So how was your day?


Well Known GateFan
Flowers still blooming Yong? Mine are all withered and brown from the frost we got last night. Gonna be worse tonight.

Time to clean out all the dead plants and prep for winter. :(

Well on frost sit's we are kind of lucky in our specific location.

We are on the banks of the Clarion river (major tri of the Allegheny). The water is very warm. So when we did have a couple of early morn's last month with frostable temps-we were shrouded in a bank of river generated fog that the frost couldn't penetrate. Our neighbors across the road and a little up the hill got hammered.

Talk about micro climates huh?

The flowers I mentioned did taper off and stop blooming last month. Left just the normal fall flowers like hibiscus and rose of sharon and regular roses and black eye susan's. Then, this month the spring blooming flowers started blooming again and still are.

It is a little cooler now, but today we still had about 65 going to about 39 tonight.

Like I said, we should be about a cord of wood burnt by no; haven't burnt one stick though.

Very soon though we will be cutting down the black eye susans and other big seed bearers and giving them to the chickens, all the other stuff-that should be cut back-will be cut back and thrown in one of our mondo compost piles.


Well Known GateFan
we have gone straight from summer (highs in the high 80s' & low 90's) to late fall - (highs in the 50's) have the furnance on and got out my winter blankets. It's called weather people! Nope there is no AGM CLimate change going on- actually the planet has not warmed up (or cooled off) in the past 15 years. love the IPCC's new BS article asbt it...what a load of phoney baloney! here's a great article:
anyway it's fall in all of it's glory in Indiana which means the leaves are turning brown and falling off the trees (we don't get the colors like they do in New England) we are having days and days of cold rain, and Mr Rac is enjoying apple cider. - I'm not fond of it but he and snookie love it !:D ok back to work!

I am going more with- there was a planetary, month long massive amnesia episode and we are all a month behind-so we just think its October when it is actually September--A massive conspiracy no doubt!!


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member



Well Known GateFan
Well on frost sit's we are kind of lucky in our specific location.

We are on the banks of the Clarion river (major tri of the Allegheny). The water is very warm. So when we did have a couple of early morn's last month with frostable temps-we were shrouded in a bank of river generated fog that the frost couldn't penetrate. Our neighbors across the road and a little up the hill got hammered.

Talk about micro climates huh?

The flowers I mentioned did taper off and stop blooming last month. Left just the normal fall flowers like hibiscus and rose of sharon and regular roses and black eye susan's. Then, this month the spring blooming flowers started blooming again and still are.

It is a little cooler now, but today we still had about 65 going to about 39 tonight.

Like I said, we should be about a cord of wood burnt by no; haven't burnt one stick though.

Very soon though we will be cutting down the black eye susans and other big seed bearers and giving them to the chickens, all the other stuff-that should be cut back-will be cut back and thrown in one of our mondo compost piles.

Lame as this sounds I envy you your compost piles. It's a dream of mine to have enough land that I can compost on a major scale. Not a lot of room here in the city though and there's nowhere to go with one in my yard. I had a pretty good one going at my mom's house a couple years ago but then we used it up on a major planting project. :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I got a root canal today! :jack_new03:

I dont mean to sound joyous and all, but this was my first and all my life I have heard how much root canals hurt. Some women saying "worse than childbirth", and others saying 'Excruciating". REALLY??? I felt nothing except the injection of novocaine. 3 injections, and one of them hurt a bit, the others mostly just discomfort from feeling the shot. After that, NOTHING. I could feel the drill and the canal files, but only the vibration of them. NO PAIN. Before posting this, I wanted the numbness to wear off, and I feel a bit of a dull ache in the bone around that tooth, but nothing at all intolerable. I got a prescription for Motrin and for Vicoden, but since I refuse to take narcotic meds, I avoided the Vicodin and only have used the Motrin. but I dont even f'ing need it. :)

Im getting a Cerec bridge in my lower jaw, and I had this root canal in the rear molar which will be one post of the bridge. Root canals are NOT THAT BAD! Just thought I should say that. :)

BTW, I love my dentist's office. Its like the sick bay of a Federation starship. Sign in with an iPad, all digital X-ray, large screen TV in every room, paperless office, its awesome! A shout out to Beach Cities Dental Group. :smiley_joy:

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Well Known GateFan

I had one of them when I was 12, due to a tooth getting knocked out while playing hocky and you are right, they don't hurt if the dentist knows what they are doing.
And a vicoden prescription???
Shit man, we are lucky if we get told to have some aspro's :lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I had one of them when I was 12, due to a tooth getting knocked out while playing hocky and you are right, they don't hurt if the dentist knows what they are doing.
And a vicoden prescription???
Shit man, we are lucky if we get told to have some aspro's :lol:

I got 25 Vicoden, and 30 Motrin (prescription strength), and Amoxcillin which I think is an antibiotic. Its now 5 hours after, and the numbness is gone but the injection spots hurt a bit. There is a dull ache in the jaw, but nothing horrible. Perhaps it is because I know migraine pain and this is nothing compared to that. I have a temporary bridge in there right now. I MIGHT take one Vicoden so I can sleep. Its 1am in the morning and I have all week off. But I just dont like taking anything narcotic. In this case, it might be the wise thing to do. The pain is not terrible, but enough to make it difficult to sleep.


Well Known GateFan
I got 25 Vicoden, and 30 Motrin (prescription strength), and Amoxcillin which I think is an antibiotic. Its now 5 hours after, and the numbness is gone but the injection spots hurt a bit. There is a dull ache in the jaw, but nothing horrible. Perhaps it is because I know migraine pain and this is nothing compared to that. I have a temporary bridge in there right now. I MIGHT take one Vicoden so I can sleep. Its 1am in the morning and I have all week off. But I just dont like taking anything narcotic. In this case, it might be the wise thing to do. The pain is not terrible, but enough to make it difficult to sleep.

Pick it pack it, fire it up.............. :lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Pick it pack it, fire it up.............. :lol:

I tried that about three hours ago, but it does not kill the pain. Nice buzz for playing Starcraft II, Heart of the Swarm (I have played 3 games since coming home). :) The Vicoden seems like the ticket, especially since from what I have read, the 10mg tablet is not enough to do any harm, and will be enough to kill the bone ache. Im getting it right now and some water.


Well Known GateFan
All I got after having my wisdom teeth out were tylonol 3's . :( :( :( That was just a few month's ago . The third day was the worst ,,, . Never did the root canal thingy so sorry , I cannot elaborate on that . Good luck with your recovery OM1 !!!


Well Known GateFan
Migraines suck . I feel for anyone that get's them . I only had them start once I found out I suffered from severe Tinnitus about 9 years ago now .

Friggin raining close to hail here in Toronto today . Taking my son to his hockey practice today also . Drivers in Toronto drive like wankers when it's dry so imagine how good it get's when it rains or snows lol !!! . I on the other hand was raised in the province of Quebec so know how to drive on roads that are wet or snowy and I do it very very fast also because I enjoy it whereas others just panic and fear it . I think driving test's should be more strict and teach people how to control there vehicle when it gets out of shape . I tell my daughter to pull the handbrake every now and then when driving on snow at slow speeds so you understand how slippery the road surface is and what the vehicle will do once the wheels stop on snow . When your wheels stop turning , you are no longer in control of the vehicle . The trick is to keep them turning so you can regain control of the vehicle . Hence the invention of anti lock brakes which help many a driver get out of trouble only if you understand what they were designed to do . If you not understand there principal function , then your still gonna get into trouble weather you push that brake pedal or not . That's why with all this technology in our vehicles , people still wack into each other . Of course some just can't drive to save there lives but still get a drivers license . They let this happen so as the insurance company's can rape us repeatedly . Saying that though , my wife and I just purchased a new 2013 Elantra GT and our insurance went down from $139 a month to $123 . I like that . Probably more to do with the fact that's it's a new car and both drivers are over 50 lol !!!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Migraines suck . I feel for anyone that get's them . I only had them start once I found out I suffered from severe Tinnitus about 9 years ago now .

Welcome to the suck club. :( I have suffered from them since age 18. Illiterati gets them too (not sure if Ape said he does as well?). Nobody who has not had one can imagine the excruciating, debilitating pain one gets from a migraine. You cant even describe it. I dont know what the laws are in Canada regarding medical marijuana, but if your Imitrex stops working (I assume that is what you take which is Sumatripan), the marijuana will prevent the migraine from even happening. I dont know if you get a warning aura or not like I do. Illiterati has her service dog to warn her since she does not get the aura.

Friggin raining close to hail here in Toronto today . Taking my son to his hockey practice today also . Drivers in Toronto drive like wankers when it's dry so imagine how good it get's when it rains or snows lol !!! . I on the other hand was raised in the province of Quebec so know how to drive on roads that are wet or snowy and I do it very very fast also because I enjoy it whereas others just panic and fear it . I think driving test's should be more strict and teach people how to control there vehicle when it gets out of shape . I tell my daughter to pull the handbrake every now and then when driving on snow at slow speeds so you understand how slippery the road surface is and what the vehicle will do once the wheels stop on snow . When your wheels stop turning , you are no longer in control of the vehicle . The trick is to keep them turning so you can regain control of the vehicle . Hence the invention of anti lock brakes which help many a driver get out of trouble only if you understand what they were designed to do . If you not understand there principal function , then your still gonna get into trouble weather you push that brake pedal or not . That's why with all this technology in our vehicles , people still wack into each other . Of course some just can't drive to save there lives but still get a drivers license . They let this happen so as the insurance company's can rape us repeatedly . Saying that though , my wife and I just purchased a new 2013 Elantra GT and our insurance went down from $139 a month to $123 . I like that . Probably more to do with the fact that's it's a new car and both drivers are over 50 lol !!!

There are perks for us older folks! :) I never knew there was such an issue with Canadian roads. Don't you guys have laws for chains in snow? We do in California, but then the snow is only in the mountains. It never snows in major populated areas in California. My 23 year old Mercedes has ABS too. It literally "pumps" the brakes and stops spin on the opposite wheels when slip is detected. That Elantra is a great and sexy looking car! Congrats. Too many new drivers have no idea how to use or understand the tech in their cars. Show your daughter all your tricks!


Well Known GateFan
Welcome to the suck club. :( I have suffered from them since age 18. Illiterati gets them too (not sure if Ape said he does as well?). Nobody who has not had one can imagine the excruciating, debilitating pain one gets from a migraine. You cant even describe it. I dont know what the laws are in Canada regarding medical marijuana, but if your Imitrex stops working (I assume that is what you take which is Sumatripan), the marijuana will prevent the migraine from even happening. I dont know if you get a warning aura or not like I do. Illiterati has her service dog to warn her since she does not get the aura.

Yes, I get migraines still. Imitrex stopped working awhile back and my insurance doesn't cover Maxalt so I've resorted to just relying on magnesium which does a great job compared to the RX medications. Seriously, magnesium is great stuff!

And you're spot on about people not understanding if they've never had migraines before. They have no clue. They actually think some regular aspirin can help. :rolleyes:

There are perks for us older folks! :) I never knew there was such an issue with Canadian roads. Don't you guys have laws for chains in snow? We do in California, but then the snow is only in the mountains. It never snows in major populated areas in California. My 23 year old Mercedes has ABS too. It literally "pumps" the brakes and stops spin on the opposite wheels when slip is detected. That Elantra is a great and sexy looking car! Congrats. Too many new drivers have no idea how to use or understand the tech in their cars. Show your daughter all your tricks!

Here in Wisconsin it's pretty much the same as Tripler described. Used to be a time here when people knew how to drive in all weather conditions but something has changed over the years and now people aren't being taught the basics of driving in this kind of climate. I blame the development of front-wheel drive as the causative factor. :anim_59: (You learn real fast how to handle a car in this climate when you're driving a '78 Firebird with mag wheels and rear-wheel drive. :anim_59:)