Falling Skies Gets Fourth Season


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually Falling Skies is down in ratings this year. Big time.


Well Known GateFan
Actually Falling Skies is down in ratings this year. Big time.

How can that be, after all, they've got supermodel Lexi with her hair-blowing fan. If that ain't a cool special effect I don't know what is.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
How can that be, after all, they've got supermodel Lexi with her hair-blowing fan. If that ain't a cool special effect I don't know what is.

I have a good mind to make a .gif of that. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
This is what they really need.....



What ship is this?
Staff member
It's a clip from a Turkish movie. Pretty awful.

A couple of years ago RedLetterMedia lampooned it also as part of a Christmas promotion they did - it was pretty funny.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's a clip from a Turkish movie. Pretty awful.

A couple of years ago RedLetterMedia lampooned it also as part of a Christmas promotion they did - it was pretty funny.

So....a comedy movie?


What ship is this?
Staff member
A crime drama.


Well Known GateFan
Dude, the magical starchild thing goes all the way back to the original V TV series with Elizabeth. :) It was followed up in Poltergeist, Damien (kind of), the latest V series on ABC, SG1 with Adria, and now Falling Skies. It is now officially a "trope". :)

THIS! The Volm gave them weapons last season, where are they now? They need to be a combined force, not separate. Its just dumb, I completely agree.

Yeah, it does seem familiar. But you only notice it because the dialogue and the story have become so lame that the background is more interesting. :)

Unless they kill off Lexi, I am hoping there is no season 5.

Oh, come on...you know you want to see Tom and Weaver (if he is still alive) flying a spaceship!! Tom can talk about perseverance in the face of superior enemies with citations from history and Weaver can have a never ending line of cliche. If the ship has a problem, Ben can scrunch up his face--like he is taking a dump-- "activate" his implants and fix the thing on the fly


Well Known GateFan
This is the end result of "the past is prologue" school of screenwriting advocated by hacks like Syd Field. These morons have driven that stupid writing technique so deep into the brains of writers coming of age that it's SOP for scripts nowadays. I absolutely despise this gimmick and shows like Failing Skies are an example why. Quite simply I cannot develop any empathy or sympathy for the characters because they don't exist in an explained context. They just suddenly exist in a massively changed world and as viewers it's up to us to fill in the blanks. We get this lack of context with Failing Skies, The Wanking Dead and DEFECATION -- all of which take place in worlds that are never explained. In short, this is nothing but arrogance to cover up the ineptness of the writers. It's also a bunch of shit. These "writers" deserve to get colon-munching tapeworms -- all of them!

It's one thing to have minor details of the story exist in the past, but that isn't an issue since it rationally follows that those details from the past that inform the story will be explained fully (if it's a well written story). It's quite another to open the story in a world created by past events without detailing or rationally explaining what happened; especially when those events are central to informing the entire story itself.

Yes, never explained new worlds and the insistence of everything on earth being focused on the activities of one small group of ppl.


Well Known GateFan
Well...I am certain that the militaries of the earth fought the aliens during the initial invasion, and gave them much more resistance than the 2nd Mass. Most likely they used everything we have. BUT, since we do not get to see that, we never know. Did nukes ever get used? If they had, it seems to me that the (evidently) not so high tech Ishveni ships would have been toast early on. Tom is a freakin HISTORY TEACHER in this show! :smiley-laughing011: He becomes leader of the 2nd Mass? How/when did they take out NATO, our submarines, our surface defences? Wouldn’t a trained Special Forces team be able to do the same damage as this Ragtag Redneck Regiment is doing or more?


I liked this show. Now....

Ok--devil's advocate hat on again--in s1,ep1 in the opening seq, the kid is narrating saying that the aliens took out all worldwide militaries first, that "there were no soldiers left" and then they moved to the cities...

A very convenient "pre-emptive" writing technique by writers who want to "force" drama and plot--eliminate all logical real world alternatives to invasion first off

but just because they said it, doesn't make it make sense

example--how could the Ishpincti detect a submerged nuke sub but they can't detect a group of 300 ppl with multiple heat sigs within sight of one of their "base" ships (like the one over Boston)?


Well Known GateFan
Yes, never explained new worlds and the insistence of everything on earth being focused on the activities of one small group of ppl.

And this is the problem with these shows, the writers vaguely tell us that something happened and then expect us to care about the characters in a context that they never provide.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Is this show a comedy? Because I find myself laughing at the scenes with Lexi, her Mom and the Isveni. To call that entire story dumb is an understatement.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Is this show a comedy? Because I find myself laughing at the scenes with Lexi, her Mom and the Isveni. To call that entire story dumb is an understatement.

Episode 4, really? Its going further and further into interpersonal stuff...this time with the aliens. Lexi has gone into full blown alien-starchild mode. I was laughing, and shaking my head at the same time. They did the fan in the hair, and they even added lightning and thunder this time! Oh, and did you catch that little back and forth with the two Sithveni near the end? I could have sworn that came out of Star Wars. The only bright spot in it was that new hard-edjed chick they have added to the show to balance out Pope. She is PERFECT for him. But why? Why do we need a love interest for him in this show? They seem to have given up on pushing Weaver as a soldier now, since they have him weeping and crying and whining in every episode this season so far.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I was also referring to tonight's installment. It felt like a bad comedy more than a action-scifi show.


Well Known GateFan
Is this show a comedy? Because I find myself laughing at the scenes with Lexi, her Mom and the Isveni. To call that entire story dumb is an understatement.

I found it pretty funny with Lexi (really? they couldn't even come up with a name that isn't already in the sci fi "encyclopedia?) The hair blowing-when nothing else was, her passing out and her fever. Why was a physicist explaining to a medical dr (her mom) about why a high fever is dangerous to a human?

The revelation that the evil alien is her father--a rip on the Darth Vader theme?

And the bit with the 2 brothers--I can't place where I have seen this nearly exact same play, but is was a nearly direct copy of it. And Ben not being able to kill someone/pull the trigger? He did it in S3 in the redneck farmhouse when he shot the guy on purpose in defense of his brother--Pls stop the BS!

Weaver becoming the tired and weepy soldier is another "soldier cliche". Again ,having just "amazoned" this series, his entire character is nothing but cliche. I am guessing that making him 'weepy' is their attempt at trying to 'comment' on current events, like combat induced PTSD with real world vets. Trying hard for that ST;TOS effect and commenting on real life through fiction.

Ok, granted I didn't see the first 3 eps of this season, but why is Cochise and his ppl on foot? Why are they not out using their ships and firepower instead of hoofing it over land with the New England Redneck Battalion?

I would place a small amount of money that IF there is a 5th season, then it is going into space with Weaver and Tom, et al, hijacking a Ishveni fighter craft with Cochise along for 'tech assistance (like Teal'c did in SG1 on the captured Goauld ship)' and then taking the fight to the Ishveni homeworld through a "warp speed, time dilated, stargated wormhole" thingy (might as well pile on all of the ripped ideas right?)


Well Known GateFan
I decided to give up on this turd and tuned into The Strain instead. I feel I've made the right choice, I mean, if FS hasn't gotten it right by this stage of the game then they never will.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I decided to give up on this turd and tuned into The Strain instead. I feel I've made the right choice, I mean, if FS hasn't gotten it right by this stage of the game then they never will.

The Strain? :) Remember I am a cord cutter...never heard of it before now.