OMNI's Art Thread



done ;) thanks again mate!

and well we dont have to drop the subject entirely as this kind of thing is still an annoyance and so is GW polycys in this matter and any others but my suggestion would be that such a discussion be held in the apropriate thread "down below" in the flamy place :)

I propose the posts on this thread related to the 'art theft' be given their own place whether in flame hell or not so that everyone can enjoy this thread as an uninterrupted stream of OMNI's art.


My avatar speaks for itself.
now then back OT

this is pretty much finished now modeling anyway and final texture tweaks remain.
the flat undetailed area on the bottom is where the solar scoops would go but i havnt modeled those yet as i dont need them so that area will remain flat for now.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I propose the posts on this thread related to the 'art theft' be given their own place whether in flame hell or not so that everyone can enjoy this thread as an uninterrupted stream of OMNI's art.
i disagree as these posts are within the furom guidelines and very On Topic and art related so i feel they should remain.
but regarding GW and continuing that discussion should be done in the related thread :)

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
i disagree as these posts are within the furom guidelines and very On Topic and art related so i feel they should remain.
but regarding GW and continuing that discussion should be done in the related thread :)
Yes. This should remain public. Especially since other members and even the staff of GW lurk on this forum and they need to read it too.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i tried guys but "bagpuss" <-----stern look of distain*** caught on and banned the account and well read the post for yourselfs here

as most of you are aware i am a persona non grata on GW and you may end up banned just for being asociated with me in any way. so be warned .

Need to play rough? I can arrange that very easily :) I would direct your demand to Darren or David or Gatefans LLC, not some piddly Mod who doesnt know anything. Copyright infringement is serious business, and ICANN can pull the domain for it if it can be proven, and it can. Darren and David both know this and that is why they have the MGM blurb on every page that copyrighted material appears. I can have my lawyers send them a demand letter for you if you want.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Need to play rough? I can arrange that very easily :) I would direct your demand to Darren or David or Gatefans LLC, not some piddly Mod who doesnt know anything. Copyright infringement is serious business, and ICANN can pull the domain for it if it can be proven, and it can. Darren and David both know this and that is why they have the MGM blurb on every page that copyrighted material appears. I can have my lawyers send them a demand letter for you if you want.

no no no need :) but thanks tho ;) Hopefully the person will contact e and ask permission now.


He's so happy he cries. :P
Renders look nice though is it possible to show one in a higher resolution?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Its GORGEOUS. I bet you feel like having a cigarette and a shower after finishing that. :) I absolutely LOVE that have all the colors right, the detail is amazing. It looks better than the one in the show! Perhaps you should call your ship something different like "Hope" and have it returning to earth on auto pilot (in a fanfic). It is detected by Homeworld Command and is full of collected data and knowledge, and is undamaged. :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
He's so happy he cries. :P
Renders look nice though is it possible to show one in a higher resolution?
yup so it seems :P
and well not really as its iffy to render even at this rez.

Its GORGEOUS. I bet you feel like having a cigarette and a shower after finishing that. :) I absolutely LOVE that have all the colors right, the detail is amazing. It looks better than the one in the show! Perhaps you should call your ship something different like "Hope" and have it returning to earth on auto pilot (in a fanfic). It is detected by Homeworld Command and is full of collected data and knowledge, and is undamaged. :)
thanks man. and ive had several cigs already :P
im glad you like it but i can asure you the show version looks better atleast i think so :)
and thats a good idea but for now i need to focus on improving my scenes.

and on that note here is a pretty much botched scene imo as everything is just too washed out.. still im showing it as an example of what NOT to do.



Well Known GateFan
Gorgeous animation dude, and the music fits so well.
I have a question though.
On TV the animations have a more "metallic" look to them, is that a function of the program used or something else?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Gorgeous animation dude, and the music fits so well.
I have a question though.
On TV the animations have a more "metallic" look to them, is that a function of the program used or something else?

thanks man.
thats a texture setting thing.
and my texturing skills arnt that good.
it also depends on what model on the tv show you are looking at as theose changed more ties then i have the energy to count.
you also have to keep in mind that i have done 0 post work to these atm so they are rough and raw renders pretty much and on tv shows and movies they do a TONNE of post to get it alittle more realistic looking.


Well Known GateFan
thanks man.
thats a texture setting thing.
and my texturing skills arnt that good.
it also depends on what model on the tv show you are looking at as theose changed more ties then i have the energy to count.
you also have to keep in mind that i have done 0 post work to these atm so they are rough and raw renders pretty much and on tv shows and movies they do a TONNE of post to get it alittle more realistic looking.

So it's more a function of post production and adding additional "layers" of graphics on then?