So how was your day?


Well Known GateFan
I'm not too tech savvy but there's a chance that "Maggie's Cleaners" isn't the real origination of the scam. I'm sure it's possible to cover one's tracks if you're smart enough to hack into a system like PayPal. Then again, you never know.

probably one of her "geek" employees trying to get enough to buy materials to buy the latest gadget :rolleye0014:


The Belle of the Ball
Dang! Freezing my ascot off here! Indianapolis boasted a temp of -15 this am! too freaking damn cold! OMG it is horrible- the wind chill is what is so bad! I was raised in the mountains of maine (yes ski country we will NOT discuss my ski-bunny days!) and spent 6 years in Utah and I have NEVER been colder in my life than i have been in indiana! BRING ON THE GLOBALWARMING PLEEEEAAASE!!!


Sinister Swede
I feel your pain. Just last week the temperature dropped to -31°C over here (-24°F). I seriously cannot wait for this goddamn winter to end.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Im home sick today. :( Feeling nausea and headache, going to the bathroom every 10 minutes it seems.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Dang! Freezing my ascot off here! Indianapolis boasted a temp of -15 this am! too freaking damn cold! OMG it is horrible- the wind chill is what is so bad! I was raised in the mountains of maine (yes ski country we will NOT discuss my ski-bunny days!) and spent 6 years in Utah and I have NEVER been colder in my life than i have been in indiana! BRING ON THE GLOBALWARMING PLEEEEAAASE!!!

Yeah, I hear ya! It's cold here, too, today. It's down to a whopping 78F with a cool breeze. I had to close the door to the terrace a little to minimize the breeze. It was touch and go for a bit but, other than a few leaves blowing by, looks like we're all going to pull through.
--- merged: Jan 22, 2013 at 11:52 AM ---
I woulda easily swapped that for the 43c we had ESA :(

43C is too much? Wuss. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, I hear ya! It's cold here, too, today. It's down to a whopping 78F with a cool breeze. I had to close the door to the terrace a little to minimize the breeze. It was touch and go for a bit but, other than a few leaves blowing by, looks like we're all going to pull through.
--- merged: Jan 22, 2013 7:52 PM ---

43C is too much? Wuss. :icon_lol:

No, but I would have hated to be in QLD where it was over 50c.

I just don't like crazy heat Bluce, I would far prefer crazy cold because its generally easier to warm up than cool down :)


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, I hear ya! It's cold here, too, today. It's down to a whopping 78F with a cool breeze. I had to close the door to the terrace a little to minimize the breeze. It was touch and go for a bit but, other than a few leaves blowing by, looks like we're all going to pull through.

:zelenkaanime17: *Note to self: Write congressman to remind him to do something about shortening work visas for Canadian citizens.
--- merged: Jan 23, 2013 5:37 AM ---
I just don't like crazy heat Bluce, I would far prefer crazy cold because its generally easier to warm up than cool down :)

I'm sorry but this is just plain crazy talk. I am sooooo sending Mel Gibson to live in your house. You deserve nothing less for making such a mentally seditious statement.

Better to be cold than hot, bah! :daniel01:

(P.S. It was -10 here today. Wind chill made it even worse. We have to go out 15 minutes early to run our cars to heat them up before driving anywhere. The only up-side to such an insane clime is the fact that it doesn't snow when it's this cold.)


Well Known GateFan
shavedape said:
I'm sorry but this is just plain crazy talk. I am sooooo sending Mel Gibson to live in your house. You deserve nothing less for making such a mentally seditious statement.

Better to be cold than hot, bah! :daniel01:
Name me 5 good ways to warm up in the cold
Name me 5 good ways to chill out in the heat.
Got that list?
Which list is more fun? :D

(P.S. It was -10 here today. Wind chill made it even worse. We have to go out 15 minutes early to run our cars to heat them up before driving anywhere. The only up-side to such an insane clime is the fact that it doesn't snow when it's this cold.)
Eat a bag of concrete and harden the F up shaved :P


Well Known GateFan
Name me 5 good ways to warm up in the cold
Name me 5 good ways to chill out in the heat.
Got that list?
Which list is more fun? :D

Eat a bag of concrete and harden the F up shaved :P

today it was colder in NC PA without wind chill then in fargo nd.

so GF, are those fires dealt with yet? Hope you weren't affected by them


Well Known GateFan
today it was colder in NC PA without wind chill then in fargo nd.

so GF, are those fires dealt with yet? Hope you weren't affected by them
Nope, despite the swing in temps from 20-40 on a seemingly daily basis, some of the fires are still out of control, not helped of course by the plethora of toss-stains that think lighting fires is catastrophic conditions is a "fun" thing" (AFAIC, arson like this should still carry the death penalty, and I don't give a rats arse about age)

I'm far enough away from the front lines where I am Yong, one advantage of a huge urban sprawl is that it is relatively hard for fires to cause mass area damage.


Sinister Swede
(P.S. It was -10 here today. Wind chill made it even worse. We have to go out 15 minutes early to run our cars to heat them up before driving anywhere. The only up-side to such an insane clime is the fact that it doesn't snow when it's this cold.)

You know, there are these marvelous little things called block heaters. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
No, but I would have hated to be in QLD where it was over 50c.

I just don't like crazy heat Bluce, I would far prefer crazy cold because its generally easier to warm up than cool down :)

Take it from someone who's lived through -40C winters. It's not and your options are limited.

To cool down in hot summer weather you can go inside with a/c, go to the mall, go to the beach, drive around with a/c among other things. In extreme cold, you can stay home. That's about it. If you go out, you risk engine freeze if parked outside for more than an hour, provided you actually got there safe without skidding out of control on invisible ice, then you're stuck wherever you are until help comes.


The Belle of the Ball
Yeah, I hear ya! It's cold here, too, today. It's down to a whopping 78F with a cool breeze. I had to close the door to the terrace a little to minimize the breeze. It was touch and go for a bit but, other than a few leaves blowing by, looks like we're all going to pull through.
--- merged: Jan 22, 2013 7:52 PM ---

43C is too much? Wuss. :icon_lol:

I hate you kiddo! too damn cold here! :P


Well Known GateFan
Nope, despite the swing in temps from 20-40 on a seemingly daily basis, some of the fires are still out of control, not helped of course by the plethora of toss-stains that think lighting fires is catastrophic conditions is a "fun" thing" (AFAIC, arson like this should still carry the death penalty, and I don't give a rats arse about age)

I'm far enough away from the front lines where I am Yong, one advantage of a huge urban sprawl is that it is relatively hard for fires to cause mass area damage.

don't give syfy any ideas about concrete and steel sprawl stopping the fire; i am sure they have a movie planned to disprove that

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Its even cold in CA. Colder than any time I can remember in tha last 20 years or so.


Well Known GateFan
Name me 5 good ways to warm up in the cold
Name me 5 good ways to chill out in the heat.
Got that list?
Which list is more fun? :D

Eat a bag of concrete and harden the F up shaved :P

May a Great White mysteriously appear in your backyard pool. :tyrannosaurus:

As for warming up in the cold, I don't understand WTF you're babbling about. There's no way to get warm, none! Fear not though as I've already begun to plan my move to warmer climes before next winter. No, not Australia. Hell, even I have standards. ;)


Well Known GateFan
May a Great White mysteriously appear in your backyard pool. :tyrannosaurus:
If only I had a pool........... :( :P

As for warming up in the cold, I don't understand WTF you're babbling about. There's no way to get warm, none! Fear not though as I've already begun to plan my move to warmer climes before next winter. No, not Australia. Hell, even I have standards. ;)
We wouldn't take you anyway shaved, we have standards too :P


Well Known GateFan
If only I had a pool........... :( :P

We wouldn't take you anyway shaved, we have standards too :P

Here ya go. Take this crazy POS back cuz we are more than through with this SOB that's nuttier than squirrel poop!
