Falling Skies Gets Fourth Season


Well Known GateFan
If The Strain on TV runs like the book did get ready for a profoundly weird trip. Written by Guillermo Del Toro who is one of my favorite directors (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim).

The most recent EP was delightfully weird and entertaining--especially the 'metamorphosis' shots

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


What ship is this?
Staff member
I hope The Strain - Falling Skies is more like a bad sitcom just now.


What ship is this?
Staff member
The Falling Skies version was more like a sitcom.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
In the STRAIN--was there a metamorphosis deal in this weeks FS ep as well?
--- merged: Jul 30, 2014 at 2:39 PM ---

Maybe we need a STRAIN thread (unless it is already there)

It is. :) Should we make a Ball for it too? I think at least 3 of us are watching...
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Well Known GateFan
So I was kind of twiddling around an idea inside my little head.

The opening premise does leave much behind, though personally it isn't necessary because the show should be focusing on the 'now' aspect but they could of had the General or someone explain to them what happened to the other assets or military forces around the world. It doesn't have to be in depth just something in an off the cuff remark, like the last stand of the Navy, desperate suicide missions of special forces armed with portable nukes to destroy enemy locations. Point being, a few words here and there can do wonders rather than to simply dismiss it as it was 'in the past' but it can also be used in a fashion of why they must fight in a certain way because the aliens had learned of the previous tactics, the motto of the resistance being, adapt, survive, fight.

Or we can all pretend we're in a Garnier advert and wave our long flowing locks of hair around.


Well Known GateFan
So I was kind of twiddling around an idea inside my little head.

The opening premise does leave much behind, though personally it isn't necessary because the show should be focusing on the 'now' aspect but they could of had the General or someone explain to them what happened to the other assets or military forces around the world. It doesn't have to be in depth just something in an off the cuff remark, like the last stand of the Navy, desperate suicide missions of special forces armed with portable nukes to destroy enemy locations. Point being, a few words here and there can do wonders rather than to simply dismiss it as it was 'in the past' but it can also be used in a fashion of why they must fight in a certain way because the aliens had learned of the previous tactics, the motto of the resistance being, adapt, survive, fight.

Or we can all pretend we're in a Garnier advert and wave our long flowing locks of hair around.

That would be great BUT they did get around that--that is avoided it-- in the very first opening scene of ep 1 s 1 when the kid (Ben I guess?) in his solo talk say "All of the soldiers were wiped out and killed in an instant..." suggesting that NO ONE in uniform had even the chance to assemble and fight (or if they even knew that an attack was coming)

So the Isphincti have apparently gotten quite dumb and incapable since the grand opening move--they wiped out the world's military in a "minute" but know can't find running vehicles just because there are blankets tied to the hood....


Well Known GateFan
That would be great BUT they did get around that--that is avoided it-- in the very first opening scene of ep 1 s 1 when the kid (Ben I guess?) in his solo talk say "All of the soldiers were wiped out and killed in an instant..." suggesting that NO ONE in uniform had even the chance to assemble and fight (or if they even knew that an attack was coming)

So the Isphincti have apparently gotten quite dumb and incapable since the grand opening move--they wiped out the world's military in a "minute" but know can't find running vehicles just because there are blankets tied to the hood....

You know it reminds me of the aliens off of Battlefield Earth, they took out the entire military in an hour or so yet get defeated by a rag tag bunch of.....wait a minute.


Well Known GateFan
You know it reminds me of the aliens off of Battlefield Earth, they took out the entire military in an hour or so yet get defeated by a rag tag bunch of.....wait a minute.

Or they are like the Iraqi Army in Kuwait--the best and brightest took over and looted the country, then the 4th stringers were sent in to hold it...

And, I am shocked that you admit you watched B.E.! (I watched it too--what a bomb)


Well Known GateFan
Or they are like the Iraqi Army in Kuwait--the best and brightest took over and looted the country, then the 4th stringers were sent in to hold it...

And, I am shocked that you admit you watched B.E.! (I watched it too--what a bomb)

As much as I would love to defer responsibility, my Mum got a sci-fi tri pack on VHS ages ago. It had B.E and 2 others, Red Planet I think was one and Soldier, but I only actually watched it in conjunction with the Nostalgia Critic's review of the movie.


Well Known GateFan
As much as I would love to defer responsibility, my Mum got a sci-fi tri pack on VHS ages ago. It had B.E and 2 others, Red Planet I think was one and Soldier, but I only actually watched it in conjunction with the Nostalgia Critic's review of the movie.

The Trifecta of american sci fi...


What ship is this?
Staff member
And this week's episode only reinforced to me that they have decided to reimagine this show as a comedy. Ben teaching Maggie how to live with her spikes had potential but within 60 seconds it degenerated into Maggie learning she is now Lara Croft. Tom marries Anne and they decide to fly to the Moon on a captured Beamer to destroy the Isveni Super Power Source (no mention on how they breathe during the trip or how they get back - I guess that will be Lexi time).

Really at this point it could use a laugh track.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
And this week's episode only reinforced to me that they have decided to reimagine this show as a comedy. Ben teaching Maggie how to live with her spikes had potential but within 60 seconds it degenerated into Maggie learning she is now Lara Croft. Tom marries Anne and they decide to fly to the Moon on a captured Beamer to destroy the Isveni Super Power Source (no mention on how they breathe during the trip or how they get back - I guess that will be Lexi time).

Really at this point it could use a laugh track.

That, I gotta see...:) Im downloading the episode now.


Well Known GateFan
And this week's episode only reinforced to me that they have decided to reimagine this show as a comedy. Ben teaching Maggie how to live with her spikes had potential but within 60 seconds it degenerated into Maggie learning she is now Lara Croft. Tom marries Anne and they decide to fly to the Moon on a captured Beamer to destroy the Isveni Super Power Source (no mention on how they breathe during the trip or how they get back - I guess that will be Lexi time).

Really at this point it could use a laugh track.

Yeah, I caught that much from the opening (my dvr always carries into the next program for a few minutes==following LAST SHIP)

I was intrigued by the moon based power source and the "wireless electricity" (like with Tesla's ideas) but once my recording ran up I knew I had seen all I needed to

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Episode 9...


In Episode 8, just about every character broke down in tears at some point. Hal, Weaver, Tom, the supporting cast, etc. And also there was lots of kissing and lovin' This episode was just....:smiley-laughing011:


Well Known GateFan
I no longer watch this show and from the previews it looks like I made the right decision. I mean, a wedding? Is this General Hospital?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I no longer watch this show and from the previews it looks like I made the right decision. I mean, a wedding? Is this General Hospital?

It has gone beyond soap. Now it has veered into dark comedy (unintentionally) :anim_59: When Lexi came out of that cocoon in episode 8, her hair was wet. How come the hair fan guy didnt help her out? :jaded:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just saw Episode 9, and although it was worth snickering at, there are things in it that I liked (and will like). :) The producers, writers and actors all know that this show is ending after season 5. That means that for the first time in a while, a series will get a chance to actually CLEANLY wrap up a scifi show. Here are a few obvious ones:

  1. We know that the base on the moon powers "everything" that the Ishveni have. They have set this up for an "ultimate" victory...a Death Star moment. :)
  2. The 2nd Mass now has a Beamer to use to get to the Moon to destroy the base. They will do exactly that. :)
  3. The Ishveni will be destroyed and the humans will prevail. That is a sure thing now. Spielberg does not do it any other way. But we will get to actually SEE the Ishveni fall to the humans and the Volm.
  4. Maggie is now Wonder Woman. She will show us crazy mad skillz with double revolvers like Lara Croft/Black Widow. :)
  5. Ben and Maggie will hook up, with Hal's blessing...eventually. But it will happen.
I still dont know where Lexi fits into all of this. I hope they kill her off. Maybe they will change her into some flying thing they can shoot out of the air. The beotch gots ta go. She is ruining everything. The only fantasy element in the show. Season 5 might actually be very good!


What ship is this?
Staff member
I told you Maggie is now Lara Croft.

Basically treating it like a comedy has made it watchable to me. I still think a laugh track in the right places would enhance the experience.