So how was your day?


Well Known GateFan
I had apple moonshine just this weekend at a triple kawasaki motorcycle Ralley in Michigan . The neighbours young lad brewed it up . He is going to college and taking a course on becoming a chef of spirits , wines , beers and of course , the infamous out of the teachers view moonshine project . They were able to pump up the volume of apple moonshine to 110% alcohol content . I barely had a sip just to see what it tasted like . Very smooth and very tempting to drink more but I refrained from such activity . I am blind and deaf enough at my age . No need to speed it up :) :) :)


Council Member & Author
110% How, pray, does one up it that way? Do you mean 110 proof?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I had apple moonshine just this weekend at a triple kawasaki motorcycle Ralley in Michigan . The neighbours young lad brewed it up . He is going to college and taking a course on becoming a chef of spirits , wines , beers and of course , the infamous out of the teachers view moonshine project . They were able to pump up the volume of apple moonshine to 110% alcohol content . I barely had a sip just to see what it tasted like . Very smooth and very tempting to drink more but I refrained from such activity . I am blind and deaf enough at my age . No need to speed it up :) :) :)

I'll tell you a story that happened to me
One day as I went down to Youghal by the Sea
The sun it was bright and the day it was warm
Says I, "A quiet pint wouldn't do me no harm"

I went to the barman, I says, "Give me a stout"
the barman, "I'm sorry all the beer tis sold out
Try whiskey or vodka, ten years in the wood"
Says I, "I'll try cider, I heard that it's good"

Oh never, oh never, oh never again
I live to a hundred or a hundred and ten
I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up
After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up

After lowering the third I headed straight for the yard
Where I bumped into Brophy the big civic guard
"Come here to me boy you know we're the law"
Well I upped with my fist and I shattered his jaw

He fell to the ground with his knees crumpled up
For t'wasnt I hit him t'was the johnny jump
And the next thing I met down in Youghal by the Sea
Was a cripple on crutches, and says he to me

"I'm afraid o' me life I'll be hit by a car
Would you help me across to the Railwayman's Bar"
And after three pints of that cider so sweet
He threw down his crutches and he danced on his feet

Oh never, oh never, oh never again
I live to a hundred or a hundred and ten
Cause I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up
After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up

Now I went up the Lee Road a friend for to see
They call it the Madhouse in Cork by the Lee
But when I got up there, the truth I do to tell
They had the poor bugger locked up in his cell

Says the guard testing him, "Say these words if you can
'Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran'"
"Tell them I'm not crazy, tell them I'm not mad
T'was only six pints of that cider I had"

Now a man died in the Union by the name of McNabb
They washed him and placed him outside on a slab
And after the coroner his measurements did take
His wife took him home to a bloody fine wake

'Twas about twelve o'clock and the beer it was high
The corpse he sat up and he says with a sigh
I can't get to heaven, they won't let me up
'Til I bring them a pint of the Johnny Jump Up

Oh never, oh never, oh never again
If I live to a hundred or a hundred and ten
'Cause I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up
After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up



Council Member & Author
"My father was the keeper of the Eddystone Light
He slept with a mermaid, one fine night.
Out of that union, there came three.
A porpoise and a porgy, and the other was me.
Yo ho ho, the wind blows free."

(not sure who wrote it, but currently too lazy to go looking)


Well Known GateFan
Actually it was 150 proof :) :) :) . My good friend drank more than half of it and woke up feeling great and with no hangover . Of course , he may be blind next month


Well Known GateFan
Well, I don't want to mess anything up with this neighbor because he is gone quite often and that affords me a level of peace that I can count on. I dread the day he sells his house because that means there will be all sorts of noise and God knows what going on around that place. So for now I must endure. :(

yes, the fear of having to 'train' new neighbors-glad I don't have any :icon_e_smile:

Well, then, no fall then if life hands you rotten apples. make alcohol :shame:


Well Known GateFan
My day...BAH! :daniel01:

Today started out like a turd sandwhich. Saw the doc for my progress exam re: my hip surgery and turns out I have to keep using crutches for another three (3) weeks. :(

Plus Mexican Fiesta is going on down at the lakefront, which I really wanted to go to, but there's no way I can hobble around the festival grounds -- which are huge -- all night long. And I was so looking forward to checking out all the Hispanic eye candy down there. :(

So a friend took me down to our fave Mexican restaurant for these really great fish tacos (first time I've been out to eat since going under the arthroscopic knife) and I had to settle for that, but it was okay. I soothed my bruised feelings with some insanely hot salsa that left me feeling "high" if you can believe it. Fun place to go because they have great food that's inexpensive and they know us as regulars.

At any rate, since I'm stuck with these effing crutches for awhile I'm going to start having fun with them. I've decided to barge my way thru aisles at stores and complain loudly about places being inaccessible and just be a general nuisance -- sort of sharing the luv if you catch my drift. Opportunities like this only come around so often so why squander it I say. ;)


Well Known GateFan
So today, yet another unseasonably warm day, highs near 70 lows at night at about 50. I noticed that a lot of the bushes and trees are about a month behind.

Normally, all of the leaves have fallen by now except for the oaks which keep their brown leaves on till spring.

I would say a good 70% of the trees and bushes still have not even changed color yet.

In addition, our spring flowers and some others like the delphiniums, lavender, dahlia and peonies are now re-blooming! All rose bushes are still going strong. Our pepper plants are still producing peppers.

I can't say that this has never happened before in this part of PA, but I have never seen it.

Normally by this time of October we have already burned at least 2 face cords of firewood. We have not had on any heat whatsoever yet.

The 10 forecast is showing nothing in the way of cold weather coming at us either.

It is like nature is 1 month behind, but then again, nature does not follow our calendar of course.


Well Known GateFan
I would jokingly say "Global warming" but the sad truth is that Winter is coming and can't be stopped. God I hate the cold. :(


Council Member & Author
I wish people would stop calling it "global warming". I prefer the term "global climate change", as weather changes are different, depending upon the part of the world in which it's occurring.


Well Known GateFan
I'll call it whatever you want as long as the mercury stays above 70F ;)


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
I would jokingly say "Global warming" but the sad truth is that Winter is coming and can't be stopped. God I hate the cold. :(

I know, it is just that this is damned odd. ESPECIALLY with a lot of the flowers reblooming as if it were spring.

Even though we rarely get snow that sticks this time of Oct, we normally get a lot of "snow showers". I remember hunting as a kid in fall archery season (now) and always having to dress as if it were winter.

Winter is coming but what will it be like? For the last several yrs it has been like I live in North Carolina rather then NC Pennsylvania.

But, not using heat, not burning wood-good with me


Well Known GateFan
Flowers still blooming Yong? Mine are all withered and brown from the frost we got last night. Gonna be worse tonight.

Time to clean out all the dead plants and prep for winter. :(


The Belle of the Ball
we have gone straight from summer (highs in the high 80s' & low 90's) to late fall - (highs in the 50's) have the furnance on and got out my winter blankets. It's called weather people! Nope there is no AGM CLimate change going on- actually the planet has not warmed up (or cooled off) in the past 15 years. love the IPCC's new BS article asbt it...what a load of phoney baloney! here's a great article:
anyway it's fall in all of it's glory in Indiana which means the leaves are turning brown and falling off the trees (we don't get the colors like they do in New England) we are having days and days of cold rain, and Mr Rac is enjoying apple cider. - I'm not fond of it but he and snookie love it !:D ok back to work!