about shows after they air.

and it is not just him, there is a whole flock of fucktards out there on YT all competing over who can give the harshest condemnation of a show before it ever airs. all for what? to ensure purity of sci fi? no, its for likes and validation and shares and, i would presume, money

and, so many of them do not even do research. they just pump out videos as fast as they can to get into that race for likes and shares and 'daddy love me' validations

again, i cite that dickhead and his LOTR;s 'prediction' video, where he clearly did not do one minute of on line research to find out just what was Tolkien's 'second age'

he, and others are doing the same with all of this other stuff as well

they can fuck off and let us all have our own opinions is what they can do

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
this is nothing more than what we do here; conjecture, supposition, 'theorizing'

which is ok, but connected to this guy's overall negative attitude to over 90% of everything, and his need --like so many YTbrs for attention, adulation and validation, it kind of changes the whole nature of 'for fun' speculation like we do here

it is not just him, but so many on YT who do these doom and gloom things-or on the opposite side, those pumping up too much expectations of a new show/movie

it adds to the eventual reception by people has they may have been 'contaminated' to be either over negative or over positive in their view of the show/movie and forces them to react based on their preconceptions and to fulfilling preconceived prejudices-again good or bad- to a show before it even comes out

how about we just keep the theories at the just for fun level and wait for something to come out then critique it?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
what the fuck ever man!

what the fuck did you do before all of this doomcocking and all the other half wits on YT with their prophecies of suck?

I did it on my own! That's what. I have done it here. We all did it to Stargate Universe by being part of SGU Sucks. We did it because of standards, not compromise.

and, all of the shows everyone says were so great, you me and everyone else watched without any YT or even a internet that was worth a shit!

we didn't have anyone saying "without respect..blah blah blah fucking blah" trying to trash a show simply based on one trailer! 1 FUCKING TRAILER!!

We watched the shows and movies as they were released, that is what we did. then we formed our own opinions on them, we DID NOT have some Mr or Mrs negativity asswipe telling us what to think about a show MONTHS before it premiered

If you knew anything at all about Doomcock and the other YouTubers in the Fandom Menace, you would see a mixed bag, but none of them are apologists or compromisers. I am thankful to them for telling me in advance that Discovery was going to be a shitcake, and the leaks showing the Klingons and talking about the characters. I am thankful for the advance spoilers for Discovery episodes and also the goings-on behind the scenes. You seem to only have an issue with Doomcock and not the other members of the Fandom Menace. Why?

we used to have commercials instead of trailers

hmm, i wonder how cockholster would have eviscerated something like this..would any of his squees watched B5 based on his acid comments on it?

Doomcock likes Babylon 5. Because it was great. Disney Star wars and STD are not good, and he hates them accordingly like I do.

if he could have tore this commercial up back then and ppl listened to him then they would have went into the show with preconceived notions of the show sucking based on his comments and not their own thoughts and reactions
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LOOK!!! I have no problem, zero, with anyone making their little videos the way this guy does about shows after they air.

and it is not just him, there is a whole flock of fucktards out there on YT all competing over who can give the harshest condemnation of a show before it ever airs. all for what? to ensure purity of sci fi? no, its for likes and validation and shares and, i would presume, money

These YouTubers are popular because they have great commentary. They have more reliable honest opinions than sellout media like Screenrant, Rotten Tomatoes and the other shill media who want to maintain their access and who get tickets to advance screenings and tours to cheerlead for their horrible movies.

and, so many of them do not even do research. they just pump out videos as fast as they can to get into that race for likes and shares and 'daddy love me' validations

again, i cite that dickhead and his LOTR;s 'prediction' video, where he clearly did not do one minute of on line research to find out just what was Tolkien's 'second age'

he, and others are doing the same with all of this other stuff as well

they can fuck off and let us all have our own opinions is what they can do

They are doing what they want to do on their channels. Hows about you maybe start a channel and do your take on things? You might find that average fans do not go that deeply into what they are watching. Why do any research on Tolkien's second age when nobody involved in the show has done that? All people care about is who is in it, how will it look, how many episodes, what is the premise, they do not give two shits about the deep details of the lore.

With Star Trek Picard, we know who is in it so far, we have a loose idea of the premise, and we have a vague trailer. But we still do not have any episodes to analyze. Because of The Fandom Menace, we know about the details of the alternate license (Midnight's Edge) and why STD looks like it does. We know that merchandise licensees have rejected Picard's merchandise and that Netflix rejected the show and that the reason it is on Amazon is because Netflix turned their backs on it. The media would love to spin it differently or just hide this stuff. If you don't like Doomcock or hearing negative commentary on stuff you like, then why watch their videos? Nothing is on autoplay here. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

If they do what he says they are going to do, that will kill Star Trek for the original fans INSTANTLY. All they will have left is their "new audience".
Last edited:

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan


I am siding with @YJ02. I like to go into a show or movie without preconceptions. I like to form my own opinion on things once I've seen them. And my opinion usually stretches as far as "I like it" or "I don't like it" or somewhere in between. These days there is so much "information" available online on shows and movies that it has actually become quite challenging to avoid spoilers and opinions before having seen something for oneself. You have no idea how many articles I've had to swipe past (for months) on my Google news feed before I had seen Avengers Endgame. I put quotes around "information" because this word used to have a positive connotation (as in knowing things would be beneficial), but these days there is so much crap floating around that you constantly have to wade through in order to find something which could actually be considered information, that "information" has started to get a negative connotation. Something which pisses me off immensely, is an "article" (again, note the quotes) which is basically nothing but a headline. The headline gets you to open the "article", but once you start reading it, you find that paragraph after paragraph are basically void of any information, or if there is some information there, it could easily be distilled into one short paragraph. The saddest part is that this doesn't just hold true for all those pathetic wannabe "journalists" or websites with a certain niche, but also for a lot of "articles" by mainstream media such as newspapers with an online presence, perhaps those are getting their info from those wannabe "journalists" and websites. There is so much hot air floating around online, it is possibly the greatest contributor to global warming. That was of course a joke, but now that I think about it, all these computers and other devices people (yes, I'm aware this includes me) are using are all using electric power and they generate a lot of heat, not to mention the server farms out there. All this heat has to go somewhere, so I suppose that all these devices added together could in fact be a major contributor to global warming, but I digress. Even worse than the information-less articles, are the "opinion pieces". I've noticed that these are particularly bad when it comes to politics, or perhaps just when centered around #brexit. I'm not going into the politics here, in fact, I'd rather stay clear of politics altogether, but unfortunately I do live in #brexit-land and so it is prudent for me to keep a finger on the pulse every now and then. When I see an article about #brexit, with a headline which pulls me in, and I start reading it, and then I find out that it doesn't contain any news but it's just some a**hole's opinion on certain events, I often find that some of my time as well as the energy which went into my brain processes was wasted. News and opinions should remain strictly separated! I am by the way aware that this post that I'm writing right now, is essentially an opinion piece, but this is okay because this forum is a place to do so and because I feel it is necessary for me to provide my opinion on the discussion which is currently taking place here. So, there's a lot of pointless "information" out there, utterly useless, by far the largest part of the internet falls into this category. But even for the information which isn't useless one should consider whether one should access it. In regard to TV shows and movies, taking on information in advance can not only spoil the experience, it can also poison the mind with preconceptions. These preconceptions may or may not hold true, but regardless of whether they do, the personal opinion was already tainted from the very moment the information entered the brain. There is no escaping this. In order to be able to form a completely untainted and unbiased opinion on a TV show or movie, one should go into said show or movie without having any prior knowledge of it and especially without carrying along someone else's opinions and preconceptions. In regard to Star Trek: Picard, for me, the ship has basically already sailed, because I've already heard the news that Patrick Stewart will be reprising his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I have already seen the trailer, and I've already read that some other familiar characters from Star Trek will be in it. This little amount of information is already too much as it has painted a picture, albeit a rather vague one, of what is coming. In order to have been able to go into the show as a completely empty vessel, the only information which I should have had is "there's a new Star Trek show coming", just in order for me to know that there's something coming which I'll want to watch because I'm a Star Trek fan, and "it airs on this date", in order to know when I can watch it. Now that I already know that Picard is in it, I am essentially already robbed of the surprise of "WTF! Jean-Luc is back!". Just imagine for a moment how much an impact it would have had on you if you started watching a new Star Trek show completely unaware of what is coming and you're then suddenly finding out that it centers on Patrick Stewart's iconic character. Wouldn't that have been the most amazing thing? I bet that would have gotten my adrenaline flowing. But now I already know, so unfortunately that won't be happening. I am of course painting an extreme picture here, but I'm doing this on purpose to make a point. When I know a show or movie is coming which I will be very interested in, I try my best to avoid information on it. This doesn't always work out as when I see or hear something about it, the temptation is great to dive into the information, but generally I do alright. The reason why it's important to avoid information pertaining to TV shows and movies, is because they are supposed to be an experience. This is an important distinction to make, because if you consider for example a new device coming out, like for example the Pixel 4 smartphone, there is nothing to be spoiled by gathering information on it in advance. It is in fact prudent to lookup information in advance when you're in the market for a new device. You'll want to compare various models in order to determine which is the one for you, or you may want to see whether the new model is worthy enough to upgrade your old model. It doesn't make a difference whether you get this information months before the device hits the market or at the time it hits the market or later. The same is not true when it comes to an experience. Imagine for example that you're a fan of roller-coasters. The theme park in your area is building a brand new one and you can't wait to experience it for yourself. Eventually the ride is fully built, but you just happen to be out of town. By the time you are able to visit the theme park, many other people have already been able to experience the ride. They are posting their opinions on the new coaster online and you have a look at what they say. Many of the opinions turn out to state that they didn't like the new coaster. Now you go to the theme park and are going to experience the ride for yourself. Will you go into it thinking something like "OMG I'm so excited I can't wait to feel this!" or will you be thinking something like "I hope what these people said isn't true". In my opinion, once you have become aware of other people's opinions, you will never ever be able to have a completely untainted experience of the ride. This holds true especially for criticism, and for positive commentary to a lesser extent, depending on how much spoiling information the positive commentary contains. The negative opinions are worse, because when you like something a lot and then someone else starts pointing out flaws, it can be like "hmmm, I guess they have a point" and suddenly the thing you like has gotten less likable, whether a little bit or a lot. In other words, your enjoyment has been spoiled to some extent. For me, in regard to Star Trek: Picard, the mere fact alone that I know that there are people discussing what they think is right or not right about the uniforms in the show (or whichever part of the show they are discussing) is a downer. Note that it doesn't even matter whether I know what these people are saying about it. I know that people are discussing it, and therefore, once I start watching the show, part of my attention will be focused on it and I will probably form some sort of opinion on it. But I don't give a rat's fucking ass about the uniforms! The only way in which my attention would otherwise have been drawn to the bloody uniforms, would have been if they were somehow outrageous, such as if Jean-Luc were wearing a dress or something. That's when I would start talking like "What the fuck is up with that!". If the uniforms are anything like one would expect to see on this type of show, even if they aren't identical or even similar to the ones on the prior shows, I wouldn't give a damn about it. If it turns out that the Star Trek badge is not on the left side of the uniform but on the right side instead, I would feel sorry for people who go online to whine about it. I mean, how sad a person must one be to let something as innocuous as this ruin one's enjoyment. Unfortunately, the online world is filled with such wankers. In fact, it appears as though they make up the majority of the people online. There's always something to wank about. Non-wankers are often simply enjoying their lives offline. If someone wants to wank about something online, fair enough, that is their prerogative. But let them do so after the fact, not before. You watch a show, you didn't like it, you wank about it, okay. But don't come fucking wanking on my computer screen before a fucking show has even fucking aired. This goes to all of those "youtubers" (man that fucking word feels almost synonymous with "wankers") who post their videos talking crap about shows and movies before they are released. Before something's released, provide information, if you want, not opinions. I don't give a damn about your opinions. By all means, wank the hell off! You can feel free to spread your opinions after something has been officially released. Maybe I would even be interested in them at that point, after I have first seen it for myself. But you probably won't be able to form a decent opinion on the shows anymore, since you have already formed preconceptions and tainted your opinions with your own rants and those of others. You've probably been standing in a circle with your YouTube "comrades" too much, jerking each other off while spreading your opinions online. My display is not a biscuit, and I won't be eating whatever you put on it, so by all means fuck the hell off!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


I am siding with @YJ02. I like to go into a show or movie without preconceptions. I like to form my own opinion on things once I've seen them. And my opinion usually stretches as far as "I like it" or "I don't like it" or somewhere in between. These days there is so much "information" available online on shows and movies that it has actually become quite challenging to avoid spoilers and opinions before having seen something for oneself. You have no idea how many articles I've had to swipe past (for months) on my Google news feed before I had seen Avengers Endgame. I put quotes around "information" because this word used to have a positive connotation (as in knowing things would be beneficial), but these days there is so much crap floating around that you constantly have to wade through in order to find something which could actually be considered information, that "information" has started to get a negative connotation. Something which pisses me off immensely, is an "article" (again, note the quotes) which is basically nothing but a headline. The headline gets you to open the "article", but once you start reading it, you find that paragraph after paragraph are basically void of any information, or if there is some information there, it could easily be distilled into one short paragraph. The saddest part is that this doesn't just hold true for all those pathetic wannabe "journalists" or websites with a certain niche, but also for a lot of "articles" by mainstream media such as newspapers with an online presence, perhaps those are getting their info from those wannabe "journalists" and websites. There is so much hot air floating around online, it is possibly the greatest contributor to global warming. That was of course a joke, but now that I think about it, all these computers and other devices people (yes, I'm aware this includes me) are using are all using electric power and they generate a lot of heat, not to mention the server farms out there. All this heat has to go somewhere, so I suppose that all these devices added together could in fact be a major contributor to global warming, but I digress. Even worse than the information-less articles, are the "opinion pieces". I've noticed that these are particularly bad when it comes to politics, or perhaps just when centered around #brexit. I'm not going into the politics here, in fact, I'd rather stay clear of politics altogether, but unfortunately I do live in #brexit-land and so it is prudent for me to keep a finger on the pulse every now and then. When I see an article about #brexit, with a headline which pulls me in, and I start reading it, and then I find out that it doesn't contain any news but it's just some a**hole's opinion on certain events, I often find that some of my time as well as the energy which went into my brain processes was wasted. News and opinions should remain strictly separated! I am by the way aware that this post that I'm writing right now, is essentially an opinion piece, but this is okay because this forum is a place to do so and because I feel it is necessary for me to provide my opinion on the discussion which is currently taking place here. So, there's a lot of pointless "information" out there, utterly useless, by far the largest part of the internet falls into this category. But even for the information which isn't useless one should consider whether one should access it. In regard to TV shows and movies, taking on information in advance can not only spoil the experience, it can also poison the mind with preconceptions. These preconceptions may or may not hold true, but regardless of whether they do, the personal opinion was already tainted from the very moment the information entered the brain. There is no escaping this. In order to be able to form a completely untainted and unbiased opinion on a TV show or movie, one should go into said show or movie without having any prior knowledge of it and especially without carrying along someone else's opinions and preconceptions. In regard to Star Trek: Picard, for me, the ship has basically already sailed, because I've already heard the news that Patrick Stewart will be reprising his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I have already seen the trailer, and I've already read that some other familiar characters from Star Trek will be in it. This little amount of information is already too much as it has painted a picture, albeit a rather vague one, of what is coming. In order to have been able to go into the show as a completely empty vessel, the only information which I should have had is "there's a new Star Trek show coming", just in order for me to know that there's something coming which I'll want to watch because I'm a Star Trek fan, and "it airs on this date", in order to know when I can watch it. Now that I already know that Picard is in it, I am essentially already robbed of the surprise of "WTF! Jean-Luc is back!". Just imagine for a moment how much an impact it would have had on you if you started watching a new Star Trek show completely unaware of what is coming and you're then suddenly finding out that it centers on Patrick Stewart's iconic character. Wouldn't that have been the most amazing thing? I bet that would have gotten my adrenaline flowing. But now I already know, so unfortunately that won't be happening. I am of course painting an extreme picture here, but I'm doing this on purpose to make a point. When I know a show or movie is coming which I will be very interested in, I try my best to avoid information on it. This doesn't always work out as when I see or hear something about it, the temptation is great to dive into the information, but generally I do alright. The reason why it's important to avoid information pertaining to TV shows and movies, is because they are supposed to be an experience. This is an important distinction to make, because if you consider for example a new device coming out, like for example the Pixel 4 smartphone, there is nothing to be spoiled by gathering information on it in advance. It is in fact prudent to lookup information in advance when you're in the market for a new device. You'll want to compare various models in order to determine which is the one for you, or you may want to see whether the new model is worthy enough to upgrade your old model. It doesn't make a difference whether you get this information months before the device hits the market or at the time it hits the market or later. The same is not true when it comes to an experience. Imagine for example that you're a fan of roller-coasters. The theme park in your area is building a brand new one and you can't wait to experience it for yourself. Eventually the ride is fully built, but you just happen to be out of town. By the time you are able to visit the theme park, many other people have already been able to experience the ride. They are posting their opinions on the new coaster online and you have a look at what they say. Many of the opinions turn out to state that they didn't like the new coaster. Now you go to the theme park and are going to experience the ride for yourself. Will you go into it thinking something like "OMG I'm so excited I can't wait to feel this!" or will you be thinking something like "I hope what these people said isn't true". In my opinion, once you have become aware of other people's opinions, you will never ever be able to have a completely untainted experience of the ride. This holds true especially for criticism, and for positive commentary to a lesser extent, depending on how much spoiling information the positive commentary contains. The negative opinions are worse, because when you like something a lot and then someone else starts pointing out flaws, it can be like "hmmm, I guess they have a point" and suddenly the thing you like has gotten less likable, whether a little bit or a lot. In other words, your enjoyment has been spoiled to some extent. For me, in regard to Star Trek: Picard, the mere fact alone that I know that there are people discussing what they think is right or not right about the uniforms in the show (or whichever part of the show they are discussing) is a downer. Note that it doesn't even matter whether I know what these people are saying about it. I know that people are discussing it, and therefore, once I start watching the show, part of my attention will be focused on it and I will probably form some sort of opinion on it. But I don't give a rat's fucking ass about the uniforms! The only way in which my attention would otherwise have been drawn to the bloody uniforms, would have been if they were somehow outrageous, such as if Jean-Luc were wearing a dress or something. That's when I would start talking like "What the fuck is up with that!". If the uniforms are anything like one would expect to see on this type of show, even if they aren't identical or even similar to the ones on the prior shows, I wouldn't give a damn about it. If it turns out that the Star Trek badge is not on the left side of the uniform but on the right side instead, I would feel sorry for people who go online to whine about it. I mean, how sad a person must one be to let something as innocuous as this ruin one's enjoyment. Unfortunately, the online world is filled with such wankers. In fact, it appears as though they make up the majority of the people online. There's always something to wank about. Non-wankers are often simply enjoying their lives offline. If someone wants to wank about something online, fair enough, that is their prerogative. But let them do so after the fact, not before. You watch a show, you didn't like it, you wank about it, okay. But don't come fucking wanking on my computer screen before a fucking show has even fucking aired. This goes to all of those "youtubers" (man that fucking word feels almost synonymous with "wankers") who post their videos talking crap about shows and movies before they are released. Before something's released, provide information, if you want, not opinions. I don't give a damn about your opinions. By all means, wank the hell off! You can feel free to spread your opinions after something has been officially released. Maybe I would even be interested in them at that point, after I have first seen it for myself. But you probably won't be able to form a decent opinion on the shows anymore, since you have already formed preconceptions and tainted your opinions with your own rants and those of others. You've probably been standing in a circle with your YouTube "comrades" too much, jerking each other off while spreading your opinions online. My display is not a biscuit, and I won't be eating whatever you put on it, so by all means fuck the hell off!

I actually did read all of that, but it deserves an edit to break up the paragraphs. :) You presented a number of valid points. The gist of what you are saying from what I gather is that you consider all of this advance info and commentary as not only spoilers, but also propaganda of sorts. Like the videos from Doomcock and online fan commentary as "poisioning" what could be a completely objective assessment from your personal experience. Valid point indeed. But is it realistic? People DO want an idea of what's coming. That is what trailers are for. That is what marketing departments are for. But if you only watch or read the material being put forth by showrunners and studios, you end up with their biased marketing slant. They couldn't care less if their show or movie is a turd as long as they can get your subscriptions, ticket money, concessions profits and especially your attention. What is wrong with wanting to save the money and time? Isn't it still a choice whether or not to watch one of these videos or read these articles? Yes, it is. So any whining about what one sees in these videos or articles is a fart in the wind and irrelevant.

In the case of Picard and also Star Wars, the first week or so is important to the studios not because of finances, but because of shareholders and investors. Without being able to crow about opening day or premiere numbers, they are put in defensive mode and the decision-makers are forced to re-evaluate. THAT is what rabid fans want, for them to look at the dumb showrunners and figure out why the fans hate their new show. What is it they hate? They will go themselves to Doomcock, Midnight's Edge, Worldclass Bullshitters, Nerdrotic, Mecharandom42, Bounding Into Comics, John Talks and other similar vids to find out. They will make changes based on what they find from all their feedback sources, as we saw in STD season 2 and also what is happening pre-release of Episode IX the Rise of Skywalker.

If you want to shut out criticism and remain objective, that might mean some work on your part to not pay any attention to any of it. It's sorta hard to avoid.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I can listen to Nerdrotic (I am a regular there) or Doomcock (on occasion) and still go into something open minded. Nor do I always concur with their opinions - Doomcock hated King of the Monsters and I was just asking myself listening to him if we watched the same movie. I’ve also agreed with them on several things, like Disney Star Wars and STD and the awful Captain Marvel. Personally I like Gary more than Doomcock because he is just another fan and doesn’t play himself up.

Something to remember about the Fandom Menace is how it came about - studios making inferior product and when fans responded by not liking the product the producers and cast attacked the fans, calling them some pretty nasty things. That is where “without respect we reject” came from - make inferior product and attack the fans when they call you on it then expect rejection.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
The gist of what you are saying from what I gather is that you consider all of this advance info and commentary as not only spoilers, but also propaganda of sorts.

I didn't want to go into propaganda, but while I was writing my post, that word and the word indoctrination definitely crossed my mind.

Like the videos from Doomcock and online fan commentary as "poisioning" what could be a completely objective assessment from your personal experience. Valid point indeed. But is it realistic? People DO want an idea of what's coming. That is what trailers are for. That is what marketing departments are for. But if you only watch or read the material being put forth by showrunners and studios, you end up with their biased marketing slant.

Every person who watches a trailer is aware that it comes from the company which is producing the material and hoping that it'll become a success. It is obvious that a trailer is supposed to get people interested in the product. One who doesn't realize these things, should crawl under a rock and stay there. A trailer is often also a poor reflection of what the actual product is. They are sometimes even intentionally used to mislead the prospective public, as was the case for example with the Avengers Endgame trailer. They purposely put the public on the wrong track, so that when they watched the movie they were extra surprised. These people knew exactly what they were doing and what it's all about, surprise, entertainment, a ride you're taken on. While it is possible to "review" a trailer, that review should only reflect on that trailer and nothing else. But since a trailer is as I said a poor indication of what's to come for various reasons, it is utterly pointless to start criticizing a show or movie based on a trailer. After watching a trailer, you'll either feel like it's something worth watching or it's not your cup of tea. People who go about scrutinizing a trailer for every tiny detail they can glean from it are simply off the rails. They should just wait and watch the actual show or movie and then form their opinions and criticisms. There is no reason to go on an anti-marketing campaign because of a trailer. Just don't drink the Kool-Aid, that's all.

They couldn't care less if their show or movie is a turd as long as they can get your subscriptions, ticket money, concessions profits and especially your attention. What is wrong with wanting to save the money and time? Isn't it still a choice whether or not to watch one of these videos or read these articles? Yes, it is. So any whining about what one sees in these videos or articles is a fart in the wind and irrelevant.

This exact sentiment you convey here, about complaining about the videos being irrelevant, extends 100% to those videos themselves. They are irrelevant. Just like people don't have to watch those videos, the people who make the videos don't have to watch the shows and movies. And they certainly don't have to whine about them. And they most certainly don't have to whine about them in advance. @YJ02 is exactly right when he says that these people are just trying to get attention, a reputation, recognition, or simply money. Their videos attract only people of a certain mindset. By far most people wouldn't ever watch one of their videos.

In the case of Picard and also Star Wars, the first week or so is important to the studios not because of finances, but because of shareholders and investors. Without being able to crow about opening day or premiere numbers, they are put in defensive mode and the decision-makers are forced to re-evaluate. THAT is what rabid fans want, for them to look at the dumb showrunners and figure out why the fans hate their new show. What is it they hate? They will go themselves to Doomcock, Midnight's Edge, Worldclass Bullshitters, Nerdrotic, Mecharandom42, Bounding Into Comics, John Talks and other similar vids to find out. They will make changes based on what they find from all their feedback sources, as we saw in STD season 2 and also what is happening pre-release of Episode IX the Rise of Skywalker.

If I decide to pickup painting and create what I consider a nice painting, or an expression of my art so to speak, and someone comes along and looks at the painting and tells me that it's shite and I should change this and that, I would tell them to go fuck themselves. You don't like the painting, it wasn't made for you. You do like the painting, I'm glad you enjoy it. If you think that the companies producing shows and movies are very concerned about what some fucktards on YouTube have to say about their products, you are deluding yourself. Sure, someone at the company might at some point have a look at some video. That doesn't mean the video will have any effect on what the company does. They have their own plans and they're going for their goals. No insignificant "influencer" on YouTube is going to change their path. They will determine success based on whether or not they managed to reach their goals, whether it is a financial success and what feedback is coming in after release. Then they might pay more attention to the ̶w̶̶a̶̶n̶̶k̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s̶ influencers on YouTube and wherever.

If you want to shut out criticism and remain objective, that might mean some work on your part to not pay any attention to any of it. It's sorta hard to avoid.

It is indeed challenging to avoid all this stuff, so that makes it more annoying that the crap is out there and people are spreading it around.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
what the fuck did you do before all of this doomcocking and all the other half wits on YT with their prophecies of suck?

You sir deserve a star on the wall just for the invention of this word alone! Doomcocking. That should go in the dictionary straight away!


Well Known GateFan
I am somewhat between everyone with agreeing with some parts here, and other parts there.

In a nutshell, I have pretty much decided not to trust anything I hear about something until it has already aired, and then to take it with a grain of salt after it has aired.

Many thought , The Orville would suck but it is a great show, but yet I do find it to have far too many hidden-ish SJW episodes, still overall I really like the show. The Good Fight spin off from The Good Wife, which was amazing and critics love and sooo thought the Good Fight would follow in the footsteps--- is such a politically bias show, I cannot stomach to watch it, it should just call itself a advertisement for the Democratic party and is also preacy and teachy with every SJW you can imagine. I don't mind some politics in shows but have they ever heard of making a show everyone can still enjoy watching? Madam Secretary and The West Wing are/were clearly leaning to one side, but still amazing shows that found the line.

We watched both the Godzilla new movie and the newest Men In Black, critics hated them all, I found Godzilla to be pretty bad, but really liked the MIB movie, it was not War and Peace but it was pretty fun.

But I digress....

About Picard, I love Patrick Stewart and pretty much anything he has been in, is enjoyable to watch, that alone gets me in the door. Sorry, to everyone that hates this producer and that director, but I will give it a shot also, the peeps behind STD pulled off a miracle and made the second half of the second season enjoyable to watch, so never say never.

if you want to know how, that would take a mountain of spoilers, but I despised the first season and did not love first part of second season.

I have watched many things others did not, and I quite frankly don't give a rat's ass about what other's think as long as I enjoyed myself when I watched the show.
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Well Known GateFan
I did it on my own! That's what. I have done it here. We all did it to Stargate Universe by being part of SGU Sucks. We did it because of standards, not compromise.

no issues there, it was AFTER the show/episodes aired

none of them are apologists or compromisers. I am thankful to them for telling me in advance that Discovery was going to be a shitcake, and the leaks showing the Klingons and talking about the characters. I am thankful for the advance spoilers for Discovery episodes and also the goings-on behind the scenes. You seem to only have an issue with Doomcock and not the other members of the Fandom Menace. Why?

for one, he is a coward, cowards hide their faces while criticizing and condemning others.

how can anyone for or against, be 'apologizing and compromising' BEFORE a show airs?

as for thankful to them for telling you in advance..well, you always make it a point to tel everyone not to take things at face value and to judge things for one self. so WHY DO YOU take so much stock in what any of these people say? what 'inside info (which either is verified as being reliable or the person is verified as some insider)' do they have that makes you believe in what they are spewing?

i told you, the shitbird (nerdrotic is it?) with his 'amazons lotrsonprime is going suck because they are going to do xyz to hobbit characters, etc' would know he was wrong if he just did a bit of research that there are no hobbits in tolkiens 2nd age stories. he was just in a hurry to pump out more bile onto YT to get his 'like engine' humming

if he is wrong on this, how many other things his he wrong on. besides nerdrotic, how many others of the self important fandom menace group are wrong in their 'predictions' simply based on not understanding the premise of a story to begin with?

so, now, my issues are not just with doomcum alone, it is the whole group of these people who are trying to what? make sure that ppl never watch anything coming up and stay at home and be as miserable as they are?

they seem to me to be the classic shitbirds who were in grade school, always trying to belittle other ppl and be the teacher's narc. now they have a larger audience is all.

Doomcock likes Babylon 5. Because it was great.

yes it was, but you miss the point, my statement on b5 is hypothetical. a "if YT was around before b5 came out, would doomcock have trashed it before hand too based on that commercial? i bet he would have because ppl like him are forever negative and for whatever reasons, are perennial "the world sucks' type of ppl

Hows about you maybe start a channel and do your take on things?

no, the whole premise of 'video prophecy' is pathetic, they create a world of negativity for their viewers and build up a ready made pool of self fulfilling prophecy (i do hate this show because doomcock told me i would)

Why do any research on Tolkien's second age when nobody involved in the show has done that? All people care about is who is in it, how will it look, how many episodes, what is the premise, they do not give two shits about the deep details of the lore.

you have no evidence to base this on. how do you know what Tolkien readers (not just lotr's and hobbit, 2 books Tolkien really didn't want to write or take all that seriously) want to see?

when the show comes out and if they DO take excessive liberties, then that is the time to trash it and take action by simply not watching it

but, what i have been trying to convey is that the show runners >> DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL and its detail scarcity << will have a lot of room to fill in the blanks. the contract they have wit the tolkien estate is meant that anything created is 'Tolkien-esque' and not bring discredit to the name.


Well Known GateFan
and that Netflix rejected the show and that the reason it is on Amazon is because Netflix turned their backs on it.

so with you, amazon = good because EXPANSE is on it, but then amazon = bad because they picked up PICARD?

and that is only for international viewers, we will have to watch it via cbs access, although a membership to that can be bought through amazon prime


Well Known GateFan
In regard to TV shows and movies, taking on information in advance can not only spoil the experience, it can also poison the mind with preconceptions. These preconceptions may or may not hold true, but regardless of whether they do, the personal opinion was already tainted from the very moment the information entered the brain. There is no escaping this.



Well Known GateFan
but yet I do find it to have far too many hidden-ish SJW episodes,

UGGGHHHH!!! How dare you say that! SJW and ORVILLE in relation to one another, such heresy! :)

i have been told quite firmly around here, that ORVILLE must not and cannot have any SJW content in it simply because rabid fans of it, seem to be blind to the presence of the SJW themes in it

where's doomcock on that? well, i really dont care where he is on it, i have already formed my opinion based on my perspective and interpretation of what i viewed


Well Known GateFan
Sorry, to everyone that hates this producer and that director,

actually, i would lean more to blaming those who gave these producers and directors the latitude they did. the person at the top should beheld responsible for everything the ppl below them do or fail to do

and, just because they sucked at something they made previously does not mean they will repeat that failure again. thats why we say the whole 'learn from mistakes' thing?

and why would anyone ever limit themselves to not watching something-prejudging a show or movie, solely based on TPTBs record?

imagine, if someone had watched Kubricks LOLITA and thought it was terrible, what if then, acting only on this prejudice, decided not to watch 2001 or CLOCKWORK ORANGE?

its a dumb way to decide what to watch or not watch


Well Known GateFan
I am somewhat between everyone with agreeing with some parts here, and other parts there.

In a nutshell, I have pretty much decided not to trust anything I hear about something until it has already aired, and then to take it with a grain of salt after it has aired.

Many thought , The Orville would suck but it is a great show, but yet I do find it to have far too many hidden-ish SJW episodes, still overall I really like the show. The Good Fight spin off from The Good Wife, which was amazing and critics love and sooo thought the Good Fight would follow in the footsteps--- is such a politically bias show, I cannot stomach to watch it, it should just call itself a advertisement for the Democratic party and is also preacy and teachy with every SJW you can imagine. I don't mind some politics in shows but have they ever heard of making a show everyone can still enjoy watching? Madam Secretary and The West Wing are/were clearly leaning to one side, but still amazing shows that found the line.

We watched both the Godzilla new movie and the newest Men In Black, critics hated them all, I found Godzilla to be pretty bad, but really liked the MIB movie, it was not War and Peace but it was pretty fun.

But I digress....

About Picard, I love Patrick Stewart and pretty much anything he has been in, is enjoyable to watch, that alone gets me in the door. Sorry, to everyone that hates this producer and that director, but I will give it a shot also, the peeps behind STD pulled off a miracle and made the second half of the second season enjoyable to watch, so never say never.

if you want to know how, that would take a mountain of spoilers, but I despised the first season and did not love first part of second season.

I have watched many things others did not, and I quite frankly don't give a rat's ass about what other's think as long as I enjoyed myself when I watched the show.

and BTW, my 'winner' is an actual 'winner' rating.


What ship is this?
Staff member
STD was a bit more watchable later in the season but I still found Burnham to be extremely off-putting. Also the ending was bad - the only way traveling to the future like that could work would have been to have the trip itself erase ALL memories of the ship and undo all things it caused (kind of like taking something out of time). Just having everyone promise not to speak of any of it doesn't work especially remembering that Burnham (who cannot be spoken of) caused the Klingon war among other things.

As to Picard I might be interested enough to watch it. It will be on Amazon which is good in terms of not needing to pay CBS AllAccess.


Well Known GateFan
I agree that Michael is still annoying, but she is about as palatable as she can be and be anywhere near close to the same character. Yes, that is pretty sketchy writing by deeming it illegal to speak of something and so now it was never spoken of again, even by all the criminals of ST history afterwards, but perhaps there is mind wiping drugs or alien we have yet to see that will make it more plausible.

DS9 was my least favorite ST, so I stand behind that statement. Plenty of eps of DS9 that were barely watchable, so much melodrama and SJW crap in that show, they really have become similar in some ways. Time will tell for next season if they can continue to pull away from the world's worst first season.


Well Known GateFan
As to Picard I might be interested enough to watch it. It will be on Amazon which is good in terms of not needing to pay CBS AllAccess.

It wont be included with prime, you can will still need a cbs pass, but you can get it via prime a bit cheaper with limited ads

unless you are using a vpn of course