So how was your day?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


Objects may be closer than they appear


Well Known GateFan
more evidence of the decline of american society, education specifically. I was just at a Dr's appointment and had to chime in on a waiting room conversation when two people, adults, were talking about TV and SPARTACUS. Long to short, they thought that Spartacus is a total work of fiction. When I told them that no, these things happenned, he was a gladiator, led a revolt and I know the ending. The both replied that it couldn't be real because of the level of violence and base cruelty showed to slaves. I told them that while much is made up for the purposes of good TV, the Romans did indeed treat their slaves that bad and often worse. They were skeptical and were of the belief that only in America did slavery reach to these cruelties.
Oh, well, let the idiots go on their merry way:icon_e_sad:


The Belle of the Ball
Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it!

more evidence of the decline of american society, education specifically. I was just at a Dr's appointment and had to chime in on a waiting room conversation when two people, adults, were talking about TV and SPARTACUS. Long to short, they thought that Spartacus is a total work of fiction. When I told them that no, these things happenned, he was a gladiator, led a revolt and I know the ending. The both replied that it couldn't be real because of the level of violence and base cruelty showed to slaves. I told them that while much is made up for the purposes of good TV, the Romans did indeed treat their slaves that bad and often worse. They were skeptical and were of the belief that only in America did slavery reach to these cruelties.
Oh, well, let the idiots go on their merry way:icon_e_sad:

ahhh the benefits of the modern American Education system! No one did anything to any one near as bad as Americans have done to others! :ori: stinks doesn't it! now the little darlins will go home and go to wiki and see if there is something they don't know! :icon_e_surprised: I always am amazed at how ignorant of history people are today!


Well Known GateFan
America became the last vestige of slavery (for the most part) but it wouldn't have even appeared there if there hadn't been a existing slave trade.

The only reason slaves became more popular than servants is due to the price of the former plummeting. Plus the only reason African-Americans were used over other ethnic groups is due to their reliance to the heat, at least it appeared that way in the eyes of those who bought them. Given how deep rooted the slave system became, especially in the South, I always find it amazing that its origins were mainly economical and, in a sense, practical.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
America became the last vestige of slavery (for the most part) but it wouldn't have even appeared there if there hadn't been a existing slave trade.

The only reason slaves became more popular than servants is due to the price of the former plummeting. Plus the only reason African-Americans were used over other ethnic groups is due to their reliance to the heat, at least it appeared that way in the eyes of those who bought them. Given how deep rooted the slave system became, especially in the South, I always find it amazing that its origins were mainly economical and, in a sense, practical.

LOL, I find it amusing, given that I have no connection emotionally or culturally to those slaves, that Europeans needed servants or slaves to begin with. I cannot connect with a need to have somebody dress me, bathe me, bring me everything and prepare all my meals and raise my children. Today, I think living such a way could be considered lazy and slothful? Only invalids are treated in this fashion today. I wonder what sort of mental acrobatics were needed to make the slave owners feel comfortable exploiting those people.


The Belle of the Ball
my two cents

LOL, I find it amusing, given that I have no connection emotionally or culturally to those slaves, that Europeans needed servants or slaves to begin with. I cannot connect with a need to have somebody dress me, bathe me, bring me everything and prepare all my meals and raise my children. Today, I think living such a way could be considered lazy and slothful? Only invalids are treated in this fashion today. I wonder what sort of mental acrobatics were needed to make the slave owners feel comfortable exploiting those people.

the aristocratic classes of europe felt that the less you did for yourself the more important you were. whereas the pilgrims arrived for religious freedom, the people of jamestown (for example) were younger sons of aristocratic families seeking to make their fortunes so they could live as their fathers did. even now when you look at people like England's royal family it's a "scandal" that the Duchess of Cambridge has no ladies in waiting and she and Prince William employ no servants in their private home.

there's a reason that Jefferson, Madison, Washington, et al were called "Southern aristocrats" by the likes of John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. ;) even the wealthiest man in Boston (John Hancock) had no personal slaves to attend his needs (his uncle had but these were freed under the terms of his uncle's will).

In an aside to today's world- the Romney family only employs a few servants (2 to 3 per house) to handle the housekeeping and cooking in their various homes because of Ann Romney's Multiple Sclerosis. When I knew the Romney's, they lived in a very middle class house which was decorated (according to Ann Romney) in "early mother-in law". Mitt Romney was a very involved dad who makes a mean blueberry pancake. Despite his business (he was working with Bain Capital at this time) he made the time to personally take care of his family! It impressed me at the time and I have not seen any indication things changed.


Well Known GateFan
I might add that slavery in South America increasingly became about the agricultural economy relying on their use; not just racial hatred. No less appalling but it's why resistance to change was so deep rooted during and after the civil war.


Well Known GateFan
I'm against slavery...unless we're talking about enslaving the Dutch of course. ;)


The Belle of the Ball


My avatar speaks for itself.
I'm against slavery...unless we're talking about enslaving the Dutch of course. ;)
intrestingly enough im not.. :P
though everyone please note i dont give a frak about what color your skin is or what part of the world they are from...


intrestingly enough im not.. :P
though everyone please note i dont give a frak about what color your skin is or what part of the world they are from...
Especially the kind I mentioned, eh OMNI?:P


Well Known GateFan
something interesting in the news. this woman won a million dollars in a lottery...well actually, she took the lump sum so her winning went to 700,000, then taxes took her down to about 400,000 -government 'trickery' at work there. but any how, she is still collecting food stamps. her explanation is classic 'modern american' 'entitlement syndrome'. here is the link:


Objects may be closer than they appear
something interesting in the news. this woman won a million dollars in a lottery...well actually, she took the lump sum so her winning went to 700,000, then taxes took her down to about 400,000 -government 'trickery' at work there. but any how, she is still collecting food stamps. her explanation is classic 'modern american' 'entitlement syndrome'. here is the link:

My state is trying to put some basic asset tests in place for food stamps and some people are screaming bloody murder. With $400,000 she should be able to afford to train herself for a new profession and get off the government dole. :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
She actually claims to have two (2) homes. Talk about begging for a backlash. This chick really isn't the brightest bulb in the pack.


The Belle of the Ball
My state is trying to put some basic asset tests in place for food stamps and some people are screaming bloody murder. With $400,000 she should be able to afford to train herself for a new profession and get off the government dole. :facepalm:

it's the entitlement attitude among many of generation "Y".... combined with that horror of horrors "outcome based education" :facepalm: luckily Indiana already has basic asset tests for welfare benefits. :P it's a rotten state to live in if you are a college student counting on welfare to help. ;)

She actually claims to have two (2) homes. Talk about begging for a backlash. This chick really isn't the brightest bulb in the pack.
lol nope she isn't and I say if she had enough cash to buy a lottery ticket in the first place why in heck was she getting food stamps (or EBT as it's called here :P) ????


Sinister Swede
Ah, springtime in Sweden. Where you can experience the wonders of hail, rainstorms, and scorching sunshine, all within the span of 15 minutes. *sigh* Can't summer hurry up and get here already....