The Atlantis movie was NEVER going to be made, so how could a "hold" have been put on it?


Well Known GateFan
Even though I am widely renowned for being a shining beacon of morality, I have to disagree with you once more.
It is I believe in this case MGM that would produce the movies but unfortunately their hands have been tied due to financial trouble for quite a while. The writers had pitched ideas for the movies to MGM but there was no money at the time to start production. There probably are scripts for the movies though. In addition I must point you to the fact that it is common practice to lie to people to get their support both in politics and in commerce. It might be immoral, but it is simply a reality we have to accept.

I hope you still like me now. :icon_cool:

#1. Yes, I still like you, in fact, I'm obsessed with you! Expect a VERY nice Valentine in the mail from me this year, sweet cheeks. ;)

#2. Your argument is flawed. MGM would have paid for the movies if they hadn't been conned into paying for fucking SGU! Since MGM held the purse strings then TPTB would have known at that time EXACTLY what was budgeted for at a minimum for a year -- at a minimum! BW knew all the money was being poured into his new baby and he consciously lied about an SGA movie knowing full well the money wasn't there because SGU sucked it all up. TPTB KNEW full well that these movies weren't going to be made but they still LIED to the fans in order to exploit their trust.

That's simply a reality you have to accept. :D


Well, season 1 was a wrap in OCTOBER OF 2008, and just as I posted, the sets were demolished after that. The script for Extinction was allegedly finished in September of 2008 a month before the sets were destroyed. THINK, man!

I assume you mean season 5 here. Anyways. Have the sets been demolished or have they simply been dismantled?

If the bridge of Destiny was built in Stage 6 where the Atlantis gateroom was, then if they were going to rebuild the sets for a "planned Atlantis movie", WHERE would it be rebuilt? Where is the evidence that MGM was in talks for this movie? Why werent the actors contacted and secured for this movie?

It is my understanding that studios build sets in a way so that they can easily be dismantled, moved and rebuilt. Dismantling one set and putting it in storage and then taken another set out of storage and putting it back up shouldn't be a lot of trouble.
Obviously the Atlantis movie wasn't never really got off the ground so therefore there were no actors secured. This doesn't mean that nobody ever had any intention to produce the movie at some point in time. Where's the evidence that MGM was not in talks about the movie?

At the moment I have a good feeling about the Atlantis movie. I think it will be made. Someday.
MGM will regain their former glory, hopefully sometime soon.


#1. Yes, I still like you, in fact, I'm obsessed with you! Expect a VERY nice Valentine in the mail from me this year, sweet cheeks. ;)

Oooooooo... A valentine. Cool, I can't wait. :D

#2. Your argument is flawed. MGM would have paid for the movies if they hadn't been conned into paying for fucking SGU! Since MGM held the purse strings then TPTB would have known at that time EXACTLY what was budgeted for at a minimum for a year -- at a minimum! BW knew all the money was being poured into his new baby and he consciously lied about an SGA movie knowing full well the money wasn't there because SGU sucked it all up. TPTB KNEW full well that these movies weren't going to be made but they still LIED to the fans in order to exploit their trust.

That's simply a reality you have to accept. :D

I will NOT accept. Coz it's not a reality. :P
MGM didn't pay anything for SGU, SyFy payed for producing the whole thing.
Furthermore MGM should have received money from SyFy for the rights to produce and air a Stargate show on tv.
I know we've been lied to by TPTB but MGM never had any part in that. Anyways. What's wrong with keeping up hope for an Atlantis movie? Don't trust in TPTB, but trust in MGM!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That, I do not know.

I assume you mean season 5 here. Anyways. Have the sets been demolished or have they simply been dismantled?

THAT, I do not know. All I know is where they were last standing intact, which was in Stage 6 at Bridge. The sets in the FX Stage, however, were demolished, not stored. The medieval village and other sets were in there. There is a link to the tour of the FX Stage before it was demolished in this thread, so you can see just what was in there.

It is my understanding that studios build sets in a way so that they can easily be dismantled, moved and rebuilt. Dismantling one set and putting it in storage and then taken another set out of storage and putting it back up shouldn't be a lot of trouble.

Obviously the Atlantis movie wasn't never really got off the ground so therefore there were no actors secured. This doesn't mean that nobody ever had any intention to produce the movie at some point in time. Where's the evidence that MGM was not in talks about the movie?
Correct again, but according to Mallozzi, the Extinction script was completed in September of 2008. At that time, Brad and Rob Cooper were working exclusively on Stargate Universe. Joe Mallozzi was never controlling Stargate projects and Brad and Rob werent working with Mallozzi on any Atlantis movie, even after the entirety of SGU Season 1 was done in October of 2009. In response to tyour question about MGM in talks about the movie...where is there evidence that there WAS? As far as I know, none of the actors of Atlantis were approached, whilst the actors of SG-1 WERE approached.

Who in Stargate Productions went to MGM with any plans for an Atlantis movie? The only promises made for that movie came as bait to watch SGU. But in real life, nothing was happening on that front at all. Thats the point of this thread.

The Atlantis movie cannot have been put "on hold", since it was never in progress to begin with.
At the moment I have a good feeling about the Atlantis movie. I think it will be made. Someday.
MGM will regain their former glory, hopefully sometime soon.
Im with you there, but Brad Wright cant be a part of it. He will never settle for being only a consultant.


Illusive Deity of Fanfic
A well placed Teal'c "Indeed" makes a Scott pursed lips look even MORE ludicrous.


THAT, I do not know. All I know is where they were last standing intact, which was in Stage 6 at Bridge. The sets in the FX Stage, however, were demolished, not stored. The medieval village and other sets were in there. There is a link to the tour of the FX Srage before it was demolished in this thread, so you can see just what was in there.

So there is a good chance that the important sets are still around then. Who needs a medieval village anyway right.

Correct again, but according to Mallozzi, the Extinction script was completed in September of 2008. At that time, Brad and Rob Cooper were working exclusively on Stargate Universe. Joe Mallozzi was never controlling Stargate projects and Brad and Rob werent working with Mallozzi on any Atlantis movie, even after the entirety of SGU Season 1 was done in October of 2009. In response to tyour question about MGM in talks about the movie...where is there evidence that there WAS? As far as I know, none of the actors of Atlantis were approached, whilst the actors of SG-1 WERE approached.

It's funny that you come back with the question "Where is the evidence that there was?" when my question "Where is the evidence that there wasn't?" was a response to your question "Where is the evidence that there was?". :D

The fact that the SG-1 actors were approached about a movie is a good sign. But it was already known that an SG-1 movie would be made first before any other movie would be made. I think scenes have actually been shot on that movie but word of progress on it is silenced by all parties because it is put on hold. That Atlantis actors had not been approached yet is probably due to the fact that they weren't in a far developed stage concerning that movie, also because SG-1 would be done first. All of this can however not be held as evidence that nobody ever intended to produce an Atlantis movie or that said movie will never be made in the future. I think an SG-1 movie will be made when things get rolling again at MGM and then after that they will start thinking about an SGA movie again.

Who in Stargate Productions went to MGM with any plans for an Atlantis movie? The only promises made for that movie came as bait to watch SGU. But in real life, nothing was happening on that front at all. Thats the point of this thread.

To be honest I don't quite see how promising an SGA movie would make people watch SGU. People will watch whatever the **** they feel like regardless of what other people 'promise' them. When your kid wants to have Gran Turismo V for his birthday, it's no use giving him Super Mario Kart. Mainly because that last one won't run on a Playstation, but you get the idea I think. ;) If you get him Super Mario Kart he will likely not play it. And even if he does play it, he will constantly be thinking that it is not Gran Turismo V. I think it's the same way with tv shows. And I don't think even Mallozzi and the gang would be as stupid as to think they could get people to behave otherwise.

The Atlantis movie cannot have been put "on hold", since it was never in progress to begin with.

Alas, I have to concede on that point. No arguing that Spock logic ey. ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Look at them objectively and see what they have done. They are not innocent victims, they are greedy

So there is a good chance that the important sets are still around then. Who needs a medieval village anyway right.

It's funny that you come back with the question "Where is the evidence that there was?" when my question "Where is the evidence that there wasn't?" was a response to your question "Where is the evidence that there was?". :D

Because the default state for any movie project or script is that it is NOT sent to any studio. The only significant info is which projects WERE sent to a studio for review, not the thousands of scripts that werent. Its easier to find out what has been sent to studios for review than those which werent. There is no evidence that MGM ever made any progress on any Atlantis movie. YOU prove that there was. :)

The fact that the SG-1 actors were approached about a movie is a good sign. But it was already known that an SG-1 movie would be made first before any other movie would be made. I think scenes have actually been shot on that movie but word of progress on it is silenced by all parties because it is put on hold. That Atlantis actors had not been approached yet is probably due to the fact that they weren't in a far developed stage concerning that movie, also because SG-1 would be done first. All of this can however not be held as evidence that nobody ever intended to produce an Atlantis movie or that said movie will never be made in the future. I think an SG-1 movie will be made when things get rolling again at MGM and then after that they will start thinking about an SGA movie again.
Mallozzi specifically states that the Atlantis movie was put on hold indefinitely, but then so was any SG-1 movie, correct? And the SG-1 actors WERE approached, whilst the Atlantis actors were not. Its obvious that the whole reason for making that announcement was nothing more than a spiteful comment designed to piss of Atlantis fans. But he didnt ever plan to make the movie to begin with. Even if he did, Brad sure wasnt onboard with it.

To be honest I don't quite see how promising an SGA movie would make people watch SGU. People will watch whatever the **** they feel like regardless of what other people 'promise' them. When your kid wants to have Gran Turismo V for his birthday, it's no use giving him Super Mario Kart. Mainly because that last one won't run on a Playstation, but you get the idea I think. ;) If you get him Super Mario Kart he will likely not play it. And even if he does play it, he will constantly be thinking that it is not Gran Turismo V. I think it's the same way with tv shows. And I don't think even Mallozzi and the gang would be as stupid as to think they could get people to behave otherwise.
They have been infected with "franchise think". They see Stargate as a brand name with products attached to it. To them, there is the Stargate Franchise which is the most important thing, and that the shows are incidental and not as important as the Franchise. THAT is where they mess up. Fans are not fans of franchises. I cant name a single franchise where the fans follow the franchise and not the individual shows within the franchise. People who love Coke didnt like New Coke, but it was made by the same franchise, right? Enterprise was made by the Trek franchise, but it failed because it was not Trek enough for Trek fans and it trampled on canon.

Alas, I have to concede on that point. No arguing that Spock logic ey. ;)


Well Known GateFan
No Valentine for you!

Oooooooo... A valentine. Cool, I can't wait. :D

I will NOT accept. Coz it's not a reality. :P
MGM didn't pay anything for SGU, SyFy payed for producing the whole thing.
Furthermore MGM should have received money from SyFy for the rights to produce and air a Stargate show on tv.
I know we've been lied to by TPTB but MGM never had any part in that. Anyways. What's wrong with keeping up hope for an Atlantis movie? Don't trust in TPTB, but trust in MGM!

MGM, SyFy, you're arguing semantics. Who bankrolled the production of SGU doesn't matter, the fact that they ONLY bankrolled SGU (due to BW) is what matters.

Besides, YOU were the one who said MGM produced it, not me. Reread your post which I was quoting.

Really Stonelesscutter, I expected better from you. No Valentine for you now!


Because the default state for any movie project or script is that it is NOT sent to any studio. The only significant info is which projects WERE sent to a studio for review, not the thousands of scripts that werent. Its easier to find out what has been sent to studios for review than those which werent. There is no evidence that MGM ever made any progress on any Atlantis movie. YOU prove that there was. :)

I most definitely will NOT. I see no point in it. ;)
Besides I already explained my position about an Atlantis movie in the previous post.

Mallozzi specifically states that the Atlantis movie was put on hold indefinitely, but then so was any SG-1 movie, correct? And the SG-1 actors WERE approached, whilst the Atlantis actors were not. Its obvious that the whole reason for making that announcement was nothing more than a spiteful comment designed to piss of Atlantis fans. But he didnt ever plan to make the movie to begin with. Even if he did, Brad sure wasnt onboard with it.

I think Mallozzi did originally plan/hope to make the movie, but now that it turns out he will likely not be making it he made the comment to piss off pro-Atlantis-anti-SGU-fans.

They have been infected with "franchise think". They see Stargate as a brand name with products attached to it. To them, there is the Stargate Franchise which is the most important thing, and that the shows are incidental and not as important as the Franchise. THAT is where they mess up. Fans are not fans of franchises. I cant name a single franchise where the fans follow the franchise and not the individual shows within the franchise. People who love Coke didnt like New Coke, but it was made by the same franchise, right? Enterprise was made by the Trek franchise, but it failed because it was not Trek enough for Trek fans and it trampled on canon.

But I kinda liked Enterprise. It took a little getting used to at first but okay.


MGM, SyFy, you're arguing semantics. Who bankrolled the production of SGU doesn't matter, the fact that they ONLY bankrolled SGU (due to BW) is what matters.

Besides, YOU were the one who said MGM produced it, not me. Reread your post which I was quoting.

Really Stonelesscutter, I expected better from you. No Valentine for you now!



Okay, just to be perfectly clear on this.

- MGM had NOTHING to do with SGU besides owning the rights to Stargate and thus getting paid by SyFy because SyFy wanted to make SGU.
- SGU therefore had no financial problems because it was SyFy that were paying for it and not MGM who were over 4 billion dollars in the red.
- The SG-1 and SG-A movies that were supposedly in the planning were put on hold because MGM was going to produce those and they were unable to put up the money for them.
- I'm getting too tired to further debate this topic right now.
- Even when I regain my fitness after a good nights sleep I'll still be unsure wether I would want to pursue further debating this topic.
- I am upset that I will not be receiving a sweet valentine from my sugarcakes.
- Mallozzi sucks ass.


Well Known GateFan
But I kinda liked Enterprise. It took a little getting used to at first but okay.

I didn't hate Enterprise, but even as a casual Trek fan I could see that it wasn't keeping faith as Trek shows go. I also don't think that the Trek PTB were blatantly lying to Trek fans to trick them into watching. I don't remember any dog treats being dangled nor do I remember hearing any threats about losing out on any Trek movies if I didn't watch Enterprise. I'm sure people have issues with the producers of Enterprise but no matter how you slice it Trek fans weren't treated as shitty by their PTB as Stargate fans have been with BW and crew.

As an aside, Scott Bacula (sp?) never worked for me in his role. He had no depth but worse, he had no "edge". There was nothing threatening or menacing about him, unlike say Patrick Stewart as Picard who could come off as a genuine bad ass if the need arose.


I didn't hate Enterprise, but even as a casual Trek fan I could see that it wasn't keeping faith as Trek shows go. I also don't think that the Trek PTB were blatantly lying to Trek fans to trick them into watching. I don't remember any dog treats being dangled nor do I remember hearing any threats about losing out on any Trek movies if I didn't watch Enterprise. I'm sure people have issues with the producers of Enterprise but no matter how you slice it Trek fans weren't treated as shitty by their PTB as Stargate fans have been with BW and crew.

As an aside, Scott Bacula (sp?) never worked for me in his role. He had no depth but worse, he had no "edge". There was nothing threatening or menacing about him, unlike say Patrick Stewart as Picard who could come off as a genuine bad ass if the need arose.

Indeed. I agree with your post in every way.
Am I regaining some of my former shine yet? :/


Well Known GateFan
Okay, just to be perfectly clear on this.

- MGM had NOTHING to do with SGU besides owning the rights to Stargate and thus getting paid by SyFy because SyFy wanted to make SGU.
- SGU therefore had no financial problems because it was SyFy that were paying for it and not MGM who were over 4 billion dollars in the red.
- The SG-1 and SG-A movies that were supposedly in the planning were put on hold because MGM was going to produce those and they were unable to put up the money for them.
- I'm getting too tired to further debate this topic right now.
- Even when I regain my fitness after a good nights sleep I'll still be unsure wether I would want to pursue further debating this topic.
- I am upset that I will not be receiving a sweet valentine from my sugarcakes.
- Mallozzi sucks ass.

Well if MGM wasn't bankrolling it then why did YOU imply they were, hmm???

And the point isn't so much about the budgets for the proposed movies as it is the deception that BW and JM have employed regarding those movies. If they weren't going to make them fine. If they were but got derailed fine, but there was no need to lie about the situation. And they did lie. And at the end of the 2 year run of bullshit the lying got ridiculous. Now they're lying and saying that because we didn't support SGU that the SGA movie is canceled. We were all rolling our eyes as that lie began to spin out of their mouths each week as the ratings for SGU dropped. They actually used that line of bullshit as a dog treat to get us to obey their orders to watch SGU. It was so blatant it was insulting.

So Stonelesscutter, there really isn't much debate going on here. No need for you to fight a battle that isn't winnable. :D


Well Known GateFan
So is it safe to say that as long as SGU was on air and taking up space with their sets, an Atlantis movie was not going to be made? Since that would require them to pull down the set up SGU sets?

And since Brad wasn't involved in Atlantis later on, and he is at the helm, he was the only one that could push for the Atlantis movies? And he obviously had no interest in it. Only his failed precious.


Well Known GateFan
Enterprise could be seen as the SGU of the Trek franchise. It was too different from all other Trek shows in several fundamental ways. Interesting that the technology was similarly crippled in Enterprise like SGU did for Destiny to make way for the dramatic stuff they had planned. And the nature of the Vulcans and Klingons and other established aliens did not match what we saw in other Trek shows. The music was wrong, but most of all the holes in the canon. Brennan Braga was actually adding to canon in a PREQUEL which messed everything up. The show wasnt even called Star Trek until the fans demanded it. But like you said, TPTB didnt threaten fans or blame them for Enterprise's failure.

He has no edge at all...just like you said. He looks non-threatening and his character was more of a diplomat and not much else. And that just didnt work for me at all. It looks Federation, but it was just not impressive to me. I like NCC 1701 from TOS better.

But to be honest, I recently started watching Enterprise episodes at a time and it wasnt that bad...especially when viewed after watching SGU or Caprica. :)

Well, at least Caprica had an excuse for being as shitty as it was, I mean, the whole style and tone matched BSG in many ways so in that regard it was faithful to the franchise. The really weird thing is that SGU has more in common with Caprica than it does with SG1 or SGA, its parents. It's like the TV industry version of "Single White Female", you know, where one chick meets this other chick who becomes obsessed with her to the point of imitating her and taking over her life: her home, her BF and even her looks! That's what Wright and Cooper did when they became infatuated with BSG and created SGU. I find that both scary and pathetic, all at the same time.


Well Known GateFan
So is it safe to say that as long as SGU was on air and taking up space with their sets, an Atlantis movie was not going to be made? Since that would require them to pull down the set up SGU sets?

And since Brad wasn't involved in Atlantis later on, and he is at the helm, he was the only one that could push for the Atlantis movies? And he obviously had no interest in it. Only his failed precious.

That sounds about right.


Well Known GateFan
Though MGM pay to produce the show and make it while Syfy buys the rights to air it?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yep, that would be safe to say.

So is it safe to say that as long as SGU was on air and taking up space with their sets, an Atlantis movie was not going to be made? Since that would require them to pull down the set up SGU sets?

And since Brad wasn't involved in Atlantis later on, and he is at the helm, he was the only one that could push for the Atlantis movies? And he obviously had no interest in it. Only his failed precious.

Its simple logic, really. Mallozzi never had his hands on the big red lever. Only Brad had that. He is still the only one who has it. :)