So how was your day?


The Belle of the Ball
don't forget the swedes gb! ;) JK JK of course! :D


Part of the problem, IMO, is that this country is far too driven on capitalism and capitalistic interests. Corporations are given priority over public safety and what's best for the American public. Somewhere down the line, the government has forgotten its job.

I really couldn't have said that any better myself. If people only knew and understood what was in the Act, they wouldn't so quick to praise it.

Watch out Bluce! Someone somewhere will soon start calling you a commie bastard. ;)

Well a stupid Doctor mistake will kill you in a heartbeat. Figuratively and literally. I know THIS for a fact.

Okay, so, you are no longer debating the merits of the ziplock bag? Give me another "stupid rule". The torch lighter I forgot was in my purse, could have blown up the plane. That was my dumb mistake. I am glad they caught it.

Unless you have special security clearance I am unaware of, there is no way for you to know that the Patriot Act has not aided law enforcement. You would not be told, that is the whole point of the act. The CIA also has done countless actions through the years that you and I have no knowledge of.

I am not saying the OK City Bombing was any less important or devasting. I am not comparing the size of the bombs or the amount dead or wounded.
I simply do not believe that the statement you made about the every video being propoganda. I also don't believe the Moon landing was faked or that Bush was behind 9/11. These are also theories that you can google about.

Over generalized? Fair enough. Let me clarify. These are thousands of people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria,Iran, and Iraq that want us dead.

Your torch lighter could have blown up the plane??? What the hell kind of torch lighter were you carrying around with you? Did it look anything like this...

View attachment 5862

i def agree with you there and over tha last 20 years or so my country has and is going down this path privatising EVERYTHING and letting corporations move in and run them AND make PROFIT on taxcpayer money.. wth is that? taxes are payed by the people to be used to the benifit of the people not venture capitalist corporations to make even more profit off of IMO. And yes corporations are given priority over us regular folk BC somewhere someone thought that constant growth and constantly maximising profit somehow makes it better for the common man? :facepalm:

this is why i hate the right and crap like the "trickle down theory" imo they dont giva a flying F about the common man or want to make life better for everyone they want to make their own wallets fatter and emply us common folk as slaves all for the benifit of their egos..

I agree brother. Capitalism is the enemy. It's useful for some things but harmful in the long run. Money is power and power corrupts.

Well, I don't have a beef with capitalism per se but when it comes to things like farming out airport security to private corporations, that gives me pause. They can talk all they want about how well trained their employees are, blah blah blah, but the truth be told they're going to be staffed by $10 an hour employees and we all know what that means. It's not like our bags and bodies are going to be getting checked by Quantico alumni that's for sure. This is where the capitalistic trait of cutting corners to save money just doesn't work. If the TSA is going to be a governmental policing force then is shouldn't be run like a private security firm for a shopping mall.

Lol. Indeed it shouldn't. A very good point you have there.


Does you actually know what the trickle down theory was OMNI? I don't believe that Bluce was debating that point. The trickle down theory put money into the average Joes hands in the US. Over several years time, hence the trickle, it was filtered back into our economy and our nation's coffers were filled. This point is not contested by even most liberals that I know of. Most Americans loved Reagan.


Watch out Bluce! Someone somewhere will soon start calling you a commie bastard. ;)

Your torch lighter could have blown up the plane??? What the hell kind of torch lighter were you carrying around with you? Did it look anything like this...

View attachment 5862

I agree brother. Capitalism is the enemy. It's useful for some things but harmful in the long run. Money is power and power corrupts.

Lol. Indeed it shouldn't. A very good point you have there.

The term /category "torch lighter" was true for any butane lighters. Although mine was small, it was still full of butane gas. The butane gas is highly flamable and thus a definite danger to the plane and it's passengers.


What tangent, you are discussing economic/political/religious theory in a thread called "how was your day?"
Sheesh :laughing:

You are discussing the works of Stephen King in a thread called "How was your day". You bad boy! ;)


OK time for "English" rant :P
English as a subject does NOT really exist to teach you language skills.
YES they are part of it, but it is NOT the main point. The main point of English (or whatever your native tongue is) is to teach you to not only communicate well (or within it's structures), but to encourage CRITICAL THINKING. In Oz , the ONLY compulsory subject is english, purely for that reason. You NEED to be able to see how "things" work. Math does not teach it, neither does history or geography, they deal in ABSOLUTES (well, theoretical absolutes) Language study generally encourages the student to think for themselves and formulate thier own conclusions. YES it must work within a "System" for marking purposes, but for everything else...............
Ahhhh, stopping now.

I have to disagree with you on this a little. In my experience during high-school, history was the class where we were encouraged to think about things more than any other class. Dutch class however seemed like nothing but a place and time for the teachers to talk endlessly about their hobby.


Well Known GateFan
Your torch lighter could have blown up the plane??? What the hell kind of torch lighter were you carrying around with you?

Torch lighters are high heat flames like 1100 degrees -- they are basically mini torches. They are used for lighting cigars because of the quickness. You can't light cigarettes with them. Since I don't smoke and never have I use one for lighting campfires when camping. Much better than matches.

I agree brother. Capitalism is the enemy. It's useful for some things but harmful in the long run. Money is power and power corrupts.


I'm not going to get into a discussion of how wrong you are here but suffice to say you are. Please don't make pronouncements on economic philosophy when you obviously aren't well versed in it. Das Kapital is hardly the economic treatise one should base their opinion on, especially since it's been disproved for over 100 years now.

I will say this: Money is not power, it's money, it's a tool of exchange that free men use in order to trade their goods and services freely. Can't say the same about your collectivist utopias now can you? :)


wow how serious of you :P :D

but its true those UK folk panic with an inch of snow close down schools airports etc its hillarious to hear about it on the news during winter.

also its funny that they dont have snow clearing gear like shovels and plows and stuff :P
my country is hardned we can handle up to -40C and 3meters of snow no problem no airports close no highways or roads and school is NEVER out bc of snow or weather here.. :)
i think i read something last year about an inch of snow some where in the southern US and they were closing schools and staying inside out of panic even tho the snow melted after an hour or so... PUSSIES!! :P

Indeed it's quite laughable. You know what's even more laughable? About two years ago it was on the news here that the Dutch railway company couldn't run around 80% of their trains on-schedule because there were too many leaves on the tracks. LEAVES ON THE TRACKS! Can you imagine? Just... just... just... :facepalm:

Crikey mate!!
Hang on, I've gotta wrangle a croc back home to babysit my kids!!
Gotta watch out for "drop bears" on the way however, my kangaroo likes to eat them for tucker.We are lucky "down south", our transport runs on roadkill :P

We have GOT to do those Crocodile Dundee movies in the rewatches mate!


That's more as a result of poor funding, too much traffic on the current tracks for the system to cope (seriously, we need some extensive modernization of our rail system), bad management, and the fact that since the railroads were deregulated and Banverket split from Statens Järnvägar and then SJ itself split into six different state owned companies in 2000, which led to nothing but communications problems. Go figure that there's a problem with the railways during the winter when the railway is owned by one company, the trains by another, and the people who are responsible for clearing the snow are employed by another. :facepalm:

The Majority of my country was not living in slums in either the 80's surplus or the 2001 time period. The majority of Americans are the middle class. The poor are the minority that is why in the past they have been left to slip through the cracks I have agreed that this is a horrible thing and don't approve of it. The true crying shame in my country is the disappearance of the middle class.

The structure of the few poor, many middle, and few rich is IMO how it should be. Currently the poor are still poor, but many of the majority of the middle class are getting closer to poor, and the rich are getting richer. The worst possible thing to happen to our nation would be have have only the poor and the rich. This would harken us back to the days where pure corruption runs rampant as the rich would strive to get even richer and the poor would never stand a chance.

This should at the very least show you that I do not find my nation without faults. All this being said I still love my country.

If there was a situation where there were many poor people and a few rich people it would fairly quickly lead to the poor people trying to beat the rich people to death with sticks while the rich people tried to mow down the poor people with mini-guns. It is the presence of the middle-class that keeps this from happening.


Torch lighters are high heat flames like 1100 degrees -- they are basically mini torches. They are used for lighting cigars because of the quickness. You can't light cigarettes with them. Since I don't smoke and never have I use one for lighting campfires when camping. Much better than matches.


I'm not going to get into a discussion of how wrong you are here but suffice to say you are. Please don't make pronouncements on economic philosophy when you obviously aren't well versed in it. Das Kapital is hardly the economic treatise one should base their opinion on, especially since it's been disproved for over 100 years now.

I will say this: Money is not power, it's money, it's a tool of exchange that free men use in order to trade their goods and services freely. Can't say the same about your collectivist utopias now can you? :)

Regarding the torch lighter..........Yes, you can.

This is pretty similar to the one I had and lit my super slim ciggarettes with. ;)Mine was only the torch part and not the side regular flame. My lighter shot the flame hot and fast and lit my smoke instantly.


Fine, then please explain why you can't agree with that statement.

My dear Ape. Please don't try to invoke argument where no need for it exists. ;)
Obviously you've misread your own post. You asked "who could disagree" with that quote and I replied by saying "I cannot". :)


Well Known GateFan
Regarding the torch lighter..........Yes, you can.

This is pretty similar to the one I had and lit my super slim ciggarettes with. ;)Mine was only the torch part and not the side regular flame. My lighter shot the flame hot and fast and lit my smoke instantly.

Well technically you can light cigarettes with torch lighters but if you're not very careful you can easily burn up a big chunk of it.


Well Known GateFan
My dear Ape. Please don't try to invoke argument where no need for it exists. ;)
Obviously you've misread your own post. You asked "who could disagree" with that quote and I replied by saying "I cannot". :)

Ah mon petite Dutch counterpart, thank you for clarifying that. I wasn't trying to invoke argument but rather assumed you were. How odd, eh? :D


The term /category "torch lighter" was true for any butane lighters. Although mine was small, it was still full of butane gas. The butane gas is highly flamable and thus a definite danger to the plane and it's passengers.


We are talking about a cigarette lighter right? I'm sure the explosion of such a device would be humungous and ofcourse it could be used to set fire to say a magazine or a chair and ofcourse there are no fire distinguishers on board of aircraft.


Torch lighters are high heat flames like 1100 degrees -- they are basically mini torches. They are used for lighting cigars because of the quickness. You can't light cigarettes with them. Since I don't smoke and never have I use one for lighting campfires when camping. Much better than matches.


I'm not going to get into a discussion of how wrong you are here but suffice to say you are. Please don't make pronouncements on economic philosophy when you obviously aren't well versed in it. Das Kapital is hardly the economic treatise one should base their opinion on, especially since it's been disproved for over 100 years now.

I will say this: Money is not power, it's money, it's a tool of exchange that free men use in order to trade their goods and services freely. Can't say the same about your collectivist utopias now can you? :)

Oh my dear god mr. Ape. Please make sure you take the medicine the doctors prescribe you before responding on any posts. You normally come across as such a well-thinking eloquent person. You just spoiled a bit of your reputation methinks.
Capitalism and money are two very different things. Obviously when I said money is power I was speaking metaphorically as anyone who has ever said "money is power" has ever done. Also one does not need to be well-versed in all the depths of economics to see what happens on a more global scale. Money is a means to aiding in trading goods, yes, obviously. But you know full well that people who manage to acquire lots of money tend to be more "powerful" than people who don't. Also people often seek power to achieve wealth or seek wealth to achieve power. The two are unmistakably connected and related.


Well technically you can light cigarettes with torch lighters but if you're not very careful you can easily burn up a big chunk of it.

It is now very obvious that you have never smoked. Though I don't hold that against you. In fact I salute you for that! Salute!


Ah mon petite Dutch counterpart, thank you for clarifying that. I wasn't trying to invoke argument but rather assumed you were. How odd, eh? :D

Invoking an argument?
Come now dear brother, who in their right mind could ever think me capable of such a thing!


So... How was my day???

Well, I spend a couple of hours reading up on all the stuff you've people been discussing on this thread and I am glad to report that now I'm finally done with it!

Now I can go relax by lying down buttnaked in the sauna for a while and forgetting all about this discussion.
I have no doubt that upon my return I shall find lots and lots of posts on this thread I'll have to weed through again. :P


Well technically you can light cigarettes with torch lighters but if you're not very careful you can easily burn up a big chunk of it.

I am aware of that, but I guess I was higly skiiled at it. My cigarettes were just fine, you just put the tip up to it and suck in at the same time. Not very difficult.:P :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
Oh my dear god mr. Ape. Please make sure you take the medicine the doctors prescribe you before responding on any posts. You normally come across as such a well-thinking eloquent person. You just spoiled a bit of your reputation methinks.
Capitalism and money are two very different things. Obviously when I said money is power I was speaking metaphorically as anyone who has ever said "money is power" has ever done. Also one does not need to be well-versed in all the depths of economics to see what happens on a more global scale. Money is a means to aiding in trading goods, yes, obviously. But you know full well that people who manage to acquire lots of money tend to be more "powerful" than people who don't. Also people often seek power to achieve wealth or seek wealth to achieve power. The two are unmistakably connected and related.

I never said money wasn't a component of power, I said by its nature it is simply a tool of free, honest trade. You were the one who heavily implied that money was evil because power (in your mind) is always evil and you tied the two together. Granted power is often abused, but that isn't because of the corrupting influence of money, it's because people are often weak and immoral. Money as such has no innate power to do anything, it's money, it's paper and metal, it is, in effect, benign.

Your exact words were: "Money is power and power corrupts". How silly. Money doesn't corrupt and neither does power, rather, it's simply weak ethics and a lack of personal morality that allows one to be evil. Please stop ascribing some sort of mystical power to money when none exists.

Now calm down and go pour yourself a good Dutch beer...if you can find one. ;)