The Atlantis movie was NEVER going to be made, so how could a "hold" have been put on it?


GateFans Noob
We know where GW's allegiance lies so are you surprised? If Mallozzi told them to jump, GW will jump; if Mallozzi told them to jump off a cliff, you bet GW will do that too.

I'm sure they all went outside to play hide and go **** themselves a long time ago, on his command.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
CONFIRMED: Stages 3, 4, 5 and 6 are being used for Stargate Universe. So is the FX stage.

Okay. more info...

I have confirmed that Stage 6 at Bridge Studios is now being used for SGU's Bridge set. Mallozzi indirectly confirmed it on his blog entry here:
I spent a couple of early hours on set this morning to watch Director Andy Mikita work his magic on Awakening (Day #3 of production). A lot of jumping around in this one which resulted in our block-shooting a number of successive scenes. Producer John G. Lenic swung by to inform me that we were pulling up a big scene from tomorrow’s schedule in order to give Andy time to shoot in that impressive new set in Stage 6.
So, if Stage 3, 4, 5, 6 and the FX stage are being used for Stargate Universe, there are NO standing sets for Atlantis remaining at Bridge Studios to be used for any Atlantis movie and it also proves that the movie was never going to be made. Pre-release notes on what Brad was pitching is here:


From reading that, you can see how Brad even duped the studios with this show. What he delivered is SIGNIFICANTLY different from what was pitched. MORE LIES, but this time to the studio. Were these men (Mallozzi and Wright) raised by thieves and liars? I sure hope not...but they certainly know how to lie to studio execs and fans and steal from other shows.

The FX Stage, Stage 5 (where the SGC used to be) and Stage 6 where the Atlantis sets were are now being used for, was this alleged "planned Atlantis movie" going to get made? ANSWER: It was NEVER going to get made.

Originally, SGU was to be filmed in Stage 2, but at some point, the slightly smaller stages 5 and 6 (which are adjacent) were used instead. Stage 6 was occupied by the Atlantis sets. But Stage 2 is EMPTY which means that it was never used by SGU:

The production notes scattered in the episode guides reveal much of the behind-the-scenes moves at the stages, as well as the development of the new SGU sets here: By clicking any episode (start from Episode 1, Season 1), then Guide, then scrolling to the bottom, you can read the notes about the stages and what was being filmed on them.


GateFans Noob
Y'all this?

Or dedicated prop selling websites like this one:

Yeah. Right. They were going to make a movie, alright!

Yes that's excatly it the sgartifacts site. Visiting the first link is kinda up setting.There's even more companies selling props and set pieces. Truely does suck BIG time :(

On a side note....only 4 days left of Stargate Resistance. Sad orka is sad :(


Well Known GateFan
Keep it coming!

Okay. more info...

I have confirmed that Stage 6 at Bridge Studios is now being used for SGU's Bridge set. Mallozzi indirectly confirmed it on his blog entry here:
So, if Stage 3, 4, 5, 6 and the FX stage are being used for Stargate Universe, there are NO standing sets for Atlantis remaining at Bridge Studios to be used for any Atlantis movie and it also proves that the movie was never going to be made. Pre-release notes on what Brad was pitching is here:

View attachment 2833

From reading that, you can see how Brad even duped the studios with this show. What he delivered is SIGNIFICANTLY different from what was pitched. MORE LIES, but this time to the studio. Were these men (Mallozzi and Wright) raised by thieves and liars? I sure hope not...but they certainly know how to lie to studio execs and fans and steal from other shows.

The FX Stage, Stage 5 (where the SGC used to be) and Stage 6 where the Atlantis sets were are now being used for, was this alleged "planned Atlantis movie" going to get made? ANSWER: It was NEVER going to get made.

Originally, SGU was to be filmed in Stage 2, but at some point, the slightly smaller stages 5 and 6 (which are adjacent) were used instead. Stage 6 was occupied by the Atlantis sets. But Stage 2 is EMPTY which means that it was never used by SGU:

The production notes scattered in the episode guides reveal much of the behind-the-scenes moves at the stages, as well as the development of the new SGU sets here: By clicking any episode (start from Episode 1, Season 1), then Guide, then scrolling to the bottom, you can read the notes about the stages and what was being filmed on them.

I love it! Proof positive that TPTB have been lying to us for 2 years now. Even if the SGA movie was just an idea they would have had to make some firm decisions on what to do with the sets because finances would dictate as much. They would have had to moth-ball sets and props because destroying them would mean a definite end to that plan. It would be insane to piss away everything when you know you have to have sets and props in the future for the production. What idiot is going to expect to have a budget to build everything from scratch? Is their excuse that they intended to switch to mostly green screen for the movie? I just don't buy it. They'd still need some sets/props for that type of production. Have they moth-balled those???


Well Known GateFan
Is it just me who is reminded of what the Romans did to Carthage whenever I hear more about whats been going on?


Well Known GateFan
The Carthaginian Solution indeed!

Is it just me who is reminded of what the Romans did to Carthage whenever I hear more about whats been going on?

You called that one right. The only difference is that the Romans didn't try to cover it up.


GateFans Noob
Bridge Studios have 75,000 square feet of wardrobe and prop storage available to them so they could have kept hold of the stuff if they wanted to.

It's been quite obvious they never wanted to, partly because it would cost money, but mainly because as far as they were concerned, SG1 and SGU were o-v-e-r and they were moving up to the Big Time Show.

I'm actually surprised that more people here didn't know about the prop sales and stage destruction, as they weren't exactly hiding it the time. Props and stages could be remade/rebuilt, but if something was going to be made in the near future, it would probably be cheaper to store things than start from scratch. Once I heard the physical things were gone or going, and the actors saying they had not been approached regarding a movie, long before the whole "the DVD market is bad now" excuse, I knew they were both goners.

Probably for the best, considering how much TPTB have openly expressed dislike for the "old" shows and the "old" fans. I hate to think what they'd do in a script out of pure spite. Have Atlantis crash land into Cheyenne Mountain?

I do wonder if they'll try to cover for the lack of sets and props being an issue instead of the "It's on hold because you meanies didn't watch SGU" thing, either by saying they'll redo what they need, or that the story or stories they have planned wouldn't need all of the old stuff. Or any of it. They're going AU! A-ha! They'll end up on Destiny, so they'll just need the sets they have!

Rodney will yell at scientists who're no better than trained monkeys, Sheppard will inform the military personnel his hair follows regulations better than they do, Daniel will translate the Ancient "how to steer the ship" manual, Sam will technobabble with Rodney for five minutes et voila, they're back home. Meanwhile, Ronon and Teyla will mutter "Earthers" under their breath at the Destiny crew, with Teal'c adding in an "Indeed" for old-times sake.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
MORE PROOF - From Mallozi himself, over time. He has been LYING about this movie from the beginning.

I have been scouring the Production Notes over the production of Stargate Universe seasons 1 and 2 and much is revealed when you know the following:

The big 40,000ft FX Stage at Bridge is where the huge village sets were, the Aurora sets, rooms and other large "outside" interior areas. Here, Carl Binder gives a complete tour of the inside of those stages in a series of videos. That way you can see EXACTLY what was in there. All of it is gone now.

The Atlantis gateroom and control room and the signature staircase and Weir's office were in Stage 6 at Bridge. Do they still exist? I found the Atlantis Movies page on the StargateWiki, and there is a whole page of claims of progress on the movie, and "augmentation of Atlantis sets in preparation for the movie".


The actors were not approached, and MGM was not approached. Brad Wright and Robert Cooper were the Lords of Stargate Universe and are most responsible for its creation, not Joe Mallozzi. But Joe's own blog reveals that he knew SGU was regularly using Stages 5 and 6 at Bridge:


Seems to me that at the very least the ACTORS themselves would have been approached for any Atlantis movie in development. Anybody got proof that this was done? How about proof that they WERE NOT contacted?

Brad Wright and Robert Cooper are the main parents of Stargate Universe, and Brad had made the fatal mistake of thinking he had created a strong "franchise brand" out of Stargate. Indeed, he seems to have forgotten who created Stargate to begin with (Devlin and Emmerich). He said this in 2008:


Not only could Joe NOT have put any Atlantis movie on hold, but he wasnt even in charge of it and had no say. Brad Wright was and is still his BOSS.


Council Member & Author
So, with the revelation of SPACE declining to pick up the slack, how long do you think it will be before that "heavy equipment" starts banging the SGU set to splinters and we see SGU props on the auction block?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
My guess? SOON.

So, with the revelation of SPACE declining to pick up the slack, how long do you think it will be before that "heavy equipment" starts banging the SGU set to splinters and we see SGU props on the auction block?

The FX Stage at Bridge is their largest space. It costs the most to rent/lease. Stages 5 and 6 have the newest sets in them...all being used by Stargate Productions and being paid for by MGM/Spyglass or by SGPI with money paid to them by MGM. But with the show (and this franchise run) cancelled, SGPI has nothing to do, nothing to produce or film, and I think that any SGU movie is highly unlikely.

They could perhaps come up with a different show entirely and use those (very expensive) sets or parts of them. But I think they will come down by the end of SGU season 2.5 when it is certain that there will be no SGU movie made.

I wish I knew for sure!


GateFans Noob
They should start dismantling now. It would create jobs and stimulate the economy. I think they will remove it by the end of Feb so they can rent it out again.


Council Member & Author
They should start dismantling now. It would create jobs and stimulate the economy. I think they will remove it by the end of Feb so they can rent it out again.
Well, as new series are being green-lighted, and production for those series needs to begin in earnest, it's clearly a matter of dollars and "sense" for the folks at Bridge Studios.


So, with the revelation of SPACE declining to pick up the slack, how long do you think it will be before that "heavy equipment" starts banging the SGU set to splinters and we see SGU props on the auction block?

If there's going to be an auction.
I'll bid 5 euros for Destiny.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I want stuff from the production offices!

Brad's desk perhaps...or that sign over Joe Mallozzi's office? :mallozzicry: I would pay $ for the written cancellation announcement sent to Brad Wright from Syfy, or perhaps the last and final bill for the space at Bridge Studios...stuff like that. :)