OMNI's Art Thread


My avatar speaks for itself.
I have never claimed I am an expert or said anything like that or even implied that I have knowledge of CG. That's just you putting words in my mouth. I wasn't "bitching" about weirdness, I saw something that looked a little weird and I thought you might not have noticed so I pointed it out so you might have a look at it. That you feel it is bitching surprises me. Regarding my comment on the texturing accuracy, I thought I made a funny remark. Obviously you didn't see it that way. I didn't see how it could be possible to really know how accurate the model was until you gave the explanation for it. Thanks for enlightening me and for biting my head off.

"funny" and sarcasm doesnt translate well in text, of this i asume you are aware?

Seeing as you post your art on an open board it would appear logical that people are going to leave comments on them. Furthermore as all the rest of us here are "toys" as you name it because we don't have expertise on CG, perhaps it would be prudent to use your modly powers to close this thread of to commentary alltogether as visitors might risk getting burned for leaving an opinion.

so should i also lock every other thread on the board for the same reason as that is a possiblity on every thread on this board?

and am i not allowed to respond to what i deem to be obvious stupidity?

take a second and think through what you just said.


"funny" and sarcasm doesnt translate well in text, of this i asume you are aware?

so should i also lock every other thread on the board for the same reason as that is a possiblity on every thread on this board?

If you guys lock every thread, there won't be a forum to talk on anymore?:confused:


My avatar speaks for itself.
If you guys lock every thread, there won't be a forum to talk on anymore?:confused:
exactly which was part of the point i was trying to make.

but dont worry im not going to do that it was just an example of how stupid i deemed stones comment.


"funny" and sarcasm doesnt translate well in text, of this i asume you are aware?

Yes but I don't have that on my mind with every single word I write even though I do tend to choose my words carefully.

so should i also lock every other thread on the board for the same reason as that is a possiblity on every thread on this board?

No you shouldn't because this thread is where you post your art and where people would leave comments on that which might be unwanted for you.
Look man. I've been following this thread since the beginning and I've frequently commented on your posts here and everything appeared to be just fine with you and now out of the blue you go medieval on me. Don't you think you could have let me know a little sooner that you didn't appreciate my comments and in a slightly more civilized manner?


Well Known GateFan
Lol. You are secretly gathering bets through PM are you you bookee.

That's confidential. ;) But I will say that you'll never guess who GB bet on and how much she dropped on this bout. Oooh wee! That girl has some serious bank!


exactly which was part of the point i was trying to make.

but dont worry im not going to do that it was just an example of how stupid i deemed stones comment.

I don't think it was meant to be hurtful.


Well Known GateFan

Funny but not true. :icon_lol:

Just a little PM I received awhile ago. Won't say who it's from. :rononwhistle:

"Put $5000 on "Thor"! OMG put $5000 on freaking "Thor" you damn dirty ape!!!!!"


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yes but I don't have that on my mind with every single word I write even though I do tend to choose my words carefully.

No you shouldn't because this thread is where you post your art and where people would leave comments on that which might be unwanted for you.
Look man. I've been following this thread since the beginning and I've frequently commented on your posts here and everything appeared to be just fine with you and now out of the blue you go medieval on me. Don't you think you could have let me know a little sooner that you didn't appreciate my comments and in a slightly more civilized manner?

there is a limit on how much BS a person can take especially when one isnt in the mood.
and medieval? dude trust me im keeping it mellow as when i go off i go off whit a BIG bang and imo this is barly a weak fizzle.

if it is as you say a simple missinterpretation of intentions and "funny" then we have no problem (we didnt have one to begin with really as i was just making my POV on the matter clear. ) i dont dislike you stone and your not off my "friends list" i was just challenging your comments and statements.

anyway do you see the point i made with the thread locking?


My avatar speaks for itself.
I don't think it was meant to be hurtful.
i know that i just found the very notion of locking a thread for that reason to be stupid as that is a risk you take where ever you go and post your oppinions on a forum.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Dude, I was wondering....did you ever do any Trek ships? If so, did you do any of the Enterprises? I would love to see what the latest Trek ship would look like with a new set of nacelles. :) I absolutely HATE everything on the new ship rear of the main pylon.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Dude, I was wondering....did you ever do any Trek ships? If so, did you do any of the Enterprises? I would love to see what the latest Trek ship would look like with a new set of nacelles. :) I absolutely HATE everything on the new ship rear of the main pylon.

naw, ive done some experimental renders of some REAL good fan recreations of some ST ships tho but i havnt posted them publicly as you know what i think about trek and especially the saucer ships :facepalm:


there is a limit on how much BS a person can take especially when one isnt in the mood.
and medieval? dude trust me im keeping it mellow as when i go off i go off whit a BIG bang and imo this is barly a weak fizzle.

I thought it was already obvious and common knowledge that you're the expert on CG and I don't know shit about it and that I appreciate all your artwork like everyone else here. I wasn't aware though that you thought of my comments as BS. I figured it's nice for an artist to hear people like his work, but if he only heard things like "that stuff is amazing" he would grow tired of it. Wouldn't that be BS if all you ever got was "wow!"? Since there didn't seem to be many others commenting on your stuff in a "critical" manner I took it upon myself to do so, even though I'm not an artist myself. Maybe most of the time n00bs make comments that are useless and annoying in your eyes, but that doesn't mean that sometimes they can have a point of view that could be beneficial.

if it is as you say a simple missinterpretation of intentions and "funny" then we have no problem (we didnt have one to begin with really as i was just making my POV on the matter clear. ) i dont dislike you stone and your not off my "friends list" i was just challenging your comments and statements.

I'm glad we're still friends. And you can challenge my comments any time you like. You'll find I won't simply back down. Mind you though that I wasn't challenging you when I responded on your art.

anyway do you see the point i made with the thread locking?

Ofcourse I see your point. I just made my comment a little extra ridiculous to offset my point.
Do you see the point I made about your challenging my statements is a little sudden?


My avatar speaks for itself.
I thought it was already obvious and common knowledge that you're the expert on CG and I don't know shit about it and that I appreciate all your artwork like everyone else here. I wasn't aware though that you thought of my comments as BS. I figured it's nice for an artist to hear people like his work, but if he only heard things like "that stuff is amazing" he would grow tired of it. Wouldn't that be BS if all you ever got was "wow!"? Since there didn't seem to be many others commenting on your stuff in a "critical" manner I took it upon myself to do so, even though I'm not an artist myself. Maybe most of the time n00bs make comments that are useless and annoying in your eyes, but that doesn't mean that sometimes they can have a point of view that could be beneficial.

i dont think that about ALL your comments dude just SOME of the ones labeld "critique" and that tell me to o this that and why didnt you do this bla bla etc.

personally i find mindless praising numbing and unedjucated critiques frustrating, what i prefer and charish are "critiques" that tell me what to do and how to do it in order to improve upon the piece you see the difference?

and yes sometimes someone can spot something i havnt but if its so minute and obvious i take it as a jab at me BC they are desperate to find the smallest flaw in something they cant do themselfs. you know "trolling 101".

I'm glad we're still friends. And you can challenge my comments any time you like. You'll find I won't simply back down. Mind you though that I wasn't challenging you when I responded on your art.

hey one has to be a complete idiot in more ways then one to be booted off my buddy list ;)
and i know.

Ofcourse I see your point. I just made my comment a little extra ridiculous to offset my point.
Do you see the point I made about your challenging my statements is a little sudden?

and yes i do.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Great! :D
Now I can sleep.

Lol really? you get that emotionally invested in online discussions?
i take the internet with a pinch of salt basicly not that serious at all well maybe i take some things serious but they never keep me awake at night :)


Lol really? you get that emotionally invested in online discussions?
i take the internet with a pinch of salt basicly not that serious at all well maybe i take some things serious but they never keep me awake at night :)

Well it was a little joke, but it could have become truth.
You must understand that I like you bro (no homo though :P) and so your sudden outlash kinda shook me up.