"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
YUP--the walkers will become "self-aware" then find a way to use the now idle internets (;)) to transport--star trek style--all living ppl to a remote and unchartered island in the pacific

since shane is dead, i don't believe i can force myselk to watch anymore--he seemed to be the only character with a realistic plan. and i am sure he would have found a role for token prop man:icon_eek:

Wait...Shane is dead? I haven't watched it...but of all people they killed off SHANE? Is the blonde still there? :facepalm:. That was the first sip of Kool Aid if they killed off Shane. What that last episode? The one before? I cant believe they did that! :facepalm:


Council Member & Author
Yep...Shane was killed twice.

The second death reveals something that hasn't been addressed earlier, but could have been what was whispered in Rick's ear several episodes ago.


What ship is this?
Staff member
It was silly.

Like I said the next step is "friendly" walkers than a human-walker ship just to spice things up.


Well Known GateFan
Yep...Shane was killed twice.

The second death reveals something that hasn't been addressed earlier, but could have been what was whispered in Rick's ear several episodes ago.

What were those scary bits in between (after Shane died the first time), where it showed sounds and a like a quick flash of zombies eating human remains? The blonde is still there next episode looks promising though more people get killed. A lot of people are not happy that Dale died.


Well Known GateFan
Wait...Shane is dead? I haven't watched it...but of all people they killed off SHANE? Is the blonde still there? :facepalm:. That was the first sip of Kool Aid if they killed off Shane. What that last episode? The one before? I cant believe they did that! :facepalm:

I'm sure it was planned from the start of the show but they really botched the way they carried out the rivalry between Rick and Shane. They dragged it on and on and then suddenly it was over and was very anti-climactic I thought. In fact the final showdown between them was rather boring. It mirrored the comic version of what happened, but wasn't exact (the comic version was executed much quicker and therefore wasn't boring). They tried to make Shane suddenly become this psycho who was slapping his head and having crazy flashes. It just didn't work with how the character has been written.

And Rick is just this weepy wuss who is always crying and anguishing over stupid crap. In fact, Shane was the voice of reason in that episode, even going so far as to tell Rick about how his son Carl had stolen a gun and was acting out and needed his father. Rick of course was a complete dummy about it. It's hard to feel any kind of sympathy for Rick because he's such a dummy and a dullard. Seriously, he's always looking to go off and leave his family behind in order to deal with something pointless. He also doesn't have a problem letting his young son traipse around wherever he wants in a zombie filled world. Seriously, Rick is the worst excuse for a leader that I've ever seen. I would NEVER let him lead any group I was in.

At any rate, they're still on the farm come the end of season 2, go figure. And, the stupidest thing is that they JUST NOW have realized a need to secure the farm against zombies. Hmm, there are herds of zombies walking around just a mile or so away on the freeway as shown in the opening episode this season, but the farm hasn't needed anything more than some cow wire to keep them isolated... sigh...

Right now I'm just watching the show in the hopes that certain characters get eaten by zombies, namely Rick and Lori. Fingers crossed!


Well Known GateFan
What were those scary bits in between (after Shane died the first time), where it showed sounds and a like a quick flash of zombies eating human remains? The blonde is still there next episode looks promising though more people get killed. A lot of people are not happy that Dale died.

I think they were trying to make us realize the transition from human to zombie with those "flashes". It just seemed kind of dumb to me and wasn't that scary.

As for Dale, well count me in the crowd of people who are glad he's gone (and gone in spectacular fashion!). What I didn't like about the character was how heavy handed they wrote him. I get that they're trying to write all these archetypes (the uncertain leader, the challenger, the moralist [Dale], etc.) but the way they do it is so transparent. Dale was just a non-stop busy body (and idiot) that became annoying. The time he took all their guns and tried to hide them was perhaps the stupidest thing ever done by a fictional character. So yeah, he deserved to become zombie chum.


What ship is this?
Staff member
So what do you think? Next season we get friendly zombies and a human-zombie ship?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I mentioned the "sensitive zombie" in the GateFans Show clip I made a couple of months ago. Just LOL. Shane died twice, which means he turned into a zombie? Is that episode worth watching or what? I have stopped watching shis show as of two episodes ago. I found more entertainment watching my fish dig in the gravel and chase each other. :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
Weirdly I started watching Season 2 a few days ago and have burned through all but the 2 most recent episodes. I actually enjoyed it a lot...


Objects may be closer than they appear
So what do you think? Next season we get friendly zombies and a human-zombie ship?

That could be a great moment in television - sort of like when Kirk kissed Lt Uhura.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I don't exactly see the similarities with necrophilia and interracial* relationships, but okay...

*for the lack of a better term not including the word 'race'

I was being sarcastic there. The Star Trek scene was groundbreaking - a TWD moment like that would just be gross and stupid.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually Shaun of the Dead did a pretty funny necro-bromance right at the end when Shaun goes out to the shed to play Tekken 2 with zombie Ed. But then that whole production is at a vastly higher quality level than TWD.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Actually Shaun of the Dead did a pretty funny necro-bromance right at the end when Shaun goes out to the shed to play Tekken 2 with zombie Ed. But then that whole production is at a vastly higher quality level than TWD.

I really need to watch that movie again. :)


Well Known GateFan
Well I'm now caught up. Despite being overly slow in places I thought this was a great season, I can't wait for the finale.

I hope they keep the pace up next season even though they have an extended season of 16 episodes. All the same I'll probably do what I usually do with dramas and wait until the season is nearly over so I can breeze through them all at once. Is there anyone on here that actually enjoyed the show this year?


Well Known GateFan
Well I'm now caught up. Despite being overly slow in places I thought this was a great season, I can't wait for the finale.

I hope they keep the pace up next season even though they have an extended season of 16 episodes. All the same I'll probably do what I usually do with dramas and wait until the season is nearly over so I can breeze through them all at once. Is there anyone on here that actually enjoyed the show this year?

Not surprising that you found the second season of TWD to be "great" considering you very much enjoyed the "greatness" of SGU. The fact is this season of TWD was comprised mostly of soap-ish melodrama. The same way that the stargate was used as window dressing in SGU the zombies have been used as background props on TWD. In fact, the zombies have had little impact on the characters this season. It's been all about baby mama drama and snippy arguments between characters.

You like these kinds of "character dramas" but many of us here don't. To be honest Yoshi you don't seem very discriminating in your viewing choices. TWD could literally have any other setting but you'd still find it "great" because all you seem to care about is the nonsensical melodrama between characters and nothing else. Same thing with SGU. There's no difference. Crap in a pretty dress is still crap. Most of us here can smell it, why can't you?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I wonder if Overmind would agree...

Tank Girl has to be BY FAR the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Running a close second is Starship Troopers III