Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
What browser are you using on the computer that wont work?
Right now I thought it was firefox I was using but its torch which sucks more .
The problem I am having is using chrome on my gaming PC which is Win 10 , Intel 7700K overclocked to 5GHz . 16 gigs of Ram , RX480 Gb vid card . I am unable to post or copy and paste with this system using (chrome) yet chrome works fine on my other pc system which is also Win 10 . I will try your suggestions tomorrow .

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
The topic of the video might be interesting, but most of it didn't register with me. It's because his voice is annoying to me and he speaks too fast. He also has himself in the video far too much showing off his nice white teeth. This just comes across as a self-promotional video to me presented in a sensationalist way. Typical youtuber. A far cry from the highly intriguing and informational documentary videos about ancient civilizations I viewed yesterday.


Well Known GateFan
The topic of the video might be interesting, but most of it didn't register with me. It's because his voice is annoying to me and he speaks too fast. He also has himself in the video far too much showing off his nice white teeth. This just comes across as a self-promotional video to me presented in a sensationalist way. Typical youtuber. A far cry from the highly intriguing and informational documentary videos about ancient civilizations I viewed yesterday.
You are right in some aspects but keep in mind , he is passing on info to a group who have little to no attention span . He does offer links to more info on all his topics such as the one you said you enjoyed . Saying that I think he is doing a great job of getting snippets and people interested in topics they may not even have thought about . I think this is a good thing . I find myself going off to research topics he touches on so his format must be working .
To each his own but I enjoy these 5 to 8 minute updates on topics that just boggle the mind .
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Well Known GateFan
Ok so I am now using Firefox . Effen stupid chrome on this PC won't even let me go to my online bank account so I am done with it .

The topic of the video might be interesting, but most of it didn't register with me. It's because his voice is annoying to me and he speaks too fast. He also has himself in the video far too much showing off his nice white teeth. This just comes across as a self-promotional video to me presented in a sensationalist way. Typical youtuber. A far cry from the highly intriguing and informational documentary videos about ancient civilizations I viewed yesterday.

This is why I no longer watch much YouTube. It's become a sea of videos with cool looking avatars that turn out to be nothing more than some twat sitting in front of his cam talking talking talking. It's infuriating. If I wanted to listen to some twat blather at me about some inane topic I'd go down to the nearest pub and have a pint.

Much like a person's right to exercise free speech the fact that any idiot can upload a video to YouTube doesn't mean he actually should do so.


Well Known GateFan
Just friggin nasty weather here . Freezing rain high winds , trees down , highways closed and schools closed .


The Belle of the Ball
I got a new home computer last week! yaaay! I have a tablet & smart phone from work so have just kept my old dinosaur! :P It's an hp (my personal fave brand)with a marvelous 22" hd monitor...wow how crystal clear and fun! :D Yeah I get ecited over the little things.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The link is to the OP. It would have gone up right around the end of September 2015 as it was Episode 3 of Season 9.

Hostgator says they do not see anything wrong in my database or the site files. WTH?