Random Banter

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So what we think happened was when the forum was reindexed some records lost their indexed id and as a result are effectively invisible?

I have a ticket open with Hostgator to determine of my database was dismounted and moved to another database server. About 5 years ago, this happened at SGUS and they told me they moved the database from one MySQL server to another one, but that it must have gotten corrupted. Lots of posts were lost. In this case, there are posts way older than that Doctor Who post still intact, and in the Labyrinths here (hidden) , all the old posts from SGUS are still in there along with attachments. I will update you. Do you have any idea when you made the post? The thread it belongs to...was that the OP?
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What ship is this?
Staff member
I have a ticket open with Hostgator to determine of my database was dismounted and moved to another database server. About 5 years ago, this happened at SGUS and they told me they moved the database from one MySQL server to another one, but that it must have gotten corrupted. Lots of posts were lost. In this case, there are posts way older than that Doctor Who post still intact, and in the Labyrinths here (hidden) , all the old posts from SGUS are still in there along with attachments. I will update you. Do you have any idea when you made the post? The thread it belongs to...was that the OP?

The link is to the OP. It would have gone up right around the end of September 2015 as it was Episode 3 of Season 9.
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Objects may be closer than they appear
I'm glad to see Gatefans is still here and I think I even remember some of you folks. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Hi!!!! How you've been?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm glad to see Gatefans is still here and I think I even remember some of you folks. :)

It has been a long time! Its great to see you back here. We took away the political stuff and started concentrating more on media and entertainment and science. Welcome back!


Well Known GateFan
Can it be saved?
All cut up and gone . It was rotted on the inside . I was going to cut it down this spring . Wind sped up the process and saved my back and hands from having to do it as a tree cutting company removed it in 45 mins ... Would have taken me all day .
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I'm glad to see Gatefans is still here and I think I even remember some of you folks. :)

Good to see you back! :daniel_new_anime021:

Now, about that $20 I lent you when you were last here, well, I had my accountant run the numbers and it appears that with interest and inflation you now owe me $11,093878,32234676.00 (roughly eleventy billion dollars). Please be so kind as to remit to me the full amount post haste!*

*In lieu of cash I will also settle for a carton of Marlboro's or a fully stocked gumball machine (preferably not one "liberated" from the foyer of a Walmart as the gum in those is always stale and when it comes to bubble gum I do have standards, n'est pas?).

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Thinking more about the Stickies thing. What if it could be personalized so everyone could have their own threads of interest there, sort of like bookmarks? Big step up, I know. But perhaps someone else already made a widget for it.