So how was your day?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


We're gonna watch SGA season 1 episode 2 in less than 2 minutes. Please join us. :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
That's more as a result of poor funding, too much traffic on the current tracks for the system to cope (seriously, we need some extensive modernization of our rail system), bad management, and the fact that since the railroads were deregulated and Banverket split from Statens Järnvägar and then SJ itself split into six different state owned companies in 2000, which led to nothing but communications problems. Go figure that there's a problem with the railways during the winter when the railway is owned by one company, the trains by another, and the people who are responsible for clearing the snow are employed by another. :facepalm:
i agree with all that.


If there's a repeat of last year with London Heathrow Airport this winter, I will personally begin a campaign to get the CEO of BAA who owns the airport, fired.

(I have to reply to ya this cos the mobile skin won't allow me to reply and quote ur original msg for some reason, must get OM1 look into it.)
lol cant wait to see it :D
and ok! well atleast the @omni is very noticable.

Mega greenage for you my friend!
thanks you!

Do I detect some leftover hostility towards the men in blue? ;) Most police officers aren't bad man. There's a couple of rotten apples to be sure. Same is true for any other part of government.
oh yes you do ;) and well from my personal experience they are all bastards!! shakes fist in air**


My avatar speaks for itself.
Watch out Bluce! Someone somewhere will soon start calling you a commie bastard. ;)

I agree brother. Capitalism is the enemy. It's useful for some things but harmful in the long run. Money is power and power corrupts.
while i do agree with you to a point i also realise that there isnt a functioning replacement for capitalism and i must admit it has corrupted me already :)

and i do ot agree with apes replys to your statement stone as money IS power and power does corrupt imo this is a human nature thing and we should just accept it. and NO ape there is no such thing as "GOOD" or "EVIL" both are human concepts and does not exist in nature.

Indeed it's quite laughable. You know what's even more laughable? About two years ago it was on the news here that the Dutch railway company couldn't run around 80% of their trains on-schedule because there were too many leaves on the tracks. LEAVES ON THE TRACKS! Can you imagine? Just... just... just... :facepalm:

We have GOT to do those Crocodile Dundee movies in the rewatches mate!
oh i know all about leaves on the tracks man we had the same thing happened when i lived in stockholm and the subways and comutertrains wernt running for that exact reason so def :facepalm:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Hot damn this topic took off ahain while i slept... anyway if ive forgotten to reply to something aimed at me please let me know as right now im suffering tired eyes and mushy brain syndrome. i need some morning coke...


Well Known GateFan
Hot damn this topic took off ahain while i slept... anyway if ive forgotten to reply to something aimed at me please let me know as right now im suffering tired eyes and mushy brain syndrome. i need some morning coke...

Are we back to discussing SK again?? :P


Well Known GateFan
Drinking whisky on the rocks is heresy to me! I expect the same to be true for whiskey. ;) I'm also not fond of the idea of putting a lemon twist in it.

So does Bourbon come in variously aged varieties? Like for instance 5 years aged Makers Mark and 10 years aged Makers Mark etc.

What does an average bottle of those brands you mentioned cost? I'm assuming the bottles are 70cl. I dunno the American/Imperial measurement that equates to unfortunately.

Oh geez, well, they all cost different. My bottle of Blantons I think cost about double what I would pay for Makers Mark but this was a few years back so I can't recall exactly. I just know Blantons is costly enough to make me pause. Makers Mark keeps going up in price I've noticed which sucks. Basically it's right around $27 for a 750 ml. There are like 4 or 5 sizes though so I don't recall what all the others cost.

As for their different blends, well, Makers Mark has only had the original 6 year aged stuff I believe. They just came out with something new called "46" but I don't know much about it. I'm an "ambassador" for them which basically means I'm on their email list so they sent me some blurb about it. They do send goofy gifts in the mail a couple times a year like cheap drink coasters. They're a good company and I've been meaning to take a tour of the distillery.

There are other brands that have various levels of aged bourbon but probably not as many as scotch labels do. I'd start with Makers Mark to see how you like it before spending a lot on a bottle of something aged longer.

And I apologize for making the frilly cocktail suggestions but you just struck me as the type that would enjoy that sort of stuff.


Oh geez, well, they all cost different. My bottle of Blantons I think cost about double what I would pay for Makers Mark but this was a few years back so I can't recall exactly. I just know Blantons is costly enough to make me pause. Makers Mark keeps going up in price I've noticed which sucks. Basically it's right around $27 for a 750 ml. There are like 4 or 5 sizes though so I don't recall what all the others cost.

As for their different blends, well, Makers Mark has only had the original 6 year aged stuff I believe. They just came out with something new called "46" but I don't know much about it. I'm an "ambassador" for them which basically means I'm on their email list so they sent me some blurb about it. They do send goofy gifts in the mail a couple times a year like cheap drink coasters. They're a good company and I've been meaning to take a tour of the distillery.

There are other brands that have various levels of aged bourbon but probably not as many as scotch labels do. I'd start with Makers Mark to see how you like it before spending a lot on a bottle of something aged longer.

I'll try to look for it around here.

And I apologize for making the frilly cocktail suggestions but you just struck me as the type that would enjoy that sort of stuff.

Good save. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Oh geez, well, they all cost different. My bottle of Blantons I think cost about double what I would pay for Makers Mark but this was a few years back so I can't recall exactly. I just know Blantons is costly enough to make me pause. Makers Mark keeps going up in price I've noticed which sucks. Basically it's right around $27 for a 750 ml. There are like 4 or 5 sizes though so I don't recall what all the others cost.

As for their different blends, well, Makers Mark has only had the original 6 year aged stuff I believe. They just came out with something new called "46" but I don't know much about it. I'm an "ambassador" for them which basically means I'm on their email list so they sent me some blurb about it. They do send goofy gifts in the mail a couple times a year like cheap drink coasters. They're a good company and I've been meaning to take a tour of the distillery.

There are other brands that have various levels of aged bourbon but probably not as many as scotch labels do. I'd start with Makers Mark to see how you like it before spending a lot on a bottle of something aged longer.

And I apologize for making the frilly cocktail suggestions but you just struck me as the type that would enjoy that sort of stuff.

Makers Mark is the best "everyday priced" bourbon around IMHO. If you are really into your bourbons though (I'm not, but hey) Try Bookers or Knob Creek (as you already suggested Shaved) There is another one but I cannot recall it that make up the "Trio" of Beam "small batch" bourbons. Other nice ones are Jack and Gentleman Jack, Wild turkey (and Rare Breed) Wild Turkey also produce a liquer version with honey which is REALLY nice as well.