"The Walking Dead" Season 2 premiere breaks records


What ship is this?
Staff member
Tank Girl has to be BY FAR the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Running a close second is Starship Troopers III

See? I said it was truly worthy of facepalm status...


Well Known GateFan
Not surprising that you found the second season of TWD to be "great" considering you very much enjoyed the "greatness" of SGU. The fact is this season of TWD was comprised mostly of soap-ish melodrama. The same way that the stargate was used as window dressing in SGU the zombies have been used as background props on TWD. In fact, the zombies have had little impact on the characters this season. It's been all about baby mama drama and snippy arguments between characters.

You like these kinds of "character dramas" but many of us here don't. To be honest Yoshi you don't seem very discriminating in your viewing choices. TWD could literally have any other setting but you'd still find it "great" because all you seem to care about is the nonsensical melodrama between characters and nothing else. Same thing with SGU. There's no difference. Crap in a pretty dress is still crap. Most of us here can smell it, why can't you?

Well there's no point going round the whole SGU thing. I thought that show was good, or at least I enjoyed it.

Here I think The Walking Dead is a great drama. You know it has some flaws but it's all about how people react to something which is usually tackled in a pretty blunt fashion by different types of media. It resonated with me a number of ways; from the way Shane made the choices he did to the way Dale made his. I thought a lot of the writing for the characters was really interesting and the acting was second to none. My favourite aspect of the show is Rick's relationship with his son as its so rare a show takes the time to show how someone would go about raising a child during a zombie apocalypse. That father-son relationship is one of the reasons I got into 'Awake' so quickly as well.

Ultimately I can understand why people were a little disappointed that the show has been very different in the second season. If the characters didn't click with a viewer then the show really wouldn't work for them. At the same time I'm not sure what people want out of this show; it's about characters surviving and existing in this new world.

That's just my two cents though, people are perfectly entitled to not like it.


Well Known GateFan
Well there's no point going round the whole SGU thing. I thought that show was good, or at least I enjoyed it.

Here I think The Walking Dead is a great drama. You know it has some flaws but it's all about how people react to something which is usually tackled in a pretty blunt fashion by different types of media. It resonated with me a number of ways; from the way Shane made the choices he did to the way Dale made his. I thought a lot of the writing for the characters was really interesting and the acting was second to none. My favourite aspect of the show is Rick's relationship with his son as its so rare a show takes the time to show how someone would go about raising a child during a zombie apocalypse. That father-son relationship is one of the reasons I got into 'Awake' so quickly as well.

Ultimately I can understand why people were a little disappointed that the show has been very different in the second season. If the characters didn't click with a viewer then the show really wouldn't work for them. At the same time I'm not sure what people want out of this show; it's about characters surviving and existing in this new world.

That's just my two cents though, people are perfectly entitled to not like it.

You prove my earlier point -- you lack discernment. I won't go into a whole diatribe and breakdown of where you go wrong but will offer up the bolded quote above as an example. Rick is a horrible father and the show did nothing to show him in a good light as a parent. Even Shane in his final moments on the show pointed out how Rick was doing a lousy job of being a father. From leaving his family behind while he goes off on wild goose chases to allowing his son to traipse around a zombie-filled world unattended to not having the most basic of communication with said son -- all that proves how lousy Rick is as a father. It also shows that the character hasn't grown, neither as a father nor a leader.

I seriously don't know what show you're watching but it can't possibly be TWD as what you (vaguely) described doesn't match that show at all.


Well Known GateFan
You prove my earlier point -- you lack discernment. I won't go into a whole diatribe and breakdown of where you go wrong but will offer up the bolded quote above as an example. Rick is a horrible father and the show did nothing to show him in a good light as a parent. Even Shane in his final moments on the show pointed out how Rick was doing a lousy job of being a father. From leaving his family behind while he goes off on wild goose chases to allowing his son to traipse around a zombie-filled world unattended to not having the most basic of communication with said son -- all that proves how lousy Rick is as a father. It also shows that the character hasn't grown, neither as a father nor a leader.

I seriously don't know what show you're watching but it can't possibly be TWD as what you (vaguely) described doesn't match that show at all.

I didn't say he was a good father. I said the show shows the challenges of raising a child. For as mentally unstable as Shane was he actually did right by Carl and actually made some of the tough decisions that Rick couldn't make. It'll be interesting to see where Rick goes from there after he's had those facts thrown at him. My point was that it's rare for a show to take the time to delve into that stuff. That's what makes the show compelling for me, the duality of the characters.


Well Known GateFan
I didn't say he was a good father. I said the show shows the challenges of raising a child. For as mentally unstable as Shane was he actually did right by Carl and actually made some of the tough decisions that Rick couldn't make. It'll be interesting to see where Rick goes from there after he's had those facts thrown at him. My point was that it's rare for a show to take the time to delve into that stuff. That's what makes the show compelling for me, the duality of the characters.

Now you're nitpicking. You said how a show takes the time to show how a parent goes about raising a child in a zombie apocalypse. My point was that it didn't show how a parent raises a child in a zombie apocalypse as Rick was missing in action. He dropped the parental ball constantly. You even said it yourself that Shane did right by Carl, not Rick. So what you're ultimately saying is that you enjoyed watching a show that had an irresponsible idiot parent who lacked the most basic common sense when it comes to raising and caring for their child. Again, I rest my case. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Wait...Shane is dead? I haven't watched it...but of all people they killed off SHANE? Is the blonde still there? :facepalm:. That was the first sip of Kool Aid if they killed off Shane. What that last episode? The one before? I cant believe they did that! :facepalm:

i didn't see it either-catch it this week. i have no idea what the 'killed him twice' means though


What ship is this?
Staff member
i was just trying to be tragically comic to take the mind off of how bad TWD is getting... wonder what hot chick actress they would get to play a new TANK GIRL?

Dunno - how many actresses out there are as goofy as Lori Petty?


Well Known GateFan
Well I thought the finale was awesome, although there were a few moments where I thought characters were being dicks just because. I thought it was actually surprising that more people survived the attack then expected (anyone else think Hershel was going down?) but the show has lost a lot of important characters recently.

Roll on Season 3.

EDIT: Btw if anyone is interested I just read that the idea is that the 16 episode 3rd season will be shown in two blocks of eight episodes. By the sounds of the interview this also seems to be the plan going into a potential (and highly likely) 4th season. I also expect this to be the same scenario with Breaking Bad.


Well Known GateFan
Also this will no doubt annoy those who are down on the show but it broke records again. Got a 4.7 in the 18-49 demo which would be massive even for the regular broadcast networks. That's the highest rated episode in the show's history, the highest rating ever recorded for basic cable and the highest 18-19 rating for anything on TV this week.

Like it or not this show is a ratings beast and must be making AMC a whole lot of money.



What ship is this?
Staff member
All it shows me is that maybe the movie "idiocracy" was prophetic...


Sinister Swede
All it shows me is that maybe the movie "idiocracy" was prophetic...

Indeed. I like zombies, and I like drama. But The Walking Dead is severely lacking in zombies, and it only has bad and poorly executed drama as well as awful characters. I have nothing at all against unlikable characters, but in that case they have to be interesting. Unfortunately characters in TWD happen to be unlikeable and extremely dull.
Maybe with the exception of Daryl.


Well Known GateFan
Also this will no doubt annoy those who are down on the show but it broke records again. Got a 4.7 in the 18-49 demo which would be massive even for the regular broadcast networks. That's the highest rated episode in the show's history, the highest rating ever recorded for basic cable and the highest 18-19 rating for anything on TV this week.

Like it or not this show is a ratings beast and must be making AMC a whole lot of money.


There's no accounting for taste. ;)

I think the huge numbers can directly be attributed to the zombie factor and not the ridiculous melodrama. And plenty of people tune into the show to see how bad it will be and/or what the characters will do wrong. One is never disappointed if one takes that tack.

As for the finale, I could go into a huge breakdown of all the bad aspects of it but I don't have the time right now. Suffice to say that if you rewatch the first 10 minutes of TWD season finale and run the Benny Hill show soundtrack at the same time you'll laugh until you wet yourself.

A couple points:

Since when did they start making shotguns that hold 20+ shells? Hershel most have found a magic one somewhere cuz last I checked shotguns didn't hold as many shells as he was pumping out.

Rick is pathetic. He whines and anguishes and cries thru the whole episode and then launches into a finger pointing blame game against everyone else. He actually has the balls to believe (and say out loud) that it has been he who has kept them alive this long. :icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised: The dude is seriously whacked if he believes that. He sounded like a whiny teenage girl. He also sounded like the worlds biggest ass hat when he said "This isn't a democracy". Yeah right Rick, you've ineptly led the group for how long and your incompetence has gotten people killed yet now that your leadership skills are being questioned you petulantly stomp your foot and demand to be the group dictator? Sure Rick, now take your wife and your snot nosed brat and go be zed bait, m'kay.

Terrible show that is fascinating in the horrible execution of the story and characters. It is the proverbial car crash that we can't tear our eyes from even if it means adding to the ratings. Entertainment is entertainment and with SGU long gone from the airwaves many people need a new show to hate and TWD fits the bill. ;)


Objects may be closer than they appear
There's no accounting for taste. ;)

I think the huge numbers can directly be attributed to the zombie factor and not the ridiculous melodrama. And plenty of people tune into the show to see how bad it will be and/or what the characters will do wrong. One is never disappointed if one takes that tack

By that logic SGU should have been a ratings monster! :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
By that logic SGU should have been a ratings monster! :D

How about a showdown, we do a co-rewatch of SGU and The Walking Dead! After watching TWD, I could actually do a full rewatch of Stargate Universe. Really, Im serious!


Well Known GateFan
Well my 2 cents - you don't get a record breaking show if people are tuning in because it's bad. If it was so terrible you would expect it to loose viewers, not grow in viewership across season 2. Quite frankly too many of the shows I enjoy have concerning ratings so it's nice to have one that's guaranteed to be around for a long time.


Sinister Swede
Well my 2 cents - you don't get a record breaking show if people are tuning in because it's bad. If it was so terrible you would expect it to loose viewers, not grow in viewership across season 2. Quite frankly too many of the shows I enjoy have concerning ratings so it's nice to have one that's guaranteed to be around for a long time.

Okay then would you please explain the story behind the success of Jersey Shore? Or would you argue that it's a good show?


Well Known GateFan
Okay then would you please explain the story behind the success of Jersey Shore? Or would you argue that it's a good show?

I don't think ratings = quality. At all. I just don't think people would tune into a scripted TV show because they think it's 'bad'. There's been plenty of ratings analysis of other shows here, clearly the members of the forum put some stock in them.

I get to watch the show no matter what but it's a little odd to come and discuss it, only to have the forum filled with people who don't like it yet continue to watch so they can comment on it's lack of quality.


Well Known GateFan
I don't think ratings = quality. At all. I just don't think people would tune into a scripted TV show because they think it's 'bad'. There's been plenty of ratings analysis of other shows here, clearly the members of the forum put some stock in them.

I get to watch the show no matter what but it's a little odd to come and discuss it, only to have the forum filled with people who don't like it yet continue to watch so they can comment on it's lack of quality.

This goes back to what I said about you lacking discernment, Yoshi. You seem quite content to be spoon fed anything without examining what you are mentally ingesting very closely.

The fact that people come to this forum, and others, to discuss the negative aspects of a show is perfectly normal. What's not normal is to completely evade gaping flaws in logic when it comes to the characters and the storyline of the shows being discussed. What value is there in a forum where people do nothing but stroke each other's Pollyanna type opinions?

Also, the main reason so many people opine negatively about TWD is the same reason they opined negatively about SGU -- we want to like these shows. We see the value in the premise of these stories. We actually want them to succeed at creating compelling and exciting plots and characters that we can relate to and care about.

Think about it Yoshi, if the haters here didn't care about the premise of TWD (which is a truly great premise for a show) we wouldn't even bother to opine on it. Again, we want TWD to be successful in terms of creating a world we can believe in and get involved in. We want to empathize/sympathize with these fictional characters and we want to go on the journey with them. So don't blame us for voicing our disappointment when the writing (and direction) of this great premise turns out to be so lousy.

This is also why the ratings are so high when the negative criticism is so high also. It's such a great idea for a show and so original that people are going to tune in even though they've been continually disappointed. Many people hope the show improves so they are hanging on. Many people are jumping on the bandwagon because it's what everyone else is watching and they don't want to be left out. And then there are people like me who doubt the show will improve much but now we've come to enjoy it for the bonehead factor. It really is a good laugh at times and a head shaker at others.